
  • the Viceroy of India
    インド太守 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • the Viceroy of India
    インド総督 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • the viceroy of India
    インド大守 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • the position of viceroy
    総督の地位 - 日本語WordNet
  • wife of a viceroy
    総督の妻 - 日本語WordNet
  • He retained his post as the Deputy Viceroy of Kii Province.
    紀伊権介如元。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • of or relating to a viceroy
    総督の、または、総督に関する - 日本語WordNet
  • 1019: He became the Dazai Gonnno Sochi (Viceroy of the Dazai-fu).
    寛仁3年(1019年) 大宰権帥 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On January 27, 956, he was appointed as the Deputy Viceroy of Omi Province and was dismissed from the post of Deputy Viceroy of Kii Province.
    956年(天暦10)1月27日、近江権介を兼任し、紀伊権介を去る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • a district or province governed by a viceroy
    総督によって治められた地区や州 - 日本語WordNet
  • a viceroy who governed a large province in the Roman Empire
    ローマ帝国で大きな行政区を支配した総督 - 日本語WordNet
  • On February 20, 946, he was appointed as Gonnokami (Viceroy) of Suo Province.
    946年(天慶9)2月20日、周防権守に任官。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On January 16, 952, he was concurrently appointed as the Deputy Viceroy of Yamato Province.
    952年(天暦6)1月16日、大和権介を兼任。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • January 4, 1705: He was promoted to Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade, and appointed the Viceroy of Echizen Province.
    1704年(宝永元年)12月9日-従五位下越前守。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On February 23, 955, he was concurrently appointed as a deputy governor of Kii Province and was dismissed from the post of Deputy Viceroy of Yamato Province.
    955年(天暦9)2月23日、紀伊権介を兼任し、大和権介を去る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • She was at the boarding of the viceroy of the Indies out of Goa, she was;
    ゴアからインドの提督が乗船するときもその場にいあわせたんだな。 - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』
  • When Empress Dowager Cixi made a "proclamation of war" to make her stance toward the allied western powers clear, some influential bureaucracy in the local provinces such as Liu Kunyi, who was the Viceroy of Liangjiang, Zhang Zhidong, who was the Viceroy of Huguang, and Li Hongzhang, who was the Viceroy of Liangguang, stated that the above order was a forgery and refused to participate in suppressing the Boxers.
    西太后が「宣戦布告」の上諭を出して列強への態度を明確化した頃、両江総督劉坤一や湖広総督張之洞、両広総督李鴻章ら地方の有力官僚らは、この上諭を偽詔とした上で従わない旨宣言し、そして義和団の鎮圧に動いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was commonly called Sochi no Naidaijin (Viceroy Minister of the Center) and Gidosanshi (designation equivalent to Jundaijin, or the three ministers: chancellor, minister of the left, and minister of the right) after his official title.
    官名を以って帥内大臣・儀同三司と通称される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the Boshin War, he was assigned to an officer in charge of strategies at Tosando Sotokufu (the Tosando Viceroy Headquarters), and he fought battles at various places.
    戊辰戦争では東山道総督府参謀に任ぜられ各地を転戦する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On his own accord he approached provincial governors, Kunyi LIU (Viceroy of Liangjiang) and Zhidong ZHANG (Viceroy of Huguang) who had strong power in the Qing dynasty, to propose cooperation between Japan and Ching.
    また、清朝内で強い権力を持つ地方長官の劉坤一(両江総督)や張之洞(湖広総督)などにも独自に接近、日清の連携をもちかけた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (His rank is Sochi no Miya (the Viceroy Prince) at the beginning and Hyobukyo no MIYA (His Highness of War) after 'Otome' (The Maidens), and he is called by this name because he is a main character in 'Hotaru' (The Fireflies)).
