「powdered gold」を含む例文一覧(7)

  • powdered gold
    金の粉 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • It is a gorgeous lacquered ihai decorated with gold leaf, chinkin (engraved design with gold leaf or powdered gold filled in grooves), or makie (design created by sprinkling gold or silver powder on the picture drawn with lacquer).
    漆塗りに金箔・沈金・蒔絵が施されるなど立派な物が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ennin gave two ryo of powdered gold and a waist cord with osakaite to Shun-yin LAU.
    円仁は劉慎言に沙金弐両と大坂腰帯を贈っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Tea making utensils changed from those of simple and quiet understated elegance in the past to, for example, natsume (a powdered tea container) of opulent gold-relief lacquer ware and tea making utensils continued to become more extravagant and conspicuous with time from then onward to the present day.
    茶道具もそれまでの侘びた目に立たないものから、例えば華やかな蒔絵の棗など、これ以降現代に時代を下れば下るほど派手で、目立つものになってゆく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • And the article says that ome (the weight standard that set 200 monme equal to 1 kin) was used for weighing powdered calcium carbonate, a lump of pewter, copper, and iron, floss silk red (絲綿紅), and sappan wood red, and it also says that kome (the weight standard smaller than the usual one) was used for weighing gold, silver, crystal, Radix Aristolochiae (a kind of herbal medicine), lapis lazuli, malachite, and pottery.
    そこには、胡粉、白鑞(しろめ)、銅鉄、絲綿紅、蘇芳は大目を用い、金銀、水晶、青木香、ラピスラズリ、緑青、陶器は小目を用いる、とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The scabbard are lacquered using techniques including 'ishime-nuri' (powdered lacquer surface to produce a coarse finish), and 'tataki-nuri' (semigloss uneven coating) to obtain a non-slip effect, 'ro-nuri' (gleaming lacquer finish), and highly ornate 'kinpun-chirashi' (sprinkling of gold powder), 'aogai-chirashi' (sprinkling of mother-of-pearl), 'kin-makie' (gold lacquer), 'scabbard covered with scraped shark skin,' 'xx kizami' (inro-kizami, grooved line patterns), and rare techniques using 'leather' or 'scales.'
    鞘の塗りには、滑り止めの効果を狙った「石目塗り」「叩き塗り」、凹凸の無い「呂塗り」(ツヤ塗り)、高い装飾性をもつ象嵌の「金粉散らし」「青貝散らし」「金蒔絵」「鮫皮研ぎ出し鞘」、滑り止め効果と装飾性をあわせもつ「~分刻み」(印籠刻み)などがあり、「革」や「鱗」を使った特殊なものもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A solution of powdered mica powder is applied to the paper, which is then decorated using a marbling technique, with grains, slices and pieces of gold or silver leaf randomly sprinkled over each ryoshi, and on such highly decorated paper, elegant Fuzokuga (pictures of manners and customs) in the Yamato-e style were hand painted in deep colors and then sutras written.
    料紙はいずれも雲母(きら)を引き、墨流しや金銀の切箔(きりはく)、野毛、砂子(すなご)などを散らしてきわめて多様に意匠をこらしたもので、そこに濃彩の優美な大和絵風俗画を手彩色の下絵として描き、その上に経文を書写する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
