
  • sinology
    支那学 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • the field of study in which research on China is done, called sinology
    中国を研究する学問 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • He studied sinology under Kyumei TSUCHIYA.
    土屋久明に漢学を学ぶ - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • the study of China, called Sinology
    シノロジーという,中国を研究する学問 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • As a youngster, he studied Sinology and Japanese literature and culture in his hometown.
    少年時代、故郷で漢学と国学を修める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He studied at the officer academy and also studied Sinology under Kiyoshi NAKANE.
    兵学校で学び、中根淑の漢学塾でも学ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was famous for Western studies, but also an authority on Sinology.
    洋学で名を轟かせていたが、漢学の大家でもあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Since his childhood, he had been talented in Sinology and Buddhist scriptures.
    幼時より漢学・仏典の才に優れる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Shiyo entered a school of Sinology (the study of the Chinese classics) at the age of nine and also learned koto (a long Japanese zither with thirteen strings) and shamisen (a three-stringed Japanese banjo).
    9歳で漢学塾に入り、琴・三味線も習った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1852 he travelled to Kyoto to study Sinology and Japanese literature.
    嘉永5年(1852年)、京都に遊学、漢学・国学などを学ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He pursued medical science during his adolescence and then moved to Hiroshima City to learn Sinology.
    青年期に医学を志し、広島市に出て漢学を学ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He had a profound knowledge not only of Sinology but also of other learnings and arts including waka poetry.
    漢学に明るく、和歌をはじめとする諸学・諸芸にも深く通ず。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After learning Sinology from Hazan YOSHIKAWA, he studied Western learning under Genpo MITSUKURI.
    芳川波山に漢学を学んだ後、箕作阮甫に蘭学を学んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also known as Sinology, it is particularly based on Kobun learning, characterized by learning of the relationship between things and their names, and of old words.
    特に後漢の名物訓詁の学を特徴とする古文学に基づいており、漢学とも呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yangzhou school of Gen Gen was born a little after this, and developed the Ken-Ka Sinology.
    やや後れて阮元を始めとする揚州学派が起こり、乾嘉漢学を発展させている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was also admitted to the Hayashi family in order to learn Sinology, and he boarded at the Sacred Hall at Yushima.
    漢学を習得するために林家にも入門して聖堂に寄宿する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He studied Confucianism under Keizan HORI, a Neo-Confucian scholar, and also studied Sinology and Japanese classical culture while lodging at his house.
    また、儒学を朱子学者の堀景山に師事し、寄宿して漢学や国学などを学んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He learned Sinology under his older brother, Kien MINAGAWA and Waka (a traditional Japanese poem of thirty-one syllables) under Imperial Prince Arisugawanomiya Yorihito.
    漢学を兄皆川淇園に、和歌を有栖川宮職仁親王に学んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Also studied Sinology under Kindai TOJO (died in 1878 at the age of 84), an official of Jingikan (Department of Divinities).
    また神祇官職員の東條琴臺(明治11年没、年84)に師事して漢学を修める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He studied Sinology under Jushin Chikukei MOTODA (died in 1877 at the age of 80) and later studied Japanese classical literature under Naotaka and Naoyoshi SADAMURA.
    漢学を儒臣元田竹渓(明治10年没、年80)に、後に国学を定村直孝と直好に学んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1849, at the age of 19, he enrolled in Yoro College, a domain school, where he studied Sinology and Yamagaryu (Yamaga school) military science.
    嘉永2年(1849年)、19歳で藩校養老館に入学して漢学や山鹿流兵学を学ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He first did Western studies and Sinology with Choan BANNO (坂野長安), who was a physician of Western medicine in Mizusawa City and teacher of Choei TAKANO.
    はじめ水沢市の蘭医で高野長英の師であった坂野長安に蘭学・漢学を学んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Moreover, Yoshimune ordered the Sinology scholar Konyo AOKI, Genjo NORO and others to study Dutch language.
    また吉宗は、漢学者であった青木昆陽、野呂元丈らにオランダ語の学習を命じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To enrich his knowledge and education, he also started studying Keisho (important literatures in Confucianism) and Sinology (study of the Chinese classics) under 長坂或斎.
