「regular income」を含む例文一覧(34)

  • a regular income
    定収入. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • He has no regular income.
    きまった収入が無い - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • He has no regular income.
    定まった収入が無い - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • He has no regular income upon which to depend.
    彼には頼りとすることのできる定収入がない. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • income from capital investment paid in a series of regular payments
    投資金から定期的に支払われる所得 - 日本語WordNet
  • It is difficult for him to support his family without a regular income.
    彼には定収入がないので家族を養っていくのがむずかしい. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • a financial institution that collects regular contributions from employers to provide retirement income for employees
    従業員に退職年金を与えるために、雇用者から一定の分担金を集める金融機関 - 日本語WordNet
  • Furthermore, the increase in low-income non-regular workers in the labor market has become a significant social problem16.
    さらに、労働市場における低所得の非正規労働者の増加も大きな社会問題となっている。 - 経済産業省
  • Due to an increase in non-regular employment workers, income of the generation in the middle of parenting has decreased.
    非正規雇用の労働者の増加等により、子育て世代の収入は減少。 - 厚生労働省
  • When looking at the spread of annual income between regular and part-time employees and the spread by occupations, the share of regular professional and technical workers with an annual income of 5 million yen or more is increasing, and the share of part-time employees engaged in services, sales, and clerical works in an annual income bracket of 1.0 to 1.49 million yen is increasing (Figure 20).
    正社員・パート別及び職種別にみると、正社員は500万円以上の専門的・技術的職業従事者等で割合の上昇がみられ、パートは100~149万円層を中心にサービス職業従事者、販売従事者、事務従事者等で割合が高まっている(第20図)。 - 厚生労働省
  • While non-principal household income earners, students, and elderly persons make up aconsiderable portion of the non-regular employees, the number of non-regular employees who are also theprincipal household income earners (income earners of the households with relatively low household income;excluding students and elderly persons aged 60 or older) was estimated as 1 .492 million persons (which accountedfor 2.9% of all employees excluding executives) .
    非正規雇用労働者の中には、世帯の主たる稼ぎ手でない者や在学中の者、高齢者も多いが、世帯所得の相対的に低い世帯に属する主たる稼ぎ手の非正規雇用労働者(在学中の者や60歳以上の高齢者を除く)を試算すると、約14 9.2万人(役員を除く雇用者全体の2.9%)と推計される。 - 厚生労働省
  • Among the young generation, the share of non-regular employees has increased and there has been a trend toward wider income disparities among workers.
    若年層では、正規従業員以外の雇用者割合が上昇しており、雇用者所得の格差の拡大の動きが見られた。 - 厚生労働省
  • Workers engaged in such types of employment earn less income compared with regular employees (Chart 2-2-3).
    これらの就業形態は、正規の職員・従業員に比べて、相対的に収入が低くなっている(図表2-2-3)。 - 厚生労働省
  • (i) The rehabilitation debtor is not likely to receive salary or earn similar regular income, or the amount of such salary or income is expected to fluctuate within a small range.
    一 再生債務者が、給与又はこれに類する定期的な収入を得る見込みがある者に該当しないか、又はその額の変動の幅が小さいと見込まれる者に該当しないこと。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (iv) Where the rehabilitation debtor does not receive salary or earn similar regular income, or the range of fluctuation in the amount of such salary or income is not expected to be small.
    四 再生債務者が、給与又はこれに類する定期的な収入を得ている者に該当しないか、又はその額の変動の幅が小さいと見込まれる者に該当しないとき。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (b) Where the rehabilitation debtor, at a certain time within two years prior to the submission of the proposed rehabilitation plan, has started to receive salary or earn similar regular income which is expected to fluctuate within a small range (excluding one who falls under the case set forth in (a)): The amount obtained by deducting, from the total income earned during the period from when he/she started to receive salary or earn similar regular income which is expected to fluctuate within a small range, until the proposed rehabilitation plan was submitted, the amount of income tax, etc. imposed on such total amount, as converted into the amount per year
    ロ 再生債務者が再生計画案の提出前二年間の途中で、給与又はこれに類する定期的な収入を得ている者でその額の変動の幅が小さいと見込まれるものに該当することとなった場合(イに掲げる区分に該当する場合を除く。) 給与又はこれに類する定期的な収入を得ている者でその額の変動の幅が小さいと見込まれるものに該当することとなった時から再生計画案を提出した時までの間の収入の合計額からこれに対する所得税等に相当する額を控除した額を一年間当たりの額に換算した額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (2) Only those natural persons are entitled to exemption and deferment who can certify that their income (wage, pension, other regular financial allowance) does not exceed the standard prescribed lowest wage (minimal wage) and have no assets other than what is necessary for subsistence and furnishing. Exemption shall be granted to any person who receives a regular social aid, without verifying his income and financial standing.
