As Yoshimasa lacked dynamism to lead shugo daimyos and immersed himself solely in tea ceremony, gardening and sarugaku plays, the actual steering of the Bakufu was in the hands of strongmen including Katsumoto of the deputy family, Sozen of one of Shishoku ke (four families appointed to deputy directorship of the Board of Retainers) and Yoshimasa's legitimate wife Tomiko HINO.
義政は、守護大名を統率する覇気に乏しく、もっぱら茶・作庭・猿楽などに没頭し、幕政は実力者の管領家の勝元・四職家の宗全、正室の日野富子らに左右されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The Onin War served to accelerate the downfall of Shoguns and shugo daimyos and to raise the status of true strongmen, as symbolized by the acquisition by Takakage ASAKURA, who had been a deputy shugo, of the rank of shugo daimyo.
応仁の乱は将軍や守護大名の没落を促進し、守護代であった朝倉孝景が守護大名の地位を得たことに象徴されるように、真の実力者の身分上昇をもたらした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス