He is a top-ranking chef.
彼は一流のシェフだ。 - Weblio Email例文集
There was a sweeping change of top‐ranking officials.
局長級の大更迭があった. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
the three top-ranking official positions of a party or company
組織で主要な三つの役職 - EDR日英対訳辞書
a playing fee of a top-ranking athlete
スター選手の出場料 - EDR日英対訳辞書
These were selected as top-ranking tourist spots.
これらは観光地として上位に選ばれた。 - Weblio Email例文集
a person who is one of the three top-ranking officials
組織で主要な三つの役職についている人 - EDR日英対訳辞書
November 23, 717: Increased Fuko (Residential units [ko] assigned as fiefs [fu] to support top-ranking officials, temples, shrines, and royal households such as those of the queen-consort and crown prince).
養老元年(717年)10月12日 増封 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
1167: Declined from fuko (Residential units (ko) assigned as prebend (fu) to support top-ranking officials, temples, shrines, and royal households such as those of the queen-consort and crown prince) (June 19)
仁安(日本)2年(1167年) 封戸を辞退(5月23日) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He became the top ranking Roju in 1863 due to his achievements as Kyoto City Guard.
京都市中警備の功績により、文久3年(1863年)、老中首座となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Even after the collapse of the ritsuryo system, the top ranking shrine in an area continued to be referred to ichinomiya.
律令制崩壊の後も、その地域の第一の神社として一宮などの名称は使われ続けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After Hakuho died, he lived in a tatchu (dormitory built near the master's tomb) called Koto-an of Ryoan-ji Temple and served as the top-ranking priest of Myoshin-ji Temple in Kyoto thereafter.
伯蒲の没後、竜安寺の塔頭である皐東庵を自坊とし、以後、京都妙心寺の首座となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Separated from the examination of the scientific preservation method, the murals were planned to be reproduced in their present condition and the four top ranking Japanese art painters at that time were assigned to.
科学的保存方法の検討とは別に、壁画の現状模写を制作することになり、当時の代表的な日本画家4名が分担された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When 'an unexpected new singer becomes a top-ranking star,' then an expression such as, 'this new singer transformed himself or herself' or 'obake shita' (transformed oneself greatly) is used.
「期待していなかった新人歌手が、トップスターなった」ときなどに「この新人歌手は化けた」または、「大化けした」というように使われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The new emperor gave fuko (Residential units (ko) assigned as prebends (fu) to support top-ranking officials, temples, shrines, and royal households such as those of the queen-consort and crown prince) and zuijin (guard) to the retired emperor as well as a title of respect.
退位した上皇に対して新しい天皇より尊号が授与されるとともに封戸・随身が与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Top ranking officials for practical works, who supported the system of the dynasty state from tenth century to twelfth century, were mainly from the families of this class.
10世紀から12世紀にかけての王朝国家体制を支えた実務官人の上層部は主としてこの階層の家柄から供給された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He also painted pictures on the books written by top-ranking cultural figures of the time such as Mitsuhiro KARASUMARU and Koetsu HONAMI.
また、当代一流の文化人であった烏丸光広や本阿弥光悦らの書巻に下絵を描いていたらしい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Kageboshi (Silhouette) had the same combination of leading actor and scriptwriter and was greeted with such great public favor that Tsumasaburo was assured of a position as the top-ranking actor in period movies.
同じコンビで発表した『影法師』は大好評で、時代劇俳優の第一人者としての地位は決定的なものとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Takanaka had an older brother whose name was Shigemoto NIWATA and a younger sister who was Tsuguko NIWATA (serving as the Emperor Ninko's 'naishi no suke' which was an assistant handmaid in the Kokyu palace which was the imperial harem including the empress's residence; and an 'O-oku joro kamiza' which was a top ranking upper-grade lady-in-waiting at the O-oku [literally, the great interior, which was the women's quarters in Edo Castle and was the shogun's harem])
兄に庭田重基、妹に庭田嗣子(仁孝天皇典侍・大奥上臈上座)らがいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, even though he was being followed by two powerful wrestlers Kajinosuke TANIKAZE and Tameemon RAIDEN, he still left the top-ranking record in history.