    (2) 免除及び猶予を受ける権原を有するのは,自らの収入(賃金,年金,その他定期的な金融手当)が所定の最低水準賃金(最低賃金)に満たず,かつ,必要最低限の生活の糧及び家財以外の資産を有さないことを証明できる自然人のみである。定期的に生活保護を受けている者は,自らの収入及び金融状態を検証することなく,免除を受けられる。 - 特許庁
  • As long as young and unstable workers remain members of their parents' households, their low income levels have a limited impact on income disparity data. However, to prevent them from contributing to widening income disparities when they form independent households in the future, the government should continue to take measures to foster regular employment of freeters.
    若年不安定就業者が世帯内にとどまっている限りこれらの者の低い所得は所得格差に反映されにくいものの、今後、これらの者が独立した世帯を営むようになる際に所得格差の拡大につながることがないよう、引き続きフリーターの常用雇用化などに取り組むことが重要である。 - 厚生労働省
  • (5) If the applicant and the close relative living in one common household with him have an income not considered as work-related income or pension (e. g. scholarship, benefits related to education, provisions based on social insurance, unemployment allowance, other regular pecuniary benefits, withdrawal of business, letting out of real estate, interest income, exchange gain, dividend income), the postal certificate, bank account statement, cashier's certificate of these incomes or other documents suitable for certifying the income shall be attached.
    (5) 請求人及び世帯を一にする近親者に,働いて得た収入又は年金とみなされない収入(例えば,奨学金,教育関連の給付金,社会保障支給,失業手当,その他の定期的な金銭的給付,事業撤退,不動産賃貸,利子収入,為替利得,配当収入)がある場合は,郵便証明書,銀行口座明細書,出納係によるこれらの収入の証明書又は収入を証明するに相応しい他の書類を添付しなければならない。 - 特許庁
  • The Year 2013 Problem in Japan means that retired or jobless men who become 60 years old on or after April 2, 2013 won't have any regular income for a certain period of time as a result of the phased raise in the qualifying age for receiving Social Security.
    日本の2013年問題とは、2013年4月2日以降に60歳になる定年退職者であるか無職の男性が、年金受給資格の段階的引き上げの結果、一定期間定収入がなくなることを意味する。 - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • As a result, each temple lost the opportunities and necessity of propagation at the same time and gradually became content with the uneventful life just holding funerals and memorial services for the danka and gaining the regular income.
    このことにより、各寺院は布教の機会と必要を同時に無くし、自らの檀家の葬儀や法事を営み定期的に収入を得るばかりの、変化のない生活に安住するようになっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This was because, since the applicants for sakan (kokushi) and shisho (a person doing miscellaneous duties concerning documents) of the regular nenkan decreased, rinjikyu was devised to cope with the shortage of ninryo (fee for getting an official rank) income.
    これは正規の年官であった目(国司)や史生などへの応募者が減少したことにより、そこから上がる任料収入の不足に対応したものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • With regard to the young generation, the government should continue efforts to promote regular employment of freeters in order to prevent them from contributing to widening income disparities when they come to form independent households.
    若年層については、今後、これらの者が独立した世帯を 営むようになる際に所得格差の拡大につながることがないよう、引き続きフリーターの常用雇用化などに取り組むことが重要である。 - 厚生労働省
  • In the midst of the deteriorating employment/unemployment situation following the corruption of the so-called bubble economy, the share of non-regular workers with relatively low income has rapidly increased mainly among the young generation since the 1990s.
