「shore bird」を含む例文一覧(3)

  • He changed to a bird and flew off to shore.
    ここに八尋白智鳥(やひろしろちどり)に化りて、天に翔りて濱に向きて飛び行でましき。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Isana-tori' Omi no umi wo oki sakete kogikurufune hetsukite kogikuru fune oki tsu kai itaku na hane so he tsu kai itaku na hane so wakakusa no tsuma no omo tori tatsu (Omi's whale-hunted waters leaving the offing as you approach nearing the shore as you approach; Do not strike your oars so roughly in the offing! Do not strike your oars so roughly near the shore! The bird of my husband supple as the young grass will fly away.)
    「いさな取り」 淡海の海を 沖さけて こぎくる船 辺附きて こぎ来る船 沖つ櫂 いたくな撥ねそ 邊つ櫂 いたくな撥ねそ 若草の つまの 思ふ鳥立つ - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It drifted about till it went to pieces, and often Starkey came to the shore of the lagoon, and with many bitter feelings watched the bird sitting on his hat.
    巣はばらばらになるまで漂っていて、スターキーはしばしばラグーンにきては、ネバーバードが自分の帽子に座っているのを苦々しく見守るのでした。 - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』