    (始め帥の宮、「少女(源氏物語)」以降兵部卿宮。「蛍(源氏物語)」の主要人物であることからこの名で呼ばれる) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • So it was with the CASSANDRA, as brought us all safe home from Malabar, after England took the viceroy of the Indies;
    カッサンドラだってそうさ、イングランドがインド諸国の太守を捕らえてから、わしらみんなをマラバーから無事に本国まで送りとどけてくれたな。 - Robert Louis Stevenson『宝島』
  • Letter written by the Viceroy of Portuguese India: In 1588, a sheepskin-paper letter from the Viceroy of the Portuguese-ruled state of Goa on the western coast of the Indian peninsula addressed to Hidetoshi TOYOTOMI requesting the relaxation of the oppressive policy towards Christianity in Japan.
    ポルトガル国印度副王親書-1588年(日本の天正16年)、インド半島西岸に位置するポルトガル領ゴア州の副王から豊臣秀吉に宛てた羊皮紙の書簡で、内容は当時の日本が行っていたキリスト教弾圧政策の緩和を求めたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Albanian soldier in the service of Turkey who was made viceroy of Egypt and took control away from the Ottoman Empire and established Egypt as a modern state (1769-1849)
    アルバニアの軍人で、エジプトの総督になり、オスマン帝国からの支配を取り除いて、近代国家としてエジプトを確立したトルコに仕えた(1769年−1849年) - 日本語WordNet
  • His father, Takaakira, who was at the high rank of Sadaijin (Minister of Left), experienced a bitter moment when he was demoted to the rank of Dazai gonno sochi (Viceroy of Dazai-fu (the government of Kyushu)) due to the conspiracy of the Northern House of the FUJIWARA clan (Anna no Hen (Conspiracy of Anna)) in March 969, when Toshikata was eleven years old.
    冷泉天皇の安和2年(969年)3月、11歳の時、左大臣の高位にあった父高明が藤原北家の陰謀によって大宰権帥に落とされる憂き目に見舞われる(安和の変)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1704, when Tsunatoyo moved his residence to the west wing of Edo-jo Castle, Akifusa was selected from among the samurai of Kofu Domain to serve as a retainer of the Tokugawa shogunate; he was also promoted to Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade, and given the position of Viceroy of Echizen Province, becoming one of the Tokugawa clan's Chamberlains and having his income increased by 1500 koku.
    宝永元年(1704年)の綱豊の江戸城西の丸城入と同時に甲府藩士から幕臣に編入され、従五位下越前国に叙任し、側衆になり、1500石加増。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1609, Don Rodorigo, the Viceroy of the Philippines, a previous Spanish territory, had an accident at sea on his way back to his post in Nueva Espana and drifted down to Iwada Village, Kazusa Province (presently, Onjuku-machi), and in 1611, Sebastian VIZCAINO paid a visit to Japan as toreishi (errand to return a call or visit).
    1609年(慶長14年)には前スペイン領フィリピンの総督ドン・ロドリゴがヌエバ・エスパーニャ(現在のメキシコ日本との関係)への帰任に際し海難で上総国岩和田村(現御宿町)に漂着し、1611年(慶長16年)にはセバスティアン・ビスカイノが答礼使として来日した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Within the Imperial Court, there was a struggle between hard-liners that wanted to destroy Choshu's military force and others who wished to appease them, while Keiki HITOTSUBASHI (later known as Shogun Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA), who served as Viceroy and Protector of the Imperial Palace, called on the soldiers to withdraw, but the Choshu soldiers clashed with various groups of samurai warriors from Aizu, Kuwana, and Satsuma clans near Kyoto's Hamaguri Gate (in the Kamigyo ward of modern-day Kyoto); but the forces of Choshu, chanting their Revere the Emperor slogan, were annihilated, and Matabe KIJIMA, Gensui KUSAKA, and Chusaburo TERAJIMA were among those who died in battle.
    朝廷内部では長州勢の駆逐を求める強硬派と宥和派が対立し、禁裏御守衛総督を勤める一橋慶喜(徳川慶喜)は退兵を呼びかけるが、京都蛤御門(京都市上京区)付近で長州藩兵が、会津・桑名藩・薩摩各藩の諸隊と衝突、尊皇攘夷を唱える長州勢は壊滅、来島又兵衛、久坂玄瑞、寺島忠三郎らは戦死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