    バブル経済崩壊以降の雇用失業情勢の悪化の中で、1990年代以降、若年層を中心に、相対的に収入の低い正規従業員以外の雇用者の割合が急速に上昇している。 - 厚生労働省
  • Since the economic bubble burst, a severe employment situation has continued. The increase in non-regular workers in the younger generation has led to a decrease in income and destabilization of employment.
    バブル崩壊以降、厳しい経済雇用情勢が続いており、若年層における非正規労働者の増加は、雇用の不安定化や所得の減少をもたらしている。 - 厚生労働省
  • Article 239 (1) A debtor prescribed in Article 221(1), if he/she is likely to receive salary or earn similar regular income and the amount of such salary or income is expected to fluctuate within a small range, may request the implementation of rehabilitation proceedings subject to the special provisions prescribed in this Section (hereinafter referred to as "rehabilitation for salaried workers, etc.").
    第二百三十九条 第二百二十一条第一項に規定する債務者のうち、給与又はこれに類する定期的な収入を得る見込みがある者であって、かつ、その額の変動の幅が小さいと見込まれるものは、この節に規定する特則の適用を受ける再生手続(以下「給与所得者等再生」という。)を行うことを求めることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • (a) Where, with regard to the amount of the rehabilitation debtor's salary or similar regular income, reemployment or any other event that should cause a fluctuation amounting to not less than one-fifth of his/her annual income has occurred at a certain time within two years prior to the submission of the proposed rehabilitation plan: The amount obtained by deducting, from the total income earned during the period from when such event occurred until the proposed rehabilitation plan was submitted, the amount of income tax, prefectural inhabitants tax or Tokyo inhabitants tax on individuals, and municipal inhabitants tax or special ward inhabitants tax on individuals as well as social insurance premiums prescribed in Article 74(2) of the Income Tax Act (Act No. 33 of 1965) (referred to as "income tax, etc." in (b) and (c)) imposed on such total amount, as converted into the amount per year
    イ 再生債務者の給与又はこれに類する定期的な収入の額について、再生計画案の提出前二年間の途中で再就職その他の年収について五分の一以上の変動を生ずべき事由が生じた場合 当該事由が生じた時から再生計画案を提出した時までの間の収入の合計額からこれに対する所得税、個人の道府県民税又は都民税及び個人の市町村民税又は特別区民税並びに所得税法(昭和四十年法律第三十三号)第七十四条第二項に規定する社会保険料(ロ及びハにおいて「所得税等」という。)に相当する額を控除した額を一年間当たりの額に換算した額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • Conceivable factors behind this weakness in the income environment include: (1) weak upward pressure on wages in the labor market due to a historically high unemployment rate, despite its improvement during the present recovery phase; and (2) wages being pushed down by the emergence of a shift from regular employment to non-regular employment
    こうした所得環境の弱さの背景としては、①景気回復局面において失業率が改善したものの、歴史的に見ればなお高い水準にあり、労働市場での賃金上昇圧力が弱いこと、②正規雇用から非正規雇用への人員シフトが生じ、賃金の押し下げ要因として働いていること等の要因が考えられる。 - 経済産業省
  • Among the young generation, an increased number of employees receive low compensation due to the rise in the number of non-regular employees. There has been no significant improvement in the average annual income for mothers of fatherless families. These trends suggest a continuous need for employment support measures for such groups.
    若年層では正規従業員以外の雇用者の増加を背景に雇用者所得が低い者が増えており、また、母子家庭の母の年間平均収入額は大きな改善は見られておらず、こうした層に対する就労支援が引き続き重要である。 - 厚生労働省
  • To secure employment and income for the working generation, the government will take measures to stabilize and facilitate employment of the young generation (e.g., the Regular Employment Plan for Freeters, the Job Card system), improve treatment for part-time workers, and create a better work environment for dispatched employees. At the same time, the minimum wage system and other safety nets for workers will be enhanced in light of changes in the employment structure.
