
  • now...now...―(不定代名詞を用いれば)―some...some...―some...others...
    あるいは…あるいは… - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • Some others seem to be implicated in the affair.
    他にも連累者がある見込み - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • Show me some others.
    何か他のものを見せてください。 - Tatoeba例文
  • Show me some others.
    何かほかのものを見せてください。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • (the book featured Genpaku SUGITA and some others as the editors and translators)
    (発行時に名を出したのは杉田玄白他数名) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At Mibu village, Kashio, Murakami, and some others stayed at the Mibu village assembly office, and Serizawa, Kondo, and some others stayed at the Yagi Residence.
    壬生村宿割では、柏尾・村上らは壬生村会所、芹沢・近藤らは八木家と分れて宿を採っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Subsequently, Nishiki NIMI committed hara-kiri, and Toshizo directly assassinated Kamo SERIZAWA and some others.
    その後新見錦切腹、芹沢鴨などを自らの手で暗殺。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At that time, Ieyasu's entourage was small, only with his guards and some others.
    このときの家康の供は小姓衆など少人数であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Children of Sukechika ITO were Sukeyasu KAWAZU, Sukekiyo ITO, a girl (the wife of Yoshizumi MIURA), Yaehime, and some others.
    子に河津祐泰、伊東祐清、女子(三浦義澄室)、八重姫、ほか。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Some people have their dogs with them, some come with their babies, and some others are in wheelchairs.
    犬を連れた人,赤ちゃん連れの人,車いすの人もいます。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • In addition, Oichi no kata who married Nagamasa and some others escaped before the fall of the castle and they were taken in by Nobunaga.
    なお、長政に嫁いでいた妹・お市の方らは落城前に落ち延びて信長が引き取った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • With regard to the seikanron (an opinion to dispatch a mission to Korea) in 1873, Kuroda opposed Saigo and some others as he took the position to emphasize internal politics.
    明治6年の征韓論に際して、黒田は内治重視の立場から西郷らに反対した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • But Masakatsu MIYOSHI survived by serving Tokugawa clan, and some others survived by serving other daimyo.
    ただし、三好政勝が徳川氏に仕えて生き残り、その他にも、大名家に仕えて残ったものはあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The second important point in the case for evolution is that some living creatures are very different from some others.
    進化について第二の重要な点というのは、生物はお互いにとても異なっているという点だ。 - Ian Johnston『進化の手短かな証明』
  • After Nichiren's death, however, some of his disciples argued that Buddha was honbutsu (principal object of worship) while some others argued that Nichiren was honbutsu, due to split among disciples, etc.
    しかし日蓮の死後、弟子の対立などで釈迦を本仏とするか、日蓮を本仏とするか分かれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Some did fine craft work to earn a living, some others became successful merchants, but there were some who became desparate and committed crimes, like robbery
    細かい手作業で身を立てたり、商人で出世した者もいたが、やけになって強盗などの犯罪に走った者もいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Roshi Bunkyu Hokoku Kiji" by NAGAKURA, the assassination was conducted by HIJIKATA, OKITA, Heisuke TODO, Isetake MIKURA, and some others.
    永倉の「浪士文久報国記事」によると暗殺は土方、沖田、藤堂平助、御倉伊勢武らが実行したとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hayate (trains)': the trains connecting Tokyo Station to Hachinohe Station (some of them run up to Sendai Station or Morioka Station, with some others operated in the section between Sendai Station and Hachinohe Station).
    「はやて(列車)」:東京駅-八戸駅を結ぶ列車(一部は仙台駅・盛岡駅止まりや仙台駅-八戸駅の区間運転がある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 53 Agriculture, forestry, and fishery (+1.6% over the same period previous year), financial sector (+9.9%), wholesale/retail sector (+ 0.2%), and health/welfare sector (+ 1.1%) and some others registered a positive growth.
    53 農林水産業(前年同期比+1.6%)、金融業(同+9.9%)、卸・小売業(同+0.2%)、健康・福祉業(同+1.1%)等はプラスとなった。 - 経済産業省
  • But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they and some others came to the tomb, bringing the spices which they had prepared.
    しかし,週の初めの日,明け方早く,彼女たちとほかの幾人かは,準備した香料を墓にやって来た。 - 電網聖書『ルカによる福音書 24:1』
  • Normally when you recreate a class from the database, it will only alter the variables, and staticGet, - with this set, it will also update the extends field build_views boolean Postgres (and maybe some others), allow you to treat views just like normal tables (eg.
    データベースからクラスを再生成するとき、通常、変数や staticGet などのみが更新されますが、これをセットすることで拡張フィールドも更新されるようになります。 - PEAR
  • In the late Edo era, when Japan became turbulent, Suishinshi Masahide and some others tried to restore the forging method of Koto (Old Swords) from the philosophy of revivalism, and practical Japanese swords started to be made again.
