
  • unpleasant repercussions
    不快な影響 - 日本語WordNet
  • cause repercussions
    反響を引き起こす - 日本語WordNet
  • (1) Repercussions on short-term financial markets
    (1)短期金融市場への波及 - 金融庁
  • This affair has greatly affected [has had great repercussions in] the political world.
    この事件は政界に波及するところが大であった. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • his declaration had unforeseen repercussions
    彼の宣言は意外な影響を及ぼした - 日本語WordNet
  • a condition of a matter or an affair having repercussions
    物事の影響が跳ね返ってくること - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a condition of the effects of something being far reaching and having repercussions
    物事の影響が波及して元へ戻ること - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • the effect of wrong doings causing unpleasant repercussions
    悪行は悪い結果を生ずるということ - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • Experts talk of wide repercussions.
    専門家が幅広い影響について語る。 - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
  • 3. Repercussions to U.S. and European financial systems
    3.欧米金融システムへの波及 - 金融庁
  • the might have repercussions of unimaginable largeness
    その力は創造できないほどの大きな跳ね返りの力を持つ - 日本語WordNet
  • Many farmers followed Oshio, and the uprising spread repercussions in other regions, which gave a great shock to the shogunate government and domains.
    大塩に従った農民も多く、地方にも飛び火して幕府や諸藩に大きな衝撃を与えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Thus, the macroeconomic repercussions of this deleveraging in the global context are a matter of concern.
    このような形でデレバレッジが進み、そのマクロ的な影響が世界に及ぶことが懸念されている。 - 財務省
  • In the United States, it seems that the rapid negative repercussions directly after the end of the support policy have settled down after entering 2010.
    米国では、終了直後の急激な反動減は、2010年に入って収まったように見受けられる。 - 経済産業省
  • Using -fomit-frame-pointer (which doesn't keep the frame pointer in a register for functions that don't need one) might have serious repercussions on the debugging of applications.
    -fomit-frame-pointer(必要ない関数に対するレジスタ内のフレームポインタを保持しません)を使うと、アプリケーションのデバッグが非常に困難になります。 - Gentoo Linux
  • As this rebellion had repercussions in various regions in Harima Province, Hideyoshi had to attack Miki-jo Castle occupied by the Bessho clan before he could turn his attention to anything else (the Battle of Miki).
    さらに播磨国内の各地へも飛び火したため、秀吉は別所氏の三木城への攻撃優先を強いられてしまう(三木合戦)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As repercussions for this incident, the direct descendant family of the Taira clan, which had nothing to do with the incident, ended up breaking off.
    この事件のとばっちりを受ける形で、無関係であった平家一門の嫡流は断絶することとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is essential that we pay attention to the future trends in commodity prices and their repercussions on prices in each country.
    今後の商品価格の動向と各国における物価への波及の動向には留意する必要がある。 - 経済産業省
  • On the other hand, in Germany sales of new automobiles in February 2010 stood at 190,000 (30% drop compared to the previous year) and the negative repercussions are just moving into full swing.
    一方、ドイツでは、2010年2月の新車販売台数が19万台(前年同月比30%減)と、反動減が本格化している。 - 経済産業省
  • If this occurs, there will also be great repercussions for the overseas companies and financial institutions that provided funds to these governments and private sectors.
    その場合、これまで当該国の政府や民間部門に資金を提供してきた海外の企業や金融機関も大きな影響を受けることとなる。 - 経済産業省
  • Even in districts without direct earthquake damage, production or economic activities have stagnated, bringing about extensive repercussions to corporations at home and abroad.
    直接的な被害の無かった地域においても、生産や経済活動に支障をきたし、広く国内外の企業に影響が波及した。 - 経済産業省
  • Using -fomit-frame-pointer (which doesn't keep the frame pointer in aregister for functions that don't need one) might have serious repercussions onthe debugging of applications.
    これは生成されるコードには影響しません。 -fomit-frame-pointer(必要ない関数に対するレジスタ内のフレームポインタを保持しません)を使うと、アプリケーションのデバッグが非常に困難になります。 - Gentoo Linux
  • The first domestic dissection proved how accurate books of western medicine were, causing repercussions in Japanese medical circles and giving the chance for Genpaku to doubt the traditionally-supported Chinese theory that a human body consisted of five viscera (liver, lungs, heart, kidney and spleen) and six bowels (small intestine, large intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder, stomach and san jiao).
    国内初の人体解剖は蘭書の正確性を証明し、日本の医学界に波紋を投げかけるとともに、玄白が五臓六腑説への疑問を抱くきっかけとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, Katsura, who regarded the situation as an opportunity for him to return to the government, and the Satsuma clique, which had been swept away from power during the Kei-En era, set out to take advantage of this situation and obliged Uehara (the minister of army) to take the hard line, provoking serious repercussions.
    だが、これを政権復帰の好機と見た桂・「桂園時代」により政権から遠ざかっていた薩摩閥両者の思惑が上原を強硬な態度へ導いたことで大きな問題となったのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The face of the family of the killed (Toshiaki) could be kept anyway, and Toshiaki's children and grandchildren were given certain important governmental posts, keeping the repercussions to a minimum, though their family statuses were lowered.
