
  • A shrine venerating Amatsu-kami (god)
    天津神を祀る神社。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A shrine venerating Kunitsu-kami (god)
    国津神を祀る神社。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • an act of venerating one's ancestors as a religious act
    宗教的行動として祖先崇拝をすること - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • of or relating to or venerating the Virgin Mary
    聖母マリアの、聖母マリアに関する、または、聖母マリアを崇拝する - 日本語WordNet
  • in religion, a philosophy of venerating animal forms
    宗教における崇拝の対象を動物の形で表す観念 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • Make to thyself friends, by venerating the saints of God and walking in their steps,
    神の聖徒を敬い、彼らの歩みにならって友人を作りなさい。 - Thomas a Kempis『キリストにならいて』
  • Kashihara-jingu Shrine (in 1890, the shrine was given the title of Jingu, and became Kanpei-taisha (large-scale state shrine)) was constructed, while Kashikodokoro (Imperial Sanctuary) and Shinkaden (Deity Venerating Hall) of Kyoto Imperial Palace were granted to Kashiara-jingu Shrine and used as Honden (main shrine) and Haiden (a hall of worship) (current Kaguraden), respectively.
    京都御所の賢所を賜って本殿、神嘉殿を賜って拝殿(現在の神楽殿)と成し、橿原神宮(1890年に神宮号宣下、官幣大社)が創建された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Princess Toyosuki Iribime no Mikoto was charged with venerating Amaterasu Omikami at Kasanui Village (in what is now Hibara-jinja Shrine); Amaterasu Omikami was subsequently moved throughout the country before being enshrined in the naiku (inner shrine) of Ise-jingu Shrine in 5 B.C.
    天照大神を豊鍬入姫命に託し、笠縫邑(現在の檜原神社)に祀らせ、その後各地を移動したが、垂仁天皇25年(紀元前5年)に現在の伊勢神宮内宮に御鎮座した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Princess Nunakiiribime no Mikoto was charged with venerating Yamato no Okunitama no Kami in Nagaoka no Saki (the origin of what is now Oyamato-jinja Shrine) but she became emaciated and unable to worship.
    倭大国魂神を渟名城入媛命に託し、長岡岬に祀らせたが(現在の大和神社の初め)、媛は身体が痩せ細って祀ることが出来なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Because the Buddha explained that the handing down of doctrine was of the greatest importance as Shogyo-mujo (all things are impermanent) is inevitable, in later years there were some who believed that worshiping and venerating the Buddha's sariras, which exist as tangible things, deviates from the Buddha's intention.
    諸行無常は必然とした上で、教義の伝承を最重要と説いていることから、後代の解釈では、物として実在する仏舎利を過度に崇拝崇敬することは釈迦の意向から逸脱している、と考える向きもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On New Year's Day, following Shihohai (a Shinto ceremony held on New Year's Day in which the Emperor pays respect to the deities in all quarters) which the Emperor presides at in the southern courtyard of Shinka-den (Deity Venerating Hall), the ceremony which the ceremonial staff presides at is undertaken in the early morning of the same day from 5:30 A.M. at the Three Shrines in the Imperial Court as follows: Norito (Shinto Prayer) is dedicated by the ceremonial staff, then the Emperor, after finishing Shihohai at around 5:40, gives a prayer in Korozen no goho (an attire dyed grave ochre with Japanese wax tree as a base and coated with raspberry red and bluish purple (the supreme color), which the Emperor puts on when he perform an important ritual), and in continuation, the Imperial Prince in Oni no ho (a bright orange colored attire dyed with gardenia fruit and safflower (noble color), which the Crown Prince puts on in a ritual) gives a prayer.
    元日の神嘉殿南庭において天皇が親行する四方拝に続いて、同日早朝午前5時30分から宮中三殿において掌典職が主宰し、祝詞をあげ、午前5時40分ごろ四方拝を済ませた黄櫨染御袍姿の天皇が拝礼し、黄丹袍姿の皇太子が続いて拝礼する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
