「retired master」を含む例文一覧(13)

  • the retired master―(女なら)―the dowager
    ご隠居様 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • In 1103, Togu no suke (Assistant Master in the Crown Prince's Quarters), Shuri no daibu, Mimasaka no kami, In no betto (chief administrator of the Retired Emperor's Office)
    康和5年(1103年)春宮亮、修理大夫、美作守、院別当 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hisakuni was appointed as Gobankaji by the retired Emperor Gotoba, and was especially given a grand master class '師徳鍛冶.'
    後鳥羽上皇に御番鍛冶として召され、特に師範格の「師徳鍛冶」を拝命した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Jubei, who aimed at encouragement of new industry, was retired from samurai and went to Uji City, Yamashiro no Kuni to master method of tea manufacture.
    殖産興業を目指していた彼は、武士を捨て山城国宇治市へ行き、製茶法を収得する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At first, roju (senior councilor) Masanao TSUCHIYA, koke (a master of ceremony) Motokuro HATAKEYAMA and others had an audience with Imperial envoys and Inshi (a messenger from the retired Emperor), and Asano, who was in charge of the entertainment, was introduced then.
    まず老中土屋政直と高家畠山基玄らが勅使・院使に拝謁し、この際に勅使饗応役の浅野も紹介された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When extracting the record of each application from 'domestic patent master' for managing the patent applications of the enterprise itself and transferring the extracted record to 'examination claim DB' to be used almost for investigation, retired persons or laid-off persons are automatically deleted from the inventors by referring to 'personnel master'.
    本発明では自社の特許出願を管理するための「国内特実マスタ」から各出願のレコードを取り出して、もっぱら上記検討のために使用する「審査請求DB」に転送する際、「人事マスタ」を参照することで発明者の中から退職者や休職者を自動的に削除する。 - 特許庁
  • In 1309, he was posthumously awarded by the Retired Emperor Gouda the Kokushi (literally, "a national teacher" or "an emperor's master")-go of 'Entsu Daio,' which was the first Kokushi-go granted to a zen monk in Japan.
    没後の延慶2年(1309年)、後宇多上皇から「円通大応」の国師号が贈られたが、これは日本における禅僧に対する国師号の最初である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Early every morning, each household's master, wife, retired people, children and employees (persons in charge are different depending on household) used to sweep the road in front of the house or store and sprinkle water after.
    一家の主人や主婦、隠居、子供、奉公人(その家によって担当する人は色々である)が早朝に家や店の前を清掃し、その仕上げとして、水をまく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There was an abrupt relationship between the Retired Emperor and the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) --the third Shogun Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, who influenced his political power within the Imperial Palace and held many court nobles in the relationship of master and servant--and each party opposed each other.
    朝廷内部にまで政治的影響力を及ぼし多くの公家を主従関係の下に置いた室町幕府3代将軍足利義満と上皇の関係は険悪であり、両者は対立する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When Retired Empress Koken abolished Emperor Junnin and she herself took over the Imperial throne as a second enthronement self-proclaiming as Empress Shotoku after suppressing the Rebellion of Emi no Oshikatsu, Dokyo's influence over the Empress became extremely strong and Dokyo ascended through the ranks to Dajodaijin (Grand Minister) Zenji (master of Zen Buddhism), and in the next year, to Hoo (the Emperor of the Buddhist Law).
    孝謙上皇は恵美押勝の乱鎮圧の後、淳仁天皇を廃して自ら称徳天皇として重祚すると、天皇の道鏡の権勢は非常に強まり、太政大臣禅師、翌には法王となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Muratoyo DATE, a person in charge of entertaining Inshi (a messenger from the retired Emperor), a group of koke and chabozu (tea-server) ran to support in apprehending Asano, having seen the turmoil, and Koreuji SHINAGAWA and Yoshiyasu HATAKEYAMA, who were koke (a master of ceremony), carried Kira to Sotetsuno-ma Chamber.
    騒ぎを見て駆けつけてきた院使饗応役の伊達村豊や高家衆、茶坊主達たちも次々と浅野の取り押さえに加わり、高家の品川伊氏と畠山義寧の両名が吉良を蘇鉄の間に運んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At first he was a craftsman for dyeing goods at a Koya dye shop but later became a disciple of Toyokuni UTAGAWA the first, and although he had a good talent which was said to exceed his master, in the end he retired to run a business for selling the masks of Kabuki actors and died young.
    初めは紺屋の染物職人であったが、初代歌川豊国の門下となり師を超えると言われた才能を持ちながら、最期は引退、歌舞伎役者の仮面売りを営み早世。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ninety-five years after the death of Kyugoro JINMAKU, when Mitsugu CHIYONOFUJI, the greatest Yokozuna of the Showa period, retired and inherited the name of Jinmaku as Toshiyori, the Jinmaku's hometown Higashi-Izumo-cho invited Chiyonofuji and his master Katsuaki KITANOFUJI and held a ceremony to honor Jinmaku.
    陣幕久五郎の死去から95年後、昭和の大横綱・千代の富士貢が引退して年寄陣幕を襲名した際、陣幕の故郷である東出雲町では、千代の富士とその師匠である北の富士勝昭を招き、陣幕の顕彰記念行事を催している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
