
  • Adoai (supporting role of the Kyogen play in the Noh play): Tachimochi (sword bearer) as a Togashi's servant
    アドアイ 富樫の家来の太刀持ち - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • of the roles in a play, the role of being the person who is cut with a sword
    演劇において,切られ役という役割 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • in play performances, a person who only plays the part of being lanced with a sword
    演劇において,切られ役という役割の人 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • in a play, a sword fight
    殺陣という,芝居などでの格闘の場面 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • the act of participating in a sword fight in a theatrical play
    殺陣という,芝居などでの格闘の演技 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • The play comes to an end with the scene in which Yosaburo hugs Otomi saying "we can talk if we stay alive" after the event that Yosaburo came to know the miracle medicine that cures sword scars.
    また刀傷を治す妙薬を知るなどの件の後、与三郎が「命がありゃあ話せるなあ」とお富を抱くところで幕となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • `Shosadate' (Tchimawari which is incorporated into Buyo works), the scene of Shunkan having a sword fight with Seno in time of Joruri (dramatic narrative chanted to a shamisen accompaniment) is one of highlights of the play.
    妹尾との斬り合いの場面では浄瑠璃に合わせて斬り合いが行われる「所作伊逹」が見どころ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although he was no longer as nimble a sword fighter as he had once been, he continued to play the leading role with his dignified acting.
    殺陣の軽快さは若かりし日の姿には及ばないものの、重厚な演技で主役を張り続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • How many times hast thou heard how one was slain by the sword, another was drowned, another falling from on high broke his neck, another died at the table, another whilst at play!One died by fire, another by the sword, another by the pestilence, another by the robber.
    あなたは、溺れて死んだ人、高いところから落ちて死んだ人、食事中に・遊んでいるときに・火事で・剣で・疫病で・あるいは強盗の手で死んだ人の話をどれほどしょっちゅう耳にするでしょうか。 - Thomas a Kempis『キリストにならいて』
  • However Fuki started to have small audience because of the popularity of Kyoraku Theater, which was established by Nippon Dream Kanko as succession of Ebisubashi Shochiku theater, so that theatrical play with sword-rattling play and hand weaving demonstration was mainly performed, but theatrical performance was finished at nakaseki (performance showed from 11th to 20th of the month) of December 1958.
    しかし、戎橋松竹の後継として日本ドリーム観光が開設した京洛劇場の人気で客入りが悪くなり、剣劇や実演を主体に演芸を取り混ぜた興行を行った末、1958年12月中席で演芸興行を打ち切る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Now historical dramas are not popular among children, chanbara as children's play still survives in a lot of animated huge robots and special effects heroes that fight using swords or sword-like equipments.
    現在では、時代劇の子供への人気は決して高くは無いが、アニメの巨大ロボットや特撮ヒーローに、刀、またはそれに類する道具を使って戦うものも多く、遊びとしてのチャンバラは根強く生き残っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Arashi was convinced of Yamanaka's worth by the screenplay for 'Muttsuri Umon' and gave him his first directing job in 1932 with "Iso no Genta: Dakine no Nagawakizashi" (Genta of rocky shore sleeping with a long sword) adapted from a play by Shin HASEGAWA.
    「むっつり右門」の脚本でその真価を確信した嵐は1932年(昭和7年)、長谷川伸の戯曲を脚色した『磯の源太抱寝の長脇差』を監督第1作として発表させる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The autobiography of Kikugoro mentioned that a man involved in play whose name was Naosuke visited Kikugoro to show nishiki-e (a color woodblock print) drawn by Kunisada UTAGAWA which showed that Kikugoro himself was disguised as Bentenkozo stick a bare sword into a floor and drank sake, and Kikugoro immediately asked Shinshichi KAWATAKE to adapt it.
    菊五郎の自伝によれば、芝居の関係者の直助と言う男が、歌川国貞画の錦絵を見せに来たら、自分自身が弁天小僧の扮装で抜き身の刀を床に突き刺して酒を飲む絵柄だったので、早速河竹新七に脚色を依頼したとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The TV-adapted story differs from historical facts in that, in the TV play, even the name of Noritoshi INOKUMA is not mentioned, Karahashi no Tsubone is a naishi no jo (a woman officer who carries the Emperor's sword when accompanying him out of the Palace), Bingo KANEYASU is a watchdog at the Okunomon (Inside Gate), the destination of banishment of Tadanaga KAZANIN is Tsugaru, the punishment of court nobles was intended by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA to expel pro-Toyotomi nobles from the Imperial Court, and Ieyasu TOKUGAWA disagreed to Emperor Goyozei's proposal only to restrain the behaviors of Hirohashi no Tsubone and other court ladies and instead ordered them to be banished (this means that Emperor Goyozei's proposal for punishment had been more lenient).
    ドラマ中では、猪熊教利が名前すら登場しないこと、唐橋局が掌侍であること、兼安備後が奥の門の見張り役であること、花山院忠長の配流先が津軽であること、公家の処分が徳川家康による豊臣家を支援する公家の宮中からの追放を意図したものであること、広橋局以下女官を謹慎とする後陽成帝の案に対して徳川家康が難色を示し配流となったこと(後陽成帝の処分案が手ぬるいことになる)が異なる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
