「what it takes」を含む例文一覧(42)

  • I am going to do what it takes to seal the contract.
    なんとかして成約したい - Weblio Email例文集
  • It takes nerve to do what she did
    彼女がしたことには勇気がいる - 日本語WordNet
  • Do I have what it takes to change industries?
    私には異業界転職をするための資質がありますか? - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • He's really got what it takes to achieve stardom.
    彼にはスターの座を極められる素質が本当にある. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • Has he got the ability [《口語》 what it takes] to do the job properly?
    彼にその仕事をこなすだけの手腕があるだろうか. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • You're very cocky, Harry! Are you sure you've got what it takes?
    しょってるね, ハリー, 君はそんな柄かい. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • What is it that determines the route a railway takes?
    鉄道の道筋を決めるのは一体何だろうか。 - Tatoeba例文
  • I'll win no matter what it takes.
    どんな手を使ってでも勝ちとってみせる。 - Tatoeba例文
  • You don't have what it takes to be a leader.
    あなたはリーダーとしての資格がない。 - Tatoeba例文
  • Frankly speaking, I don't think you have what it takes to become a teacher.
    ぶっちゃけお前に教師の素質はないと思う。 - Tatoeba例文
  • Honestly, I don't think you have what it takes to become a teacher.
    正直きみに教師になる素質はないと思うな。 - Tatoeba例文
  • We need to stop that plan no matter what it takes.
    その計画だけはなんとしても阻止しなくてはならない。 - Tatoeba例文
  • You've really got what it takes to make me happy!
    あなたは私を幸せにしてくれることができる人だ - Eゲイト英和辞典
  • She has what it takes to be a professional writer.
    彼女はプロの作家になるだけの素質を備えている - Eゲイト英和辞典
  • What is it that determines the route a railway takes?
    鉄道の道筋を決めるのは一体何だろうか。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • He doesn't have what it takes to make it around here.
    彼はここでうまくやっていくには何が必要かわかっていません。 - Tatoeba例文
  • What is it that you want to achieve, whatever it takes, before you die?
    あなたが死ぬまでに何が何でも達成したいことはなんですか? - Tatoeba例文
  • He doesn't have what it takes to make it around here.
    彼はここでうまくやっていくには何が必要かわかっていません。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • What is it that you want to achieve, whatever it takes, before you die?
    あなたが死ぬまでに何が何でも達成したいことはなんですか? - Tanaka Corpus
  • I've steeled myself to face a certain amount of sacrifice, effort and hardship if that's what it takes to fulfill my dream.
    夢を叶えるためにはある程度の犠牲・努力・苦労は覚悟している。 - Tatoeba例文
  • I don't know what to do with that guy. No matter how mad I get at him he just takes it in stride and pays no attention.
    あいつにはまいったよ。どんなに厳しく怒っても、柳に風と受け流すだけだよ。 - Tatoeba例文
  • "What's the purpose of your staying?" "It is to participate in the voluntarism held by Giban village (That takes place here)"
    「滞在の目的はなんですか?」「ギバン村でのボランティア活動に参加するためです」 - Tatoeba例文
  • I've steeled myself to face a certain amount of sacrifice, effort and hardship if that's what it takes to fulfill my dream.
    夢を叶えるためにはある程度の犠牲・努力・苦労は覚悟している。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • I don't know what to do with that guy. No matter how mad I get at him he just takes it in stride and pays no attention.
    あいつにはまいったよ。どんなに厳しく怒っても、柳に風と受け流すだけだよ。 - Tanaka Corpus
  • Whatever layout you chose, you will definitely want to keep /usr large: not only will it contain the majority of applications, the Portage tree alone takes more than 500Mb excluding the various sources that are stored in it. As you can see, it very much depends on what you want to achieve.
    こういったように、どういうシステムにしたいのかにかなり依存します。 - Gentoo Linux
  • Known for his "elegant and sedate behavior and soft-spokenness," his ability to judge people, his willingness to promote people of excellent capability and avoid yes-men, Tokiwa was reputed to have what it takes to be the Regent.
    常は「容儀閑雅、言論和順」であり、人材を見抜くのに優れ才能の士を推引し、讒侫の徒を遠ざけ、「丞相の器」と評された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This means that death in battle, in other words being killed in action (or being executed by the enemy) is not what it takes to be eirei.
    したがって、軍人かつ戦闘での死亡を意味する戦死(もしくは相手国による処刑)でなければ英霊になれないわけではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • So, he takes his Zen stick and strikes the abbot's head with it, saying, 'What do you live for? (What is the reason for your existence in this world?),' and the body of the abbot dissolves instantly like ice melts, along with the bones, leaving only the blue hood that had been on his head.
    そして禅杖をもって「作麼生(そもさん)何の所為ぞ」と頭を叩くと、たちまち僧の体が氷が解けるように消え、あとには骨と頭の上の青頭巾だけが残った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This kamado is made by making a rough shape with stones, covering it up with mud and shaping it properly, which takes only a few hours to finish, and the amount of firewood consumption dropped to one-fourth of what it was before.
    この竈は石で大まかな形を作って泥を塗り込んで形を整えて作られるが、僅か数時間で完成する上に薪の消費量が四分の一になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This implies that it is impossible to measure performance of a single element in isolation- the time it takes to run the flo depends on what other elements exist in the flo.
    これは、1つの要素の単独の性能を測定することが不可能であるということである。 flo の実行にかかる時間は、flo 内に入っている他の要素に依存する。 - XFree86
  • We must say it was natural for his father, the Cloistered Emperor Toba to mention that Goshirakawa didn't have what it takes to be an emperor. (We must consider that the Cloistered Emperor Toba ruled his cloistered government for twenty eight years, during three generations, from Emperor Sutoku, Konoe, through to Goshirakawa.)
    これでは、父鳥羽法皇が後白河を皇位の器ではないとみなしたのは、当然と言える(無論、崇徳、近衛、後白河の3代28年に渡り鳥羽法皇が院政を敷いていた事を、考慮に入れねばならない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is by what is called capillary attraction that the fuel is conveyed to the part where combustion goes on, and is deposited there, not in a careless way, but very beautifully in the very midst of the centre of action which takes place around it.
    燃料が、燃焼の起こっているところまで運ばれて、そこに置かれるのは、この毛細管現象のおかげです。その置き方もいい加減ではなくて、その周辺で起きている燃焼活動の、どまんなかに運ばれるんです。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』
  • What actions will the FSA take in response to the similar illegal acts committed by the two major securities companies? If the FSA takes no action, it will send to the market a signal that all Japanese securities companies may be engaging in illegal acts and the Japanese authorities may be tolerating that. What would you say to that?
    何も対応しないということになると、日本の証券会社はどこでもやっているのではないかと、日本の当局はそれを容認しているのではないかというメッセージが市場に伝わると思うのですけれどもどう思われますか。 - 金融庁
  • Since Morihito was still young and his father, Prince Masahito was still alive, the enthronement before his father was questioned, he was considered by his father, Tobain, that he didn't have what it takes to be an emperor.
    守仁はまだ年少であり、尚且つ存命中である実父の雅仁親王を飛び越えての即位は如何なものかとの声が上がったためで、父鳥羽院からは皇位の器ではないとみなされていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Electric power supplied to the magnetron 9 is gradually increased so that it takes a longer time to reach a lighting state than what is required when the light-emitting medium which absorbs micro-waves and is vaporized sufficiently.
    マグネトロン9へ供給する電力を徐々に増加させて、発光媒体がマイクロ波を吸収して充分に気化する時間よりも長い時間かけて点灯状態にする。 - 特許庁
  • It does not matter what shape the optical recording medium 6 takes, disk-shape, hexahedral form, cylindrical form, truncated-cone-shape, or card-shape.
    光記録媒体の形状は、ディスク状であっても直方体状であっても円筒状であっても截頭円錐形状であってもカード状であっても構わない。 - 特許庁
  • In fact, the actual meaning of “regional economy” is unclear, although the term is currently being used in various situations, as in “the rise and fall of regional economy,” or “revitalization of regional economy.” Simply, it has often been thought to mean the economy of which a local government takes care. However, without discussing or considering what it really means, or what the actual definition is, it is perhaps difficult to conduct analysis of a regional economy correctly.