    幕末期になり世の中が騒然としてくると、復古主義の思想から、水心子正秀(すいしんしまさひで)らを中心に古刀の鍛錬法の復元を試み、再び実戦的な日本刀が作られるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A week later on August 20, Masanori FUKUSHIMA and some others visited Hidetsugu to pass on the order of committing seppuku given by Hideyoshi; Hidetsugu and others under suspicion including his pages committed seppuku that day.
    それから1週間後の15日に秀次のもとへ福島正則らが訪れ、秀次に対し秀吉から切腹の命令が下ったことを伝えられ、同日、秀次及び秀次の小姓らを含めた嫌疑をかけられた人々が切腹することになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, because Ittetsu INABA, a military commander on the Oda side, and some others, who were on standby, rushed to rescue Nobunaga and Ieyasu TOKUGAWA's army which defeated the Asakura's army later joined the Oda's army, the Azai side was put to rout.
    しかし、後に控えていた織田側の武将稲葉一鉄らが駆け付け、その後、朝倉を撃破した徳川家康の増援もあり、浅井側は総崩れとなり敗退してしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Enomoto and some others submitted a petition for granting the control of Ezochi to the retainers of the former Shogunate in the name of development and protection of the north, but the new government rejected it and deployed troops.
    榎本らは北方の防衛開拓を名目として旧幕臣政権による蝦夷地支配の追認を求める嘆願書を朝廷に提出したが、新政府はこれを認めず派兵した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Besides the Yoshiokaryu-school, the Kuramaryu-school, Nakajoryu-school and some others are said to originate from the Kyohachiryu-school, but it does not go beyond being a legendary school of swordsmanship and there are doubts as to whether it actually existed.
    吉岡流の他、鞍馬流、中条流などが京八流に源流を持つとされるが、あくまで伝説上の剣術であり、実在が疑問視されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Prince Asukabe who was a paternal half-brother of Prince Kuwata (his mother was FUJIWARA no Nagako, a daughter of FUJIWARA no Fuhito) and some others were also granted the hereditary title of TAKASHIMA no Mahito; however, each lineage ended at early stage.
    他に桑田王の異母兄弟である安宿王(母は藤原不比等の娘藤原長娥子)なども高階真人姓を賜ったが、いずれも早い段階で断絶した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition to a big one of confrontation between Cloistered Emperor and Yoritomo over treatment of Yoshitune, there were some others such as Kanezane's assumption of the post of regent, deaths of Gyohen and Gyoko (行隆), as well as dismissal of Takamoto.
    大きなものでは、義経への対応をめぐる法皇と頼朝の対立があったし、また兼実の摂政への就任、行遍や行隆の死去、隆職の解任もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • During the battle of Oshu, the Hizume clan set fire to their own castle after Hiraizumi fell and went underground, but the family head Toshihira HIZUME and some others presented themselves in the military camp of Yoritomo at Jingaoke and surrendered.
    奥州合戦では平泉陥落後、樋爪氏は居館に火を放ち地下に潜伏したが、当主・樋爪俊衡らは陣ケ岡の頼朝の陣に出頭し降伏した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In some countries, Customs brokers are already members of their AEO programs while some others are reviewing their AEO programs to cover Customs brokers.
    いくつかの国のAEO制度においては通関業者もその対象とされており、また他の国では、AEO制度の対象とするよう制度の見直しが行なわれている。 - 財務省
  • Some G-20 members have supported this commitment with additional loan and subsidy resources for the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT) and some others plan to contribute in the coming months.
    幾つかのG20メンバーは貧困削減・成長トラスト(PRGT)に対する追加的な融資原資及び利子補給金の貢献によってこのコミットメントを支援しており,他の幾つかの国々は今後数ヶ月以内に貢献することを計画している。 - 財務省
  • Wide angle LEDs are arranged in some of the LED modules 12, and narrow angle LEDs are arranged in some others, and the LED modules 12 in which the wide angle LEDs are arranged irradiate the vicinity of a place directly under the road lamp 1.
    LEDモジュール12には広角LEDが配列されたものと、狭角LEDが配列されたものがあり、広角LEDが配列されたLEDモジュール12が道路灯1の直下近傍を照明する。 - 特許庁
  • Therefore when Paul and Barnabas had no small discord and discussion with them, they appointed Paul and Barnabas, and some others of them, to go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders about this question.
