
  • a sorcerer
    魔術師 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • a sorcerer
    妖術家 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • a necromantic sorcerer
    黒魔術の魔法使い - 日本語WordNet
  • a woman sorcerer
    女性の魔法使い - 日本語WordNet
  • a sorcerer or magician
    魔法使いあるいは魔術師 - 日本語WordNet
  • a female sorcerer or magician
    女性の魔法使いや魔術師 - 日本語WordNet
  • a magician or sorcerer of ancient times
    古代の魔術師または魔法使い - 日本語WordNet
  • Hiromasa is portrayed by the well-known Japanese actor Tetta SUGIMOTO in the NHK television drama "Onmyoji" (The Sorcerer), and played by Hideaki ITO in the films "Onmyoji" (The Sorcerer) and "Onmyoji II" (The Sorcerer II) directed by Yojiro TAKITA.
    テレビドラマ『陰陽師(テレビドラマ)』(日本放送協会)では杉本哲太が、映画『陰陽師(映画)』、『陰陽師II』(滝田洋二郎監督)では伊藤英明がそれぞれ博雅役を演じている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • a mirage in the Strait of Messina (attributed to the Arthurian sorcerer Morgan le Fay)
    メッシーナ(アーサー王伝説のモーガン・ル・フェイに由来する)海峡に現われる蜃気楼 - 日本語WordNet
  • The bureau's head was called the Tenyaku no kami, and the rest of the bureau's personnel was organized into teni (doctors), harishi (acupuncturists), anmashi (masseurs), and jugonshi (sorcerer-physicians).
    長官は典薬頭で、典医、針師、按摩師、呪禁師で構成されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The jugon hakase (Master Sorcerer) was an official for the Bureau of Medicine under the Ritsuryo system.
    呪禁博士(じゅごんはかせ)とは、律令制において典薬寮に属した官人。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Senryu (humorous or ironical haiku), 'Form rice of sushi by hand as quickly as a sorcerer forms a round shape with fingers,' in "Yanagidaru" (a collection of senryu) (1829; year when the haiku was made was 1827) was the first description of Nigiri-zushi appearing in literatures.
    「妖術という身で握る鮓の飯」『柳多留』(文政12年1829年作句は1827年)が、握り寿司の文献的初出である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In a novel by Baku YUMEMAKURA "Onmyoji " (The Sorcerer) and Manga comic version "Onmyoji" by Reiko OKANO, Hiromasa appears as the partner of the main character, ABE no Seimei.
    夢枕獏の小説『陰陽師(小説)』(漫画版『陰陽師(漫画)』(岡野玲子))における主人公安倍晴明のパートナーとして博雅が登場する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Retired Emperor Toba then appointed two bushi (warriors), Yoshiaki MIURA and Hirotsune KAZUSA, to shogun (generals), and also appointed the sorcerer ABE no Yasunari to the strategist, and dispatched a force with over 80,000 soldiers to the Nasuno district.
    三浦義明と上総広常という武士を将軍に、陰陽師・安部泰成を軍師に任命し、8万余りの軍勢を那須野へと派遣した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When they had gone through the island to Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Bar Jesus,
    島じゅうを巡回してパフォスまで行くと,ある魔術師を見つけた。ユダヤ人の偽預言者で,バル・イエスという名で, - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 13:6』
  • But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn aside the proconsul from the faith.
    ところが,そのエリマという魔術師(彼の名はこのように訳される)は彼らに抵抗し,地方総督をこの信仰から遠ざけようとした。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 13:8』
  • The Imperial Family's doctor could not find the cause of his illness, but the sorcerer ABE no Yasunari (or ABE no Yasuchika or ABE no Seimei) found that Tamamo no Mae was causing his illness, and Tamamo no Mae, having her real self as a nine-tailed fox revealed by the sorcerer, ran from the Imperial Court in the form of the white-faced, golden-haired, and nine-tailed fox, and hid herself.
    天皇家お抱えの医者が診断しても、その原因が何なのかが分からなかったが、陰陽師・安倍泰成(安倍泰親、安倍晴明とも)によって病の原因が玉藻前であることが分かり、その正体が九尾の狐であることを暴露された玉藻前は、白面金毛九尾の狐の姿で宮中を脱走し、行方を暗ましていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Under the Ritsuryo system, the jugonshi were considered indispensable for their spells, their medical treatments of the sick and their efforts to make childbirth safer, and the most outstanding from among the jugonshi was appointed jugon hakase (Master Sorcerer, with only one such fixed position); the jugon hakase worked to train and cultivate the jugonsei (apprentice sorcerers, for whom six fixed positions existed).
    律令制においては呪禁も病気治療や安産のために欠かせないものとされ、呪禁師の中で優秀なものは呪禁博士(定員1名)に任ぜられ、呪禁生(定員6名)の育成に努めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yorimitsu then consults with an onmyoji (a Heian-period sorcerer; in some accounts, the onmyoji he speaks to is none other than the famous ABE no Seimei), who informs Tsuna that 'The oni will definitely come here seeking to recover his arm, so shut yourself away in your house for seven days of ritual confinement, and do not allow anyone else to enter the house during this time.'
    頼光が陰陽師(安倍晴明だとする話もある)に相談したところ、「必ず鬼が腕を取り返しにやって来るから、七日の間家に閉じこもり物忌みをし、その間は誰も家の中に入れないように」と言われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • If the sorcerer or anyone who works a charm can in any way get at the "penumbra" of a person's individuality, as embodied in his fringe of quasi-personal facts, he will be able to work good or ill to the person to whom the fact or object pertains;
    魔術師や呪術を行う者が、何とかしてある人の個人性の「朧な部分」にたどり着き、彼の疑似人格的な事実の周辺部に入り込むと、その事実や物がついてまわっている個人に幸運や不運をもたらすことができるのである。 - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』
  • Furthermore, the subjects of the paintings include children's play and seasonal images, such as two girls comparing grasses they have gathered in a game of kusa-awase (the eighth fan of "hokekyo" vol. 7), a boy trying to catch a little bird (the ninth fan of "hokkekyo" vol. 7) and the persimmon harvest (the 11th fan of "hokkekyo" vol. 6), as well as a scene of a court lady admiring the autumn leaves and a serving girl collecting chestnuts (the 10th fan of "hokkekyo" vol. 1), a little girl and a court official reading a letter (the ninth fan of "hokkekyo" vol. 1) and even a scene of a prostitute and a puppet player (or sorcerer) singing Imayo (a popular style of song in the Heian period) as offerings to guardian deity of travelers, Doso-jin, probably to comfort the spirit.
    さらに、草合わせをする2人の少女(法華経巻七扇8)、小鳥捕りをする少年(法華経巻七扇9)、柿もぎのようす(法華経巻六扇11)など子どもの遊戯や風物詩も画題となっており、紅葉を愛でる女房と栗拾いの婢女を描いた場面(法華経巻一扇10)、文を読む公卿と童女(法華経巻一扇9)、遊女と傀儡子(または男巫)が今様を歌って道祖神に報宴し、神霊を慰めているのではないかと推定される場面などを描いたものもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