    討たれた家の者も、ともかくは面目を保て、時章の子や孫は家格は下がったとはいえ、幕府に一応の要職を得られ、その波紋を最小限に食い止めることが出来ている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As it appears that there are major life insurance companies that have more than two million policyholders, some are concerned about possible repercussions for their future business, including changing their computer systems and providing explanations to customers. How do you see matters around this issue?
    大手生保の中には、契約件数が200万件を超えているところもあるようで、システムの変更だとか顧客への説明とか、経営への影響を懸念する声もあるのですが、その辺についてどのように見ていらっしゃいますか。 - 金融庁
  • The report finds that the availability and composition of long-term investment financing have been affected by a combination of factors, with differing repercussions across borrowers and sectors.
    レポートによれば、長期投資資金の利用可能性と構成は、様々な要素により影響を受けており、その影響は借り手やセクターによって異なる。 - 財務省
  • To avoid engine stalling without repercussions on operability in the case where valve timing is fixed and damaged at the device capable of continuously varying valve timing (valve overlapping period).
    バルブタイミング(バルブオーバーラップ期間)を連続的に変化可能な可変バルブタイミング装置(VTC)において、これが固着故障した場合に、運転性へのはね返り無くエンストを回避可能とする。 - 特許庁
  • More specifically, the credit crunch and rapid decrease in demand through interlocking trade investment had grave repercussions for the various countries and regions around the world. (Global economic crisis)
    具体的には、信用収縮(クレディット・クランチ)や、貿易投資の連鎖を通じた需要の急激な減少といった形で波及し、世界各国・地域に深刻な激震を与えた(世界経済危機)。 - 経済産業省
  • Criteria 7: Having a consistent exit strategy will help improve the results of all countries. This does not mean that it must be coordinated in sync with other countries but that the absence of policy coordination has the possibility of creating ripples of negative repercussions.
    原則7:出口戦略に一貫性をもたせることが、全ての国の結果を良くする。協調は必ずしも同期性と言う意味を包含しているわけではないが、政策協調の欠如は悪影響の波及を生む可能性がある。 - 経済産業省
  • The insurgence of Yorimasa and Prince Mochihito failed, but the message of the prince had so great repercussions that MINAMOTO no Yoritomo, MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka, and other Minamoto clan families as well as major temples rose in revolt, which led to Jisho-Juei War and ultimately ended up with the destruction of the Taira clan.
    頼政と以仁王の挙兵は失敗したが、以仁王の令旨の効果は大きく、これを奉じて源頼朝、源義仲をはじめとする諸国の源氏や大寺社が蜂起し、治承・寿永の乱に突入し、平氏は滅びることになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • You just mentioned following the progress of its business improvement plan – I would like to ask if there will be any repercussions on the Incubator Bank of Japan's operation or progress of its improvement plan, from the sweeping arrest of executives that has just happened.
    今、業務改善計画の進捗をフォローするということなのですが、経営幹部がまとめて逮捕されるという事態なのですけれども、振興銀の経営及び改善計画の進捗に影響は出ていないのか、その点をお伺いしたい思います。 - 金融庁
  • Meanwhile, if consumer prices cannot easily be adjusted to rising commodity prices, concerns emerge that this would aggravate corporate profits. Either way, soaring commodity markets will affect the macro-economy, and it is essential that we pay attention to the trends in future commodity prices and their repercussions on the prices in each country.
    その一方、価格転嫁が困難であれば企業収益の悪化懸念が生じる。いずれにせよマクロ経済に影響を与え得ることになり、今後の商品価格の動向と各国における物価への波及の動向には注意が必要であろう。 - 経済産業省
  • In connection with the Greek financial crisis, central banks of the respective nations, with that of the EU (European Union) being the foremost example, are beginning to take actions to prevent a crisis recurrence. It is said that, though it is claimed as an exceptional step, the European Central Bank will start purchasing government bonds, among other actions. Please tell us how you view the series of such measures, as well as what you think their repercussions on Japan will be.
    ギリシャ危機に関連して、EU(欧州連合)を中心に各国の中央銀行が危機の再発防止の対策をとり始めております。EUでは、異例の措置とされているのですけれども、中央銀行による国債の買取りなどが始まるとされています。この一連の対策をどう評価されていらっしゃるのかということと、日本の対策への影響についてお考えをお聞かせください。 - 金融庁
  • Moreover, the leaders stressed that economies still relied largely on policy support measures and for a sustainable fiscal government and coherent country commented, “policy support measures should be maintained until the recovery is without a doubt being led by the private sector and until it is stronger,” and “a reliable exit strategy should be formulated from exceptional macro economic support policies and monetary support policies that meet the conditions of each individual country while taking into consideration all conceivable repercussions.”
    更に、未だに政策支援に大きく依存しており、持続可能な財政と整合的な国においては、「回復が確実に民間セクター主導となり、より確固たるものになるまでは政策支援が維持されるべき」とし、「あらゆる波及を考慮しつつ、各国個別の状況に応じた例外的なマクロ経済支援策及び金融支援策からの信頼性ある出口戦略を練るべき」としている。 - 経済産業省
