「stage of politics」を含む例文一覧(11)

  • Shigemori asked for the life of FUJIWARA no Narichika to be spared but was not heard, and he lost interest in politics consequently dissapearing from the center stage of politics.
    重盛は鹿ケ谷事件で清盛に藤原成親の助命を頼んで聞き入れられず、政治への意欲を失い表舞台に出なくなっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the early stage of his reign, he dealt aggressively with politics, trying to combine or remove officials, stopping annual events or improving working conditions for middle- and low-class officials in order to restore the politics and finances as a means to ease ordinary people.
    即位当初は政治に意欲的に取り組み、官司の統廃合や年中行事の停止、中・下級官人の待遇改善など政治・経済の立て直しを行い、民力休養に努めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the former half of the Kamakura period, the nominal rule of the cloistered emperor still continued in Kyoto, but Kamakura gradually replaced Kyoto as the center stage of Japanese politics and culture.
    この時代の前期には引き続き院政が行われていたものの、政治・文化の中心は次第に鎌倉へ移っていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the early stage of his reign, his father, the Cloistered Emperor Gomizunoo, had political control by running the cloister government, but Emperor Reigen took direct control of politics after his father's death in 1680.
    治世の最初は父である後水尾天皇に院政を敷かれていたが、1680年、後水尾法皇崩御後は直接政務を執った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He is said to have been a thin, gentle person, and his activities were mainly those of a poet rather than those on the center stage of politics.
    体格は痩せていて性質は温和であったといい、政治の表舞台に立つより歌人としての活動が主であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Notwithstanding that there were large changes and turmoil in political and social situations in the transitional stage from the end stage of the Heian dynasty to the medieval period, interest in politics seems low and it emphasizes learning and public entertainment such as ceremonies and rituals as well as furyu-inji (elegant aestheticism and writing poems).
    王朝末期から中世への過渡期において政治的・社会的大きな変動があったにもかかわらず、政治への関心は薄く、儀式典礼や風流韻事など中世,・芸能に重点を置く記述を貫いている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At this point of time, he considered to retire from active stage of politics and serve the Crown Prince Tsunesada, who was the son of the Retired Emperor, but, being persuaded by the Emperor Ninmyo, he stayed in the position of the chunagon.
    この時点で、政治の第一線から退き、上皇の息子である皇太子恒貞親王の為に尽くすことを考えるが、仁明天皇の慰留を受けて中納言の地位に留まっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although the crux of the description is mainly the emperor's daily activities, the records also include topics that do not appear on the center stage of politics; articles about events in the Imperial court such as court ceremonies, conferrals of rank and office, imperial grants and tribute, and trends among the Imperial family or court ladies, etc.
    主に天皇の日常の動向が記述の中心であるが、宮廷行事や任官叙位、下賜進献などの宮中での出来事、皇族や女官の動向等、政治の表舞台には現れないような記事も見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A performer of kodan sits in front of a pedestal called shakudai on koza (stage), and reads out reading materials associated with history such as gunkimono (military epic) and seidan (story of the law or politics) to the audience, while tapping the shakudai with a harisen/hariogi (paper fan) to keep his or her rhythm going.
    演者は高座におかれた釈台(しゃくだい)と呼ばれる小さな机の前に座り、張扇でそれを叩いて調子を取りつつ、軍記物や政談など主に歴史にちなんだ読み物を、観衆に対して読み上げる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • International networking of numerical values of international politics and economies is achieved in a stage prior to realization of the world government, and computer networks spread all over the world are used to establish the network world government.
    世界政府の実現前段階として国際政治経済の数値の国際的ネットワーク化を契機に全世界に広がったコンピューターネットワークを利用してネット世界政府を築き上げる。 - 特許庁
  • Harutsu who was the second son of Otsugu and who had grown seeing his father in such a situation retired at an early stage after his father died and the Ceremonial House never played a central role in politics again after Otsugu died.
    この父の姿を見て育った次男の春津は父の死後、早々と引退をしてしまい、緒嗣の死後に式家が政治の中枢に立つ事は二度となかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
