
  • shad
    シャッド - 日本語WordNet
  • roe of shad
    ニシンの卵 - 日本語WordNet
  • Planked shad
    板で囲われたシャッド - 日本語WordNet
  • European shad
    ヨーロッパのニシンダマシ - 日本語WordNet
  • a fish called medium-sized gizzard shad
    小鰭という魚 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • an type of fish called a gizzard shad
    コノシロという魚 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a bony shad fillet
    骨が多いニシンダマシヒレ - 日本語WordNet
  • shad of Atlantic coast of North America
    北アメリカの大西洋岸のニシンダマシ - 日本語WordNet
  • shad that spawns in streams of the Mississippi drainage
    ミシシッピー川流域の小川で産卵するニシンダマシ - 日本語WordNet
  • Konoshiro (dotted gizzard shad): Sometimes excluded from the Shusseuo category
    コノシロ 出世魚に含めない考え方もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • shad-like food fish that runs rivers to spawn
    産卵のために川をさかのぼるニシンダマシに似た食用魚 - 日本語WordNet
  • flesh of shad-like fish abundant along the Atlantic coast or in coastal streams
    大西洋沿岸や沿岸の潮流に豊富なシャドに似た魚の肉 - 日本語WordNet
  • Spotted shad (and its young fish), halfbeak, young sea bream, mackerel, Japanese horse mackerel, and sardine
    コハダ(とその幼魚)、サヨリ、カスゴ(子鯛)、サバ、アジ、イワシ - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • shad-like North American marine fishes used for fish meal and oil and fertilizer
    魚料理、油、肥料に使われるシャドのような北アメリカ産の海洋魚 - 日本語WordNet
  • Rice balls are usually topped with rolled eggs, abalone, fatty tuna, seasoned shrimp powder, small sea bream, spotted shad, ice fish and octopus.
    握り飯の上に卵焼き、アワビ、マグロの刺身、エビのそぼろ、小鯛、こはだ、白魚、タコなどが普通。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Japanese horse mackerel, sardine, marlin, bonito, right-eyed flounder (any fish of family Pleuronectidae), amberjack, Konoshiro (classified under the order of Clupeiformes Clupeidae) (spotted shad or shinko (a medium-sized Konoshiro gizzard shad) in Edomae-zushi), salmon, mackerel, great amberjack, saury, Japanese seaperch, sea bream, Hamachi (young yellowtail called in the Kansai area) (adult yellowtail), gold-striped amberjack, flatfish, tuna (fatty portion of tuna belly), swordfish, and rock trout
    アジ、イワシ、カジキ、カツオ、カレイ、カンパチ、コノシロ(江戸前寿司におけるコハダもしくはシンコ)、サケ、サバ、サワラ、サンマ、スズキ(魚)、鯛、ハマチ(ブリ)、ヒラマサ、ヒラメ、マグロ(トロ)、メカジキ、アイナメ - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Aside from this, prepare sardine, horse mackerel and spotted shad as regular sushi item and sprinkle salt on them and soak them in vinegar until they are whitened, then drain off the vinegar.
    別にイワシ、小あじ、コハダなどを普通のすしだねのようにつくり、塩をふりかけて酢につけ、肉が白くはぜるころ引き上げて酢をきる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Until the prewar era, only cooked items using shiitake mushroom, vinegared lotus root, omelet, and oboro, boiled and seasoned conger, prawn and spotted shad, were adopted.
    戦前まではシイタケ、酢バス、卵焼き、オボロを中心に、煮アナゴ、エビ、コハダなど、調理済みのタネをのみを入れることが多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition to spotted shad, sillago, young sea bream, and mackerel, horse mackerel and halfbeak, which are used without being cooked nowadays, were ordinarily marinated in vinegar.
    コハダ、キス、カスゴ、サバの他、今では生で使われることが多いアジやサヨリなども以前はたいてい酢〆にした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "Morisada Manko" (a kind of encyclopedia of folkways and other affairs in the Edo Period) cited egg omelet, omelet roll, nori-maki using gourd, spotted shad, raw tuna, prawn soboro, whitebait, and conger eel as the types of Edomae-zushi.
    『守貞謾稿』には、玉子、玉子巻き、海苔巻き(カンピョウ)、車エビ、コハダ、マグロさしみ、エビそぼろ、シラウオ、穴子、があがる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It mainly refers to the type made of hand-shaped cooked vinegared rice topped with raw fish and shellfish, marinated spotted shad or mackerel, boiled conger, cooked prawn, or an omelet placed on hand-shaped cooked vinegared rice.
    主に魚介の生身やコハダやサバなどを〆たもの、煮マアナゴや蒸しエビなどの火を通したもの、卵焼きなどの「タネ」と酢飯を握り合わせたすし。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To obtain a stable damping effect in a color cathode-ray tube compris ing an annular vibration damping body for suppressing the vibration of a shad ow mask erected with a tension imparted thereto by smoothly finishing the inside wall surface of the vibration damping body with a simple method.
    張力を付与して架張されたシャドウマスクの振動を抑える環状の振動減衰体が設置されたカラー陰極線管において、簡単な方法で、振動減衰体の内側壁面を滑らかに仕上げて、安定した制振効果を得る。 - 特許庁
  • The ingredients varies according to seasons and areas, but typically vinegared rice is covered with kinshi-tamago egg (a thin omelet cut into narrow strips), and on it chopped ingredients are spread over, such as shiitake mushrooms and gourds (both simmered in soy broth), boiled carrots, lotus roots pickled in vinegar, green peas, chikuwa fish paste, kamaboko (steamed fish paste), dried shredded fish seasoning (denbu), seasoned koyadofu (freeze-dried tofu), boiled octopus, shrimp in shell, grilled conger eel, squid, mogai (sarubo ribbed ark), Japanese Spanish mackerel (sawara) and mamakari (Japanese shad), (but the ingredients such as mogai, shrimp and green peas are served whole).
    地域や季節によって内容が変わるが、酢飯の上に錦糸玉子を敷き詰め、その上に椎茸・干瓢の煮しめ、茹でニンジン、酢蓮根、エンドウ、竹輪、蒲鉾、田麩、味を付け高野豆腐、茹でた蛸、殻付の海老、焼穴子、烏賊、蛸、藻貝、鰆、ママカリのさまざまな具材を大きめに切断して(藻貝やエビ、エンドウなどは切らない)敷き詰める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