    現役期における就労と所得確保については、「フリーター常用雇用化プラン」や「ジョブ・カー ド制度」等の若年層の雇用の安定・促進を図る施策や、パートタイム労働者の待遇改善、派遣労働 者の就業環境の整備を行うとともに、最低賃金制度などの就業構造の変化等を踏まえた安全網の充 実を図ることとしている。 - 厚生労働省
  • From the companies' viewpoint of motivating employees and improving productivity through securing of humanresources and increasing their stability, and from the workers' viewpoint of developing careers of non-regular employeesand securing more stable employment, we need to facilitate "diversified ways of working" which will lead to theexpansion of employment and income through growth .
    ・企業にとっては従業員のモチベーション向上や人材の確保・定着を通じた生産性の向上、労働者にとっては非正規雇用労働者のキャリアアップ、より安定的な雇用といった観点から、「多様な働き方」の選択肢を整備し、成長を通じた雇用・所得の拡大につなげるべきである。 - 厚生労働省
  • (i) An alien who is a resident under a status of residence listed in the left-hand column of Appended Tables I (1), I (2) and I (5): activities related to the management of business involving income or activities for which he/she receives reward (except for rewards for lectures not given on a regular basis, incidental reward in daily life and other payments provided for by a Ministry of Justice ordinance; the same shall apply hereinafter), which are not included in those activities listed in the right-hand column of those tables corresponding to each status of residence.
    一 別表第一の一の表、二の表及び五の表の上欄の在留資格をもつて在留する者 当該在留資格に応じこれらの表の下欄に掲げる活動に属しない収入を伴う事業を運営する活動又は報酬(業として行うものではない講演に対する謝金、日常生活に伴う臨時の報酬その他の法務省令で定めるものを除く。以下同じ。)を受ける活動 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
  • From the companies' viewpoint of motivating employees and improving productivity through securing ofhuman resources and increasing their stability, and from the workers' viewpoint of developing careers ofnon-regular employees and securing more stable employment, we need to facilitate "diversified ways of working"and if the labour and management of each company achieves an appropriate combination of employees andemployment forms from the medium and long term viewpoint; we expect that these efforts will lead to expansionof employment and income based on growth .
    企業にとっては従業員のモチベーション向上や人材の確保・定着を通じた生産性の向上、労働者にとっては非正規雇用労働者のキャリアアップ、より安定的な雇用機会の確保といった観点から、「多様な働き方」の選択肢が整備されつつ、各企業の労使が中長期的な観点から最適な従業員・雇用の組み合わせを実現していくことが、成長を通じた雇用・所得の増大にもつながっていくものと考えられる。 - 厚生労働省
  • (2) An "Excessive Loan Contract for an Individual Customer" as provided in the preceding paragraph means a loan contract concluded with an Individual Customer (excluding Home Loan Contracts and other contracts specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Home Loan Contracts, etc.") and contracts for Revolving Credit Loans), under which the Total Borrowings of an Individual Customer pertaining to said Individual Customer (excluding the outstanding balance pertaining to a Home Loan Contract, etc.) exceed the Base Amount (meaning the amount obtained by dividing the total amount of said Individual Customer's annual salary and other regular income similar thereto as specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance by three; the same shall apply in paragraph (5) of the following Article) (excluding contracts specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as those that will not hinder the protection of the Individual Customer's interests).
    2 前項に規定する「個人過剰貸付契約」とは、個人顧客を相手方とする貸付けに係る契約(住宅資金貸付契約その他の内閣府令で定める契約(以下「住宅資金貸付契約等」という。)及び極度方式貸付けに係る契約を除く。)で、当該貸付けに係る契約を締結することにより、当該個人顧客に係る個人顧客合算額(住宅資金貸付契約等に係る貸付けの残高を除く。)が当該個人顧客に係る基準額(その年間の給与及びこれに類する定期的な収入の金額として内閣府令で定めるものを合算した額に三分の一を乗じて得た額をいう。次条第五項において同じ。)を超えることとなるもの(当該個人顧客の利益の保護に支障を生ずることがない契約として内閣府令で定めるものを除く。)をいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