    一方で知識・教養を深める為に勉学を始め、経学・漢学を長坂或斎に学ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He can be mentioned as one of those who developed and advanced Sinology, as well as Kunzan Kano and Konan NAITO.
    狩野君山・内藤湖南とともに中国学を開花・進展させたひとりに挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On February 7, 1869 Juntaro entered Meirindo school in Kaga Domain in order to study sinology under Yasusaburo TOYOSHIMA.
    明治2年(1869年)2月7日漢学修行の為、加賀藩明倫堂の豊島安三郎に入塾。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Further in Qing Dynasty, Shusigaku was called Sogaku (the Sung Study) from Kangaku (Sinology) which was based on Kanto kunkogaku (exegetics).
    また、清代、漢唐訓詁学に依拠する漢学からは宋学と呼ばれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Influenced by Shigetsune, his elder brother, he took interest in haikai, and went on to study Sinology and Chinese classical poems at Gyogi Private School run by Shoken KIKUCHI.
    また兄成常の影響で俳諧に親しみ、さらに菊地松軒の迎義塾では、漢学、漢詩を学んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although Japanese kanshi rapidly declined during the twentieth century, intellectuals who received an education of sinology such as Soseki NATSUME, Ogai MORI and Atsushi NAKAJIMA had a taste for kanshi.
    20世紀以降は急速に衰退したが、夏目漱石や森鴎外、中島敦ら漢学教育を受けた文化人は漢詩をたしなんだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He had been excellent in Sinology since he was young; he became a disciple of Gyochu TAKEDA or other monks in Muishin-ji Temple in Niigata Prefecture, which was the furthest religion from Himeji Zenkyo-ji Temple, after he worked his way to study.
    幼時より漢学の才にすぐれ苦学の後、姫路善教寺の天外、新潟県無為信寺の武田行忠等に師事。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Fukuoka, he learned Sinology from 亀井暘春, studied Japanese classical literature under Zensai TOMINAGA, and was devoted to Shoko Shugi (ideology in harmony with Japan's traditional values).
    福岡では漢学を亀井暘春、国学を富永漸斎に学び、尚古主義(日本本来の古制を尊ぶ思想)に傾倒する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After entering the Seishikan, he learned Sinology and mathematics and became a selected student (scholarship student) because he was specially excellent in mathematics.
    入学後は漢学と数学を学び数学が特に優秀だったため準得業生(特待生)となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the age of 20, he transferred the family business of sake brewing industry to his younger brother, went out to Edo, and studied Sinology under Gaho HAYASHI, and even entered the government service temporarily.
    20歳頃に家業の酒造業を弟に譲り江戸に出て林鵞峰に漢学を学び、一時は仕官もしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • And also, he learned Sinology from Banzan KUMAZAWA with his father (His father Michishige was referred to as a tosho big four of Banzan's disciples).
    また父とともに漢学を熊沢蕃山に学んだ(父の通茂は蕃山門下の堂上四天王とも称された)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In "Kojiki," he offered a stallion and a mare, tachi (sword), and Okagami (The Great Mirror) to Emperor Ojin (Hondawake-no-mikoto) as mitsugimono (tribute) from Seuko-o (Geunchogo-wang), and introduced Sinology.
    『古事記』では照古王(近肖古王)からの貢物として雄馬雌馬各1、横刀と大鏡を応神天皇(誉田別命)へ奉り、漢学を伝えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He learned Sinology at Senjin OKA's Suiyudo and Chinese prose and poetry at Kosai ISHIKAWA's Subunkan in addition to English at Mita English School with the aim of entering Daiichi High School (the first old-education-system high school).
    岡千仭の綏猷堂で漢学を、石川鴻斎の崇文館で漢詩文を学んだほか、三田英学校で英語などを学び、第一高等学校(旧制)入学を目指した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • So Kokuhan (Zeng Guofan), a government official from the Western Affairs school, valued Neo-Confucianism and advocated adopting both Sung-period neo-Confucianism and Sinology under Rikkei, as well as preaching the need of practical learning, honoring O Fushi of late Ming and early Qing.
