
  • Transcendence
    トランセンデンス - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Self-transcendence means going beyond one's previous self.
    自己超越とは以前の自身を超えていくことである。 - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • Iehiro KONOE, in his "Kaiki," highly appraised Shume's work as transcendence in the history.
    近衛家熙は『槐記』のなかで、古今に超絶したものだと高く評価している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Transcendence refers to the moment when artificial intelligence (AI) surpasses human intelligence.
    「トランセンデンス(超越)」は,人工知能(AI)が人間の知能を超えるときを意味する。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Under Nango and Hirata, Sawakai joined Keigo KIYOURA's Kenkyukai (a study group) in supporting Aritomo YAMAGATA, supporting Yamagata's doctrine of transcendence.
    南郷や平田のもとで茶話会は清浦奎吾の研究会_(貴族院)とともに山縣有朋を支持して、超然主義を奉じた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The word 'Hannya-haramitsu' refers to the transcendence of wisdom of dichotomy between the two such as shigan (this world) and higan (that world), but it does not refer to the transcendence by mediation, and the Chinese Zen masters aimed to return to the position where there was no mind, that is, the position before ideas occurred.
    般若波羅蜜は、此岸―彼岸といった二項対立的な智を超越することを意味するが、瞑想による超越ということでなく、中国禅の祖師たちは、心念の起こらぬところ、即ち概念の分節以前のところに帰ることを目指したのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Some scholars argue that the degradation or interruption of Fukai-no-Joten/ Fukaijoten in the course of its transcendence is unthinkable and it is rather probable that the code had been deliberately carried to cassation with a series of such events as Prince Motoi's death, Emperor Koken's enthronement, and Funado no Okimi's investiture as Crown Prince.
    伝承の薄れや途切れというより積極的に、基王の死と孝謙天皇即位、道祖王立太子をもって、不改常典の廃棄とする者もいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On this view, the joy of hacking fulfills a self-actualization or transcendence need, which will not be consistently expressed until lower-level needs (including those for physical security and for `belongingness' or peer esteem) have been at least minimally satisfied.
    この観点からすると、ハッキングの喜びというのは自己実現ないし高次ニーズであって、低次のニーズ(たとえば肉体的な安定性や「帰属感」や同業者の中の名誉など)が最低限は満たされない限り、一貫性を持った形で表明されることはないのだ、ということになる。 - Eric S. Raymond『ノウアスフィアの開墾』
  • The Tale of the Heike describes, 'It's a human but not a human, a bird but not a bird, a dog but not a dog, and it has human arms and legs, a dog's head and a pair of wings, and it flies'; moreover, in the Kamakura period Tendai monks flaunting miraculous efficacy made it an objective to prove the transcendence of Buddhism, and some books, including "Zegaibo Emaki," mention stories that Tengu challenged a Tendai monk to a fight and was defeated miserably.
    『平家物語』では、「人にて人ならず、鳥にて鳥ならず、犬にて犬ならず、足手は人、かしらは犬、左右に羽根はえ、飛び歩くもの」とあり、鎌倉時代になると、験力を誇示する天台僧らに、仏教の超越性を証明する為の標的とされ、『是害坊絵巻』を始めとする書物に、天台の僧に戦いを挑み、無残に敗退する天狗の物語が伝えられるようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • But the struggle for power with the Kenkyukai gradually began to produce friction, and after the turmoil of the Manko cabinet, the cooperation between the Kenkyukai and the Rikken Seiyukai (the Friends of Constitutional Government Party, or "Seiyukai" for short) and other challenges, the struggle for influence between the Tea Party and the Kenkyukai gradually developed into open hostility, and when some of the members of Hara's Seiyukai cabinet were chosen from the Kenkyukai, not only did the Tea Party abandon the doctrine of transcendence and join forces with the opposition Kenseikai (Constitutional Government Party), they also formed links with the various other factions among non-Kenkyukai House of Peers members in an effort to isolate and surround the Kenkyukai.
    だが、次第に研究会との勢力争いによって摩擦が生じるようになり、鰻香内閣騒動や研究会と立憲政友会との連携などを経て茶話会と研究会は次第に対立し、政友会の原内閣に研究会が閣僚を送ると、茶話会も超然主義を放棄して反対党である憲政会と連携する一方、研究会以外の他の貴族院の各会派と連携して研究会を包囲する動きを見せた(幸四派)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
