
  • He's well respected for his management skills.
    彼のマネジメント能力は高く評価されている。 - Tatoeba例文
  • He's well respected for his management skills.
    彼のマネジメント能力は高く評価されている。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded)
    ほめ称えられていること(尊敬され、尊重され、敬意を払われていること) - 日本語WordNet
  • Buddhism maintains a certain influence in Japan and cremation is respected because Buddha was cremated as well
    日本で一定の力を持つ仏教では、仏陀にちなみ、火葬が尊ばれてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • She was well versed in waka (a traditional Japanese poem of 31 syllables) and calligraphy, and was even had a respected title of 'Ohashi sama' in the calligraphy world.
    和歌と書に優れ、特に書は「大橋様」とまで称されたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The third generation family head Sanefusa was well-known as the author of Gumaiki, being respected as the master of political operations and ceremonies of the Imperial Court.
    三代実房は「愚昧記」の著者として知られ、公事の師と仰がれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On the contrary to popular perception that geisgi have no freedom, it seems that their freedom to fall in love with a man that they choose has long been well respected.
    なんの自由も無いと考えられがちである芸妓だが、恋愛の自由は昔からかなり認められていたようだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the death of influential Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, Sadakatsu was well-respected by Ieyasu's nephew, Shogun Hidetada TOKUGAWA, but he firmly refused his offer to be a chamberlain in July, 1623.
    大御所徳川家康の薨後、甥である将軍・徳川秀忠から篤く敬われ、同9年(1623年)7月、将軍秀忠より侍従職を進められるも固辞。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, he changed his plan and studied in the newly united German Empire because he was well-respected and persuaded to do so by Shuzo AOKI and Yajiro SHINAGAWA in Berlin.
    しかし、ベルリンで青木周蔵・品川弥二郎らの知遇を得て説得され、統一したばかりのドイツ帝国での留学に切り替えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hoitsu respected Korin as a mentor and made Korin's works famous, but it is said that Hoitsu was unfamiliar with the relation between Sotatsu and Korin, and he didn't know of Sotatsu's 'Fujin Raijin zu' (The Wind and Thunder Gods) which is quite well known today.
    抱一は、光琳に私淑し、光琳の画を広く世に知らしめた人物であるが、宗達と光琳の関係については詳しくなく、現在では有名な宗達の風神雷神図の存在を知らなかったと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • As for other features of the Japanese traditional equestrianism, the techniques for the castration had been unknown as well; people respected male horses vigorous enough to bite people especially at wars; since the bushi always wore long and short swords, they rode the horses from the opposite side to the way of the European equestrianism.
    また、去勢の技術が伝えられていなかったこと、戦場には人を齧るくらい元気な牡馬が尊ばれたこと、大小の刀を帯びる影響で、乗馬位置が西洋馬術と反対であることなどもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This Shrine was also worshiped as guardian deity by Genji, as well as by many Kawachi Genji families among Seiwa Genji, such as the Ashikaga, Tokugawa, Imagawa, and Takeda clans, and was thus respected as the god of fighting, archery and victory.
    また、源氏をはじめ、足利氏・徳川氏・今川氏・武田氏など、多くの清和源氏の中の河内源氏の系統が氏神として信仰したことから武神・弓矢の神・必勝の神として崇敬された - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the Muromachi period, in particular, it is necessary to note that Saigyo was respected and admired not only as a poet but also as a traveler as well as a person who pursued two careers such as writing poems and living in the priesthood.
    特に室町時代以降、単に歌人としてのみではなく、旅のなかにある人間として、あるいは歌と仏道という二つの道を歩んだ人間としての西行が尊崇されていたことは注意が必要である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His brother-in-law, FUJIWARA no Michinaga occasionally visited Jakugen to hear his lecture as well as being respected by Akazome Emon and many, he was called as 'Ohara Konoe no shosho' (Minor Captain of the Palace Guards from Ohara) from the court rank he had before he underwent shukke.
    また、義兄である藤原道長が度々寂源を尋ねて講説を受ほか、赤染衛門ら多くの人々から崇敬を受けて出家前の官名より「大原近衛少将」とも称された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that he got along well with Iemochi, the 14th shogunate, while Iemochi had the closest relationship with Mochitsugu, and at the same time, Mochitsugu respected Iemochi.
    14代将軍・家茂とは気が合ったらしく、家茂が最も親しく交わりを結んでいたのが茂承であったのと同時に、茂承は家茂を慕っていたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In this era, critical evaluations were also made for TAIRA no Masakado and Takauji ASHIKAGA, who were respected by Ieyasu and others, as rebels who had defied the imperial court (there is a theory as well that Ieyasu was also critical of Takauji ASHIKAGA).