    それで,パウロやバルナバと彼らとの間に少なからぬ不和と議論が生じたので,人々は,パウロとバルナバ,および自分たちのうちのほかの幾人かがエルサレムに上り,この議論のことで使徒たちや長老たちを訪ねることを決めた。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 15:2』
  • The selection of gozenshu differed according to the lord of each domain; for gozenshu, some daimyo selected Itami sake like the shogun family, or at least the sake from the same Sessen-juni-go (the twelve sake brewing districts in Settsu Province and Izumi Province shipping for Edo) where the Itami sake was produced, and some others selected the sake which was the local specialty of the hometown, for the purpose of industrial development of his own domain.
    御膳酒は、それぞれの藩主の方針によって、将軍家と同じ伊丹酒や、そうでなくても同じ地方である摂泉十二郷の酒を御膳酒に指定した大名もいれば、自領の産業育成のため、国許(くにもと)特産の酒を御膳酒に指定した大名もいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although many 牢人 lived in a house loaned to them, were poor and were forced to live from hand to mouth, there were some successful 牢人 as well: For example, Monzaemon CHIKAMATSU was successful in literature, some opened a swordmanship-practicing hall and earned his living through training swordsmen, and some others worked as teachers at Terakoya (temple elementary school during the Edo period), contrubuting to education of the general public.
    牢人の多くは借家住まいで貧困のその日暮らしの生活を余儀なくされていたが、中には近松門左衛門のように文芸の世界で成功した者や、町道場を開き武芸の指南で身を立てる者、寺子屋の師匠となり庶民の教育に貢献する者たちもいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Toshimoto and some others were forgiven, but Suketomo was taken to Kamakura and then exiled to Sado Island, an aide, Nobufusa MADENOKOJI went to Kamakura to offer clarification and Emperor Godaigo was forgiven by the bakufu after an apology, but seven years later, in 1331, he led his second plan to overthrow the bakufu, the Genko no Ran (Genko Rebellion).
    俊基らは赦免されたが資朝は鎌倉へ連行され佐渡島へ流刑となり、側近の万里小路宣房らが鎌倉へ赴いて釈明を行い、後醍醐天皇は幕府に釈明して赦されるが、7年後の1331年(元弘元年)に2度目の討幕計画である元弘の乱を起こす。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In Haiyu-Kaikan Hall at the Kyoto studio, it is said that only major stars are permitted to occupy rooms exclusively; the current members of such a privileged class are Kotaro SATOMI, Kinya KITAOJI, Hiroki MATSUKATA and some others, however, Ken TAKAKURA is the only person to have never used the room even though his name plate remains on the door of his room.
    京都の撮影所の俳優会館には大物俳優のみが個室を持つ事が許されるとされ、里見浩太朗、北大路欣也、松方弘樹他数名が現在占有しているとされているが、たった一人だけ来ないのに名札の掛かっているのは高倉健であるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Fifth, some participants noted that Asian countries had common features and values behind their development. Some others noted that differences among Asian countries were also substantial, and that successful development processes, including those of industrial countries’ past experiences, had many common features anyway, rather than Asian experiences being special.
    第五に、アジアの発展にはアジアに共通の要素や価値観があるとする指摘がある一方で、アジア各国それぞれの違いも重要であるとの指摘、また、アジアの独自性よりも先進国のかつての経験も含め、成功した開発には多くの共通性があることを認識すべきとの指摘もあった。 - 財務省
  • There have been various arguments about the answer to this question. Some insist, "Japan can depend on its advanced manufacturing technology," and others oppose this sentiment, saying, "No, manufacturing is out of date. Finance and IT will drive Japan." Some say, "Internal demand should be the driver of future growth," but others say, "No, Japan should focus on fast-growing Asian markets." "Such a policy will urge every company to shift operations offshore," some others reply.
    これまで、「日本は高度なものづくりでやっていけるんだ」「いやいや、ものづくりは古い。金融とITで食べていくんだ」「これからは内需だ」「いやいや、これからは、成長するアジア市場に出て行くんだ」「それじゃ、企業はみんな海外にいってしまうんじゃないか」と、様々な議論がでています。 - 経済産業省
  • The functions of U.S. and European short-term money markets weakened considerably, with mutual suspicion arising among financial institutions about the extent to which each was exposed to credit risk. Under these circumstances, U.S. and European central banks have been providing large amounts of liquidity to short-term money markets, and the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) and some others have been taking such measures as lowering short-term interest rates and expanding the means of providing funding since August 9.
    金融機関がお互いにどの程度の信用リスクを有するのかといった疑念が生じ、欧米の短期金融市場の機能が著しく低下する中、8 月 9 日以降、欧米の中央銀行による短期金融市場に対する大量の資金供給や、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB、Federal Reserve Board)等による短期金利の引下げや資金供給手段の拡充などが行われている。 - 金融庁
