a technique of wrestling called a {log hook and three-quarter nelson}
海老固めというレスリングの技 - EDR日英対訳辞書
in rugby, a position called {center three-quarter}
センタースリークォーターという,ラグビーのポジション - EDR日英対訳辞書
in rugby, a person of the position of {center three-quarter}
ラグビーで,センタースリークォーターのポジションの人 - EDR日英対訳辞書
a pitching form of baseball called {three-quarter throw}
スリークオーターという,野球の投法 - EDR日英対訳辞書
a woman's three-quarter coat called {swagger coat}
スワガーコートという七分丈の婦人用コート - EDR日英対訳辞書
Nijo daime or two and three-quarters tatami mats size of room in teahouse (a daime is a three-quarter sized tatami mat used for tea ceremony room, a word of yonjo-daime is a tea room arrangement showing a square measure of 2.75-jo in tatami-size)
-二畳台目。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The person in this photo is wearing a nice three-quarter-length coat.
この写真の人、かっこいいスリークォーターレンクスの上着を着ているね。 - Weblio英語基本例文集
It has short sleeves or three-quarter sleeves in tubular or wide style, and the size of the wrist openings is rather large.
短い半袖や七分袖の筒袖・平袖で、袖口が広め。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It is a deep-plan three and three-quarter tatami mat size teahouse with a shingled gable roof at its eastern side, alongside which runs a narrow aisle-like area.
深三畳台目、杮葺、東側を切妻造として出庇つける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The undergarment with a collar sewn up is a pullover type and has three-quarter sleeves. 衿を縫いつけた肌着はプルオーバータイプで袖は7分袖とする。 - 特許庁
A half-cycle equation window and a three-quarter window are used in these comparison steps. これらの比較器段階において、半サイクル平均化窓、四分の三サイクル窓を使用する。 - 特許庁
(2) A resolution of the policyholders meeting shall be adopted by a three quarter majority of the votes held by the attending Policyholders in a session where half or more of the Policyholders are present.
2 保険契約者総会の決議は、保険契約者の半数以上が出席し、その議決権の四分の三以上の多数により行う。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
It is sometimes reported from moment to moment such as the beginning of blooming, one-third in bloom, half in bloom, three-quarter in bloom, full in bloom, starting to fall.
樹木全体から見た開花具合によって咲き始め、三分咲き、五部咲き、七部咲き、満開、散り始めなどと刻一刻と報道されることもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The first retardation plate 2 is a three-quarter-wave plate and the second retardation plate 5 is a retardation plate having 415-480 nm phase difference. 第1位相差板2は3/4波長板であり、第2位相差板5は、位相差値が415〜480nmの位相差板である。 - 特許庁
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 37-3, paragraph (1) and Article 44, paragraph (1), the resolution set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be adopted by a three quarter majority of the votes held by the attending members in a session where half or more of the members are present (or by the three quarter majority of the votes held by the attending general representatives in a session where half or more of the general representatives are present).
2 第三十七条の三第一項及び第四十四条第一項の規定にかかわらず、前項の決議は、総社員の半数以上が出席し、その議決権の四分の三以上の多数(総代会の場合は、総代の半数以上が出席し、その議決権の四分の三以上の多数)により行う。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The next room of Tasogare no ma is the Fuji no ma (literally, "room of Mt. Fuji"), in the west of which there is a tea room of ichijo-daime (three-quarter size of tatami), and at the back of Tasogare no ma a tea room called Hasso no seki (a tea room at Konchi-in of Nanzen-ji Temple) is attached.
黄昏の間の次の間が八畳の富士の間で、その西に一畳台目の茶室を設け、黄昏の間の裏手には、八窓席と呼ぶ茶室を付属させている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In later years, he produced many prints of Kabuki actors depicted in the traditional three-quarter view style, while he also painted Kabuki actor portraits in a daring composition, featuring a single actor standing alone in waist and up view within the set of three panels.
後年は伝統的な役者似顔絵の七分身像を多く描き、3枚続の画面に一人立ちの半身役者絵を描く大胆な構図の作品なども描いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Since a lot of gold and silver were used in the trade between Holland and Japan, Arai estimated that a quarter of gold coins and three quarter of silver coins circulated in Japan went overseas between the beginning of the Edo period to the Genroku era.
長崎貿易の決済には金銀が多用されたが、この結果、日本の国内通貨量のうち金貨の4分の1、銀貨の4分の3が開幕から元禄までの間に海外に流出したと新井は計算した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This kimono set which can simply, beautifully and quickly be worn is obtained by attaching bands, detachable tapes, elastic threads, or the like for attaching to the body to the small many places of a half underwear, a three-quarter length underwear, a two-piece kimono and an attaching sash. 半襦袢、七分丈襦袢、二部式着物、付け帯の細部に着用時の胴体に固着する為のバンド、着脱自在テープ、ゴム紐等を具備したことで、着付けが簡単、きれいに素早くできる構成。 - 特許庁
To provide a jacket having various colors, patterns and shapes in each part as a jacket to be usable in several ways through changing combination, and enabling choosing from long sleeve, three-quarter sleeve, short sleeve, and athletic shirt type without shoulders, according to change of weather. 上着として、各部位に様々な色、様々な模様、様々な形状の部位を持つことにより組み合わせを変えれば何通りもの上着にできること。 - 特許庁
The jacket becomes long-sleeved by connecting divided parts, three-quarter-length by detaching the sleeve part 7, short-sleeved by detaching from the elbow part 6, and an athletic shirt type without shoulders by detaching from the shoulder part 5. また、第二発明は、分割した部位を接合することで長袖、7袖部をはずすと七部丈、6肘部からはずすと半袖、5肩部からはずすと肩なしランニングタイプになることを特徴とする上着である。 - 特許庁
To provide a kimono set which can simply be worn by a person not having a knowledge or a technique for wearing the kimono, because it is difficult to wear a kimono, a half underwear, a three-quarter length underwear, and a sash and because the kimono can hence not be worn by the person alone. 着物着用時、着物はもちろん半襦袢、七分丈襦袢、帯と着付けが難しく、一人で着付けができない人が多い為に、着付けの知識、技術がなくても一人で簡単に着付けができる着物セットの提供。 - 特許庁
A beam part 4 is formed in a thin belt shape having the narrow width, and the other end part thereof is connected to an inside corner part of a frame part 2 on a position reached by making approximately three-quarter round of a box part 3 through a clearance between an electrode support part 7 of fixed electrodes 6X, 6Y and the frame part 2. ビーム部4は、幅細の薄い帯状に形成され、固定電極6X,6Yの電極支持部7とフレーム部2の間の隙間を通ってマス部3の周囲を略4分の3周した位置においてフレーム部2の内側角部に他端部が連結されている。 - 特許庁