「small arteries」を含む例文一覧(4)

  • one of the small thin-walled arteries that end in capillaries
    終端は毛細血管となる小さな薄壁の動脈 - 日本語WordNet
  • several small arteries branching off of the splenic artery and going to the greater curvature of the stomach
    脾動脈から分岐し、胃の大彎に向かういくつかの小さな動脈 - 日本語WordNet
  • The following administration schedule of (1)-(3) is repeated at least two courses: (1) systemic administration of the anti-pancreas-cancer drug is performed once a week at least for three weeks, (2) the infusion agent to a pancreas artery is infused one time to small arteries around the pancreas under catheterization, and (3) the administration is halted at least for a week.
    下記(1)〜(3)の投薬スケジュールによる投与を、少なくとも2クール行う:(1)抗膵癌剤の全身投与を少なくとも3週間行う、(2)膵周囲小動脈へのカテーテリゼーション下での膵動脈注入剤の注入を1回行う、(3)少なくとも1週間投薬休止。 - 特許庁
  • To provide improved methods and devices for providing access to a surgical site, and to provide a flexing access port to be used for various instruments for providing access through skin to the surgical site, such as anatomical cavities ranging in size from the abdomen to small blood vessels, such as veins and arteries, epidural, pleural and subarachnoid spaces, heart ventricles, as well as spinal and synovial cavities.
    手術部位へアクセスするための改善された装置および方法、特に、静脈、動脈、硬膜上腔、胸腔、クモ膜下腔、心室、脊髄腔、および滑膜腔などの腹部から小血管に至る様々な大きさの解剖学的内腔などの手術部位に皮膚を介してアクセスするための、様々な器具に用いることができる可撓性アクセスポートを提供する。 - 特許庁