    「地域経済の盛衰」や「地域経済の活性化」等、地域経済という言葉は現在、様々な場面で使用されているものの、地域経済の意味するところは不明確なままで、多くの場合は特定の自治体の経済といった程度の意味に考えられてきたが、そもそも地域経済とは何を意味し、その定義とは何か、という議論や検討を欠いたままでは、正確な地域経済の分析は困難であると考えられる。 - 経済産業省
  • To solve the problem of a conventional system, wherein it takes time for recovery, for it is frequently difficult to decide what has caused the stoppage of an apparatus such that whether the stoppage of an apparatus is caused by voltage ripple or caused by abnormality, such as faults, etc. of the apparatus itself, etc. when the apparatus stops.
    機器が停止すると、停止した当該機器は電圧変動に伴うものか、或いは機器そのものの故障などの異常によるものかなど、何の原因によって機器が停止したのかその判別がつかない場合が多く、復旧に時間がかかっている。 - 特許庁
  • On January 20, a new U.S. administration will be inaugurated as Mr. Obama takes office. While a variety of challenges have been pointed out, I suppose that the administration will debate, or I should say, explore new ways of regulation in the financial sector and what kind of regulation should be introduced in place of regulation based on market fundamentalism. As a financial regulator, what is the focus of your attention as you look at the new U.S. administration and what are your hopes for it, although these questions may be a little vague.
    今度の(1月)20日に、アメリカの大統領にオバマさんが就任されて新政権が発足するというわけですが、いろいろ課題は指摘されているわけですが、金融の分野に関してはこれから新たな規制のあり方というか、市場万能主義的なものから今後はどういった規制が必要なのかという議論をしていくというか、模索していくことになると思いますが、金融規制当局、長官としては今度の新政権に対してどの点に着目しているのか、あるいは何を期待されているのか、漠然とした質問ですがその辺についてお願いします。 - 金融庁
  • Ishizukuri takes an ordinary bowl which is revealed to be a fake; Kurumamochi has a craftsman make an imitation, which is also revealed because the craftsman shows up; What Abe has brought is supposed not to burn, but actually it does; Otomo gives up bringing the treasure because of the storm; Isonokami dies because he tries to take the shell climbing up the roof of a shed on which a big pot called Oyashima of the Oiryo (a part of the Imperial Household) is set.
    石作は只の鉢を持っていってばれ、車持は偽物をわざわざ作ったが職人がやってきてばれ、阿倍はそれは燃えない物とされていたのに燃えて別物、大伴は嵐に遭って諦め、石上は大炊寮の大八洲という名の大釜が据えてある小屋の屋根に上って取ろうとして腰を打ち、断命。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This enabled the high-risk pharmaceutical agents in particular with a component that requires safety precaution to be sold only by the pharmacist as is conventionally done, and the registered sellers who were confirmed to have what it takes to engage in the sales of the pharmaceutical drugs could also sell other relatively low risk non-prescription drugs according to the studies conducted by the prefectures.
    これにより、安全上特に注意を要する成分を含む特にリスクの高い医薬品については従来通り薬剤師のみが販売可能だが、それ以外の比較的リスクの低い一般用医薬品等については、都道府県が行う試験により、医薬品の販売等に従事するために必要な資質を有することが確認された登録販売者でも販売可能となった。 - 厚生労働省
  • What is set free when I put it in the water, as I am about to do again? It sets free hydrogen, and the hydrogen burns; but the potassium itself combines with oxygen; and this piece of potassium, in taking the water apart—the water, you may say, derived from the combustion of the candle—takes away the oxygen which the candle took from the air, and so sets the hydrogen free; and even if I take a piece of ice, and put a piece of potassium upon it, the beautiful affinities by which the oxygen and the hydrogen are related are such, that the ice will absolutely set fire to the potassium.
    カリウムを水に入れたら、なにが解放されますか? いまもう一回やってみましょう。水素が出てきますね。そしてその水素が燃えます。でもカリウムそのものは酸素と結びつきます。そしてこのカリウムのかけらは、水を分解するとき――その水というのはロウソクが燃えてできるものだ、と言っていいでしょう――ロウソクが空気からとってきた酸素を、水からとりあげます。それで水素が解放されるわけです。そして氷を持ってきて、その上にカリウムをのっけても、酸素と水素との結びつきは同じだから、氷はまちがいなくカリウムを燃やします。 - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』
