「still's disease」を含む例文一覧(14)

  • The disease is still in the primary stage.
    病気はまだ初期の段階です。 - Tatoeba例文
  • It still is a serious disease.
    今でも結核は重大な病気です。 - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
  • The disease is still in the primary stage.
    病気はまだ初期の段階です。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • Is tuberculosis still an infectious disease?
    結核はまだ感染しやすい病気ですか。 - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
  • About 3,800 people are still asking for the government to officially recognize them as victims of the disease.
    いまだに約3800人が病気の被害者として公式認定するよう政府に求めている。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • As his name is in the 'persons died from accidents or disease' section on the stone monument erected in Itabashi by Shinpachi NAGAKURA, it is believed that he died while he was in the corps for reasons still unknown.
    永倉新八が建てた板橋の石碑の中で「変死・病死」に列記されている為、在隊中に何らかの理由で死亡したと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • That is, two still images picked up at different times may be compared in order to observe variations of a disease condition of the subject, thereby to recognize variations of the disease condition properly.
    これにより、被検体の病状の変化を観察しようとして撮影時期の異なる2枚の静止画像を比較すれば、病状の変化を的確に認識することができる。 - 特許庁
  • the time from either diagnosis or treatment at which half of the patients with a given disease are found to be, or expected to be, still alive.
    診断または治療のいずれかが行われてからの期間で、既知の疾患を有する患者の半数において、生存が認められるないし生存が期待できる期間。 - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
  • While, this decision states the following: "…The discrimination and prejudice generated by the policy on Hansen's disease, such as the Campaign for Leprosy-Free Prefectures, is clearly different in nature as compared to those that had existed earlier…. It is no exaggeration to say that the discrimination and prejudice against Hansen's disease patients, which still continues today, originated there," nevertheless many points of this campaign were left to be analyzed later.
    同判決は「・・無らい県運動等のハンセン病政策によって生み出された差別・偏見は、それ以前にあったものとは明らかに性格を異にするもので、ここに、今日まで続くハンセン病患者に対する差別・偏見の原点があると言っても過言ではない。」などと指摘しているが、同運動の分析は、その多くが以後に委ねられたといえよう。 - 厚生労働省
  • There are some records in Kyoto, including "Meigetsuki" (Chronicle of the Bright Moon) by FUJIWARA no Teika, that describe the report, 'Since Yoriie died of disease on October 14, Sanetomo succeeded the position of Shogun,' that was delivered in the early morning of October 20th and an appointment of Sanetomo to Seii Taishogun was requested even though Yoriie was still alive.
    まだ頼家が存命しているにも関わらず、鎌倉から「9月1日に頼家が病死したので、実朝が後を継いだ」との報告が9月7日早朝に都に届き、実朝の征夷大将軍任命が要請された事が、藤原定家の日記『明月記』の他、複数の京都側の記録で確認されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Therefore, in 1549 he was reconciled with the Saito family by the strategic marriage between his son Nobunaga and Dozan SAITO's daughter Nohime, but as the confrontation with the Imagawa clan still continued and afflicted him, he suddenly died by epidemic disease in Suemori-jo Castle (Owari Province) in April 18, 1551.
    そこで天文18年(1549年)、子の信長と斎藤道三の娘・濃姫を政略結婚させることで斎藤家とは和睦したものの、今川氏との対立はなおも続き苦しめられつづける中、天文20年(1551年)3月3日、流行病により末森城(尾張国)で急死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To provide a compound useful for the prevention or treatment of bone/joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Still's disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, chondrodystrophy, osteodystrophy, spondylarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, arthritis, synovitis, or joint disorders induced by sports, accidents or the like.
    関節リウマチ、若年性関節リウマチ、スチル病、変形性関節症、骨粗鬆症、軟骨形成異常、骨形成異常、脊椎関節炎、乾癬性関節炎、関節炎、滑膜炎又はスポーツ・事故等による関節障害等の骨・関節疾患の予防又は治療に有用な化合物の提供。 - 特許庁
  • Besides the above, there are other theories one was that when Kenshin went to the lavatory he was killed with a spear by a murderer who was dispatched by Nobunaga, another strange theory that he died of women's disease (details are stated in Kenshin UESUGI was female), others are Kenshin died of gastric or esophageal cancer due to excessive drinking of sake, and that he was killed with arsenic poison by Nobunaga ODA are still other theories.
    他に、厠で用を足していた時に信長の派遣で雪隠隠れをしていた刺客に槍で刺されて殺害されたという説、婦人病(詳細は上杉謙信女性説に記載)で亡くなったとという奇説や、酒の飲みすぎからくる胃癌、食道癌説、織田信長にヒ素で毒殺されたなどの説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The therapeutic methods are useful for treating a human adult or child suffering from Neonatal Onset Multisystem Inflammatory Disorder (NOM ID/CINCA), Muckle-Wells Syndrome (MWS), Familial Cold Autoinflammatory Syndrome (FCAS), familial mediterranean fever (FMF), tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic fever syndrome (TRAPS), or systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (Still's Disease).
    この治療方法は、新生児発症性多系統炎症障害(NOMID/CINCA)、マックル−ウェルズ症候群(MWS)、家族性低温自己炎症性症候群(FCAS)、家族性地中海熱(FMF)、腫瘍壊死因子レセプター関連性周期熱症候群(TRAPS)または全身発症性若年性特発性関節炎(スティル病)を有するヒト成人またはヒト小児を処置するために有用である。 - 特許庁