しかし、谷風梶之助、雷電爲右エ門の両強豪に挟撃されながらも歴代でも一級の戦績を残した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Top ranking human sequences are selected to provide the framework sequences for constructing a chimeric antibody. 上位の順位であるヒト配列が、キメラ抗体を構築するためのフレームワーク配列を提供するために選択される。 - 特許庁
A top-ranking Japanese manufacturer will launch multi-passenger cars (not large vehicles but compact vans) envisaged initially by India's government. ところで、日系首位メーカーは、当初インド政府が考えていた多人数乗りの車(ただし大型車ではなく小型車バンであるのが異なる。)を発売する。 - 経済産業省
Note: Questionnaires which selected the major 6 countries were extracted. The top ranking hub function is indicated in red, 2nd ranking is indicated in yellow. 備考:主要6 か国の企業数を抽出、各拠点機能の1 位に赤色、2 位に黄色マーカーを付している。 - 経済産業省
Also known as Shojin, he, a bokan (a residential retainer) serving at Hongan-ji Temple, was a top-ranking te-sarugaku (amateur Noh) performer who had studied under Yoshikatsu KONPARU (also known as Gyuren, the father of Yasuteru, the sixty-first head).
本願寺の坊官である少進は金春喜勝(号笈蓮。安照の父。六十一世宗家)に師事した手猿楽の第一人者であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Most of his achievements are unknown, and his life after he and Shiki no miko (the Prince Shiki [志貴]) were granted 200 households of fuko (residential units [ko] assigned as fiefs [fu] to support top-ranking officials, temples, shrines, and royal households such as those of the queen-consort and crown prince) in 686 is unknown.
事績に不明な点が多く、686年(朱鳥元年)8月に志貴皇子と共に封200戸を加えられたが、以後の消息は分かっていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
So Yoshinobu guarded the Imperial Palace as the top-ranking warrior, and he urged the listed 12 once again with Sanjo leave the Shogun's palace in the name of the Emperor and the Shogun, and he at last persuaded them into exiting the premises (cf. "Oninki" [The Record of the Onin War]).
そこで義信は武者頭として禁中警護に当り、再度、三条とともに名簿の12名に対し、天皇・将軍の命令として御所退出を促し、説得に成功、御所から脱出させている(『応仁記』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Each time a natural phenomenon such as eruption, light emission, or changes in the crater lake occurred, it was reported to the central government as a phenomenon caused by a Shinto god, resulting in a raise of shinkai (a rank granted to Shinto gods) and granting of fuko (residential units (ko) assigned as prebends (fu) to support top-ranking officials, temples, shrines, and royal households such as those of the queen-consort and crown prince).
その噴火・発光、湯だまりの変異等の自然現象が起きる度に、神霊現象として中央へ報告され、神階が上昇し、封戸が与えられるなどしていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
At this time, when a current recognition result in the top ranking matches the last history held in the recognition result history 208, the recognition result has its ranking lowered in the order and is output, thereby preventing the same misrecognition from being repeated. このとき、現在の最高順位の認識結果が、認識結果履歴208に保持された前回の履歴と一致する場合、当該認識結果の順位を下げて出力することによって、同じ誤認識が繰り返されることを防ぐ。 - 特許庁
"Kugyo" is a term referring to court noble posts responsible for national politics as the top-ranking officers of Daijokan (Grand Council of State) based on provisions of the Ritsuryo system (a system of centralized government based on the ritsuryo code), namely, the top officials (collectively called giseikan), Daijo-daijin (Grand minister of state), Sadaijin (minister of the left), Udaijin (minister of the right), Dainagon (chief councilor of state), Chunagon (vice-councilor of state), and Sangi (imperial advisor) (or Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) or higher).
公卿(くぎょう)とは公家の中でも日本の律令の規定に基づく太政官の最高幹部として国政を担う職位、すなわち太政大臣・左大臣・右大臣・大納言・中納言・参議ら(もしくは従三位以上)の高官(総称して議政官という)を差す用語である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The Akamatsu, Isshiki, Kyogoku and Yamana clans, whose heads were feudal lords that ruled local territories as military governors, were known as the "Shishiki (or Shishoku)" clans (meaning "four top ranking clans") and the military police director (called "tonin" or "shoshi" in Japanese) of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) was chosen from among these clans in turn in order to take charge of military leadership, law enforcement and tax collection in the city of Kyoto.