    洋務派官僚の曾国藩は朱子学を重んじて六経のもとに宋学・漢学を兼取することを主張し、さらに明末清初の王夫之を顕彰して実学の必要を説いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Major people who directly accepted Confucianism were not only the samurai and townspeople who mastered Sinology, but Confucianism also influenced common people in Japan in an indirect manner.
    儒教を直接受容したのは、主に武士や漢学をおさめた町人にとどまるものの、間接的な形で日本の庶民にも影響を及ぼしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In "Hakkenden" Bakin, praised for his extensive reading and good memory, refers and incorporates into the organization so much of his training in Sinology and intimate knowledge of Hakuwa Shosetsu that the novel is sometimes criticized as pedagoguish.
    『八犬伝』には博覧強記をうたわれた馬琴の漢学教養や中国白話小説への造詣が、ときに衒学的と評されるほど引用されたり、物語構成に組み込まれたりしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His grandfather Komakitsu OGAWA was originally a samurai (warrior) of the Kishu Domain with a great store of knowledge of Sinology, who studied Western studies after the Meiji period, and continued to subscribe to the London Times until his later years.
    祖父・駒橘は元紀州藩の武士であり、漢学の素養は豊富で、明治以後は洋学を学び晩年までずっとロンドンタイムスを購読し続けた人物であるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Korechika inherited his literature talent from his mother Takako, who was famous for her talent, and with his greatest talent of Sinology in the court of Emperor Ichijo having been officially approved as Shokubun no keisho (court nobles and state ministers who write the Chinese literature), he gave lectures on Kanseki (Chinese books) in the presence of the Emperor Ichijo from an early period.
    才名高かった母貴子から文人の血を享けた伊周は属文の卿相として、漢学に関しては一条朝随一の才能を公認され、早くから一条天皇に漢籍を進講した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was diligent in his studies; he learned Sinology from Nakaryo MATSUOKA (松岡仲了) and Japanese classical literature from Ibun YAMADA (山田以文) since he was a child and after he becoming older, he learned waka (traditional Japanese poetry of 31 syllables) from Kageki KAGAWA.
    幼少の頃より漢学を松岡仲了に、国学を山田以文に師事し、長じてからは香川景樹に和歌を学ぶなど勉学に励む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The father of Masamune, Terumune DATE was concerned about the future of Masamune, then he invited a Zen priest of the Rinzai sect, Kosai Soitsu for Masamune to teach Buddhism and Sinology with strict instruction.
    元亀3年(1572年)、政宗の将来を心配した父・伊達輝宗が招いた臨済宗の虎哉宗乙(こさいそういつ)禅師による厳しい教育が始められ、仏教や漢学を学ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Though Genrin was born into a rich merchant family in Kyoto, his body was so weak that he abolished the family business, studied Sinology and medicine, and devoted himself as a town doctor.
    元隣は、京都の裕福な商人の家に生れたが体が弱く家業を廃して、漢学・医術を修学して生涯を町医者として送った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It was assumed that 'an educated person' had wide knowledge of studies such as History and Sinology, centering on Keisho (most important documents in Confucianism) and Keigaku (study of Keisho in Confucianism).
    この「学問を修める」とは経書経学(儒学的知識)を中心に、史学・漢学など幅広い知識を有する読書人であることを前提とする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kamajiro had learned Confucianism and Sinology at Shoheizaka Gakumonjo (Shoheizaka School) and English at a private school of John Manjiro since he was a child, and at the age of nineteen he went to Hakodate, Ezochi (inhabited area of Ainu, now Hakodate City, Hokkaido) as a follower of Toshihiro HORI, who was an ongoku-bugyo (the collective name of the magistrates placed at important areas directly controlled by the government in Edo period), and took part in the exploration of Sakhalin.
    釜次郎は幼少の頃から昌平坂学問所で儒学・漢学、ジョン万次郎の私塾で英語を学び、19歳で遠国奉行堀利煕の従者として蝦夷地箱館(現北海道函館市)に赴き、樺太探検に参加する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