    この時期は家康らの尊敬の対象であった平将門や足利尊氏に対しても朝廷に刃向かった逆賊として批判的な評価がなされていた時期である(足利尊氏に対しては家康も批判的だったとする説もある)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (Note1) The "Principles" are a set of key codes of conduct or general behavioral rules that are underlying basis of statutory rules such as laws and regulations, and should be respected when financial firms conduct their business as well as when the FSA takes supervisory actions.
    (注1)プリンシプルとは、法令等個別ルールの基礎にあり、各金融機関等が業務を行う際、また当局が行政を行うにあたって、尊重すべき主要な行動規範・行動原則と考えられる。 - 金融庁
  • To provide a game device and an information storing medium, wherein the intention of a player is respected as well while maintaining the degree of variety for the choice displayed on a selection screen.
    選択画面にて表示される選択肢のバラエティ度を維持しながらプレーヤの意向も尊重できるゲーム装置及び情報記憶媒体を提供すること。 - 特許庁
  • Since Katatoyo was regarded as the top of senior vassals and well respected as described above, this feud (the pretext why Yoshiharu killed Katatoyo being feigned to be bureiuchi (death penalty by sword slash for rudeness)) led up to distrust of Yoshiharu among the feudatory of Rokkaku clan in connection with the trouble of reigns of the both families of Rokkaku clan and Sasaki clan, the latter being Rokkaku clan's root.
    賢豊は前述したように重臣の筆頭格であり人望も厚かったから、この事件(義治が賢豊を討ち取った名目は無礼討ちとされていた)は、佐々木六角氏の家督問題と関係して六角家臣団の義治に対する不信を持たせることにつながった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Amongst various views of the background, it is said that Yoshiharu assassinated Katatoyoin order to recover the authority as the family head, after struggles between Katatoyo's authority and Yosiharu, the young family head, since Katatoyo was such a well respected chief vassal as a meritorious retainer of Rokkaku clan since the period of Sadayori and well admired of as "twin To (phonetic alphabet of 藤 後藤, GOTO and 進藤, SINDO) of Rokkaku clan" that he held the authority to execute administrative affairs on behalf of the family head.
    理由は諸説あるが、賢豊は定頼時代からの六角家中における功臣として人望も厚く、進藤貞治と共に「六角氏の両藤」と称されるほどの宿老で、奉行人として六角氏の当主代理として政務を執行できる権限を有していたことから、賢豊の権力と若年の当主・義治とが争った末に、当主としての執行権を取り戻すために暗殺したと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Well-respected people of virtue, wisdom, and kind personalities who have worked hard for many years in managing a shrine, until by the time they reach old age they have rendered distinguished service and stand as pioneers of Shinto society, are awarded certificates of achievement (as stipulated in the third clause of Article Two in the Regulations on Commendation) and given the honorific title of Choro (according to thte Regulations on Choro).
    徳望衆に秀で人格見識共に勝れ多年奉仕神社の県営に神徳の発揚に力をいたし老齢に達する迄神社界の先覚として終始一貫斯道の為に貢献し功績抜群なる者(表彰規程第2条第3号)に対し授与される功績状を授与された者に対し、長老の敬称を贈ることとなっている(長老に関する規程)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In "Jukkinsho" Section 7-27, the young Kiyomori was described as a person who 'thought it was a joke if someone did something quite unreasonable,' 'gently smiled to be kind to someone who did something that was not funny at all, and also never raised his voice to scorn someone as being useless even when that person had made a terrible mistake', 'let young attendants who served him during a cold winter sleep at the bottom of his clothes and let them sleep well if they overslept, by quietly getting out of the bed,' and 'respected a servant of the lowest rank as a person in front of the servant's family or acquaintances, and that servant was truly pleased as it was a great honor.'
    『十訓抄』7-27には、若い頃の清盛について「人がとんでもない不都合な振る舞いをしても、冗談と思うことにした」「やったことがちっともおかしくなくても、相手への労わりとしてにこやかに笑い、とんでもない誤りをしても、役立たずと声を荒げることはない」「冬の寒い時に身辺に奉仕する幼い従者を自分の衣の裾の方に寝かせ、彼らが朝寝坊をしていたらそっと床から抜け出して存分に寝かせてやった」「最下層の召使いでも、彼の家族や知り合いの見ている前では一人前の人物として扱ったので、その者は大変な面目と感じて心から喜んだ」という逸話が記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