室町幕府の軍事指揮と京都市中の警察・徴税等を司る侍所の長官(頭人、所司)に交代で任じられた守護大名の赤松氏、一色氏、京極氏、山名氏の4氏を指して「四職」と称する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Furthermore, in addition to his noble and handsome appearance (he was quite tall for a Japanese of the time) and the fact that he was from the top-ranking Sekke family, he advocated overturning the diplomatic status quo and was popular with the public and was soon being mentioned as a Prime Minister-in-waiting.
また摂家筆頭という血筋や、貴公子然とした端正な風貌(当時の日本人にあっては長身であった)に加えて、対英米協調外交に反対する現状打破主義的主張で、大衆的な人気も獲得し、早くから首相待望論が聞かれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
On January, 10 the new government ordered as punishment to the offending supporters, "enemy of the Emperor"; taking of governmental posts, commandeering the hantei (residence maintained by a daimyo in Kyoto) residences in Kyoto of their twenty-seven highest cabinet members and those of other top ranking officials in the Tokugawa shogunate administration, including Yoshinobu, Katamori MATSUDAIRA (the lord of the Aizu Domain and the former Kyoto shugoshoku [Military governor of Kyoto]) and Sadaaki MATSUDAIRA (the lord of the Kuwana Domain and the former Kyoto shoshidai [The Kyoto deputy]).
10日には慶喜・松平容保(会津藩主、元京都守護職)・松平定敬(桑名藩主、元京都所司代)を初め幕閣など27人の「朝敵」の官職を剥奪し、京都藩邸を没収するなどの処分を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After the merger, newly restructured Chugai’s sales totaled 253 billion yen (based on FY2000 results), ranking fifth in Japan for prescription drug sales. What is more, the entire Roche Group including Chugai saw estimated sales of approximately 2.3trillion yen (based on FY2000 results), which put them within the ten top-ranking corporations in the world. なお、合併後の新生中外製薬の売上高2,530億円(2000年度実績ベース)は、国内医療用医薬品売上げランク第5位となり、また、中外製薬を含むロシュグループ全体の推定売上高(同)は約2兆3,000億円となり、世界ランク10位以内の企業となる。 - 経済産業省
The survey samples are different, so we cannot produce a simple comparison, but if motivations for startup are compared by using the two studies (Fig. 1-2-11), in both the 2001 and 2006 studies, "Want free reign over work" and "To gain personal satisfaction through work" were the top-ranking motivations. 調査対象が異なるため単純な比較はできないが、創業の動機について5年前の調査と比較すると(第1-2-11図)、2001年調査、今回調査共に、「自分の裁量で仕事をしたい」と「仕事を通じて自己実現を図りたい」が上位となっている。 - 経済産業省
Firstly, the analysis grouped the subject companies into the top 30 firms in the overall ranking by the FY2003 social indicators (the top ranking group overall), the lowest 30 firms (the bottom ranking group overall) and the remaining companies (the middle ranking group overall), and then tried to determine the characteristics of each group by working out the average of each financial indicator for the respective groups (an analysis by the level of social contribution). まず、対象企業を、2003年度「社会指標」総合順位の上位30社(総合順位上位グループ)、下位30社(総合順位下位グループ)、上下位30社を除いた残りの企業(総合順位中位グループ)にグルーピングし、それぞれのグループの各財務指標の平均値を算出し、その特性の把握を行っている(社会貢献度水準による分析)。 - 経済産業省
Taking drugs of top ranking up to 100th in terms of sales value, for example, Japan is placed third place in term of number of items per origin country, which suggested that Japan has high ability in new drug development (Figure 3-2-1-44). Beside that, in the field of advance medical equipment, take equipment for heavy particle radiotherapy for example; there are 6 units of them in operation in the world. 3 of which is in operation in Japan. Many data on the cases of heavy particle radiotherapy53 is build-up in Japan (Figure3-2-1-45), which suggested that there are some sectors that Japan can lead the world greatly, also Japan has a potential power to play an active role globally. 例えば、売上高上位医薬品100 品目における起源国品目数をみると、我が国は世界3 位にあり、高い新薬開発力を持っている(第3-2-1-44 図)ほか、高度医療機器の分野でも、例えば、がんの重粒子線治療53 機器では、稼働中の機器は世界で6 機あるうち、3 機が日本で稼働しており、重粒子線治療の症例の多くが日本に蓄積されているなど(第3-2-1-45 図)、日本が世界的に大きく先行する分野があり、国際的に飛躍できる潜在的な力を有する。 - 経済産業省
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