「white spirit」を含む例文一覧(13)

  • Typically, white koji, kuro koji (kuro-koji bacterium) and yellow koji is used for shochu (distilled spirit), kuro koji for awamori (distilled spirit originated in Okinawa), and aka koji (ang-khak) for Shaoxing rice wine.
    焼酎には白麹・黒麹(黒麹菌)・黄麹、泡盛には黒麹、紹興酒には赤麹が用いられるのが通常である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
    焼酎蒸留醪に雑穀粉末及び澱粉を混合した原料からのブドウ糖とアミノ酸液の同時製造法 - 特許庁
  • To provide a method for producing glucose and an amino acid solution from Shochu (white distilled spirit)-distilled unrefined spirit, cereals powder and starch.
    焼酎蒸留醪、雑穀粉末及び澱粉よりブドウ糖とアミノ酸液を製造する方法の提供。 - 特許庁
  • In the Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, Dakiniten is located in the southern part of Gekongoin (the most peripheral section of the Womb World) of the Womb World (one of the two worlds in Esoteric Buddhism, representing Dainichi Nyorai's spirit of salvation having every possibility of generation as a womb, where a fetus grows), and this goddess is depicted as a small tengu (mountain spirit (portrayed as winged and having a long nose)) sitting astride a white fox; therefore, she is also called Shinkoo Bosatsu (Fox King).
    真言密教では、胎蔵界の外金剛院・南方に配せられ、形像は小天狗の白狐にまたがる形をしているため、辰狐王菩薩(しんこおうぼさつ)とも呼ばれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The big difference is that Kiyohime's mother was, in fact, a spirit of a white snake, which her father, who was the widower, saved.
    大きな相違点を挙げると清姫の母親は実は、男やもめであった父が助けた白蛇の精であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The magic mirror, which appears in the German folklore and fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," is the one where the spirit of mirror dwells.
    ドイツ民話であり童話である『白雪姫』に登場する魔法の鏡は、鏡の精霊が宿ったもの。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The process of making Nara style sake, Itami sake, Kohama style sake, shochu (distilled spirit), mirin (sweet cooking rice wine), Asoshu, Lonicera Sake, Nerizake (antique term for shirozake, or white sake), unfiltered sake.
    奈良流、伊丹酒、小浜流、焼酎、みりん、麻生酒(あそうしゅ)、忍冬酒(にんどうしゅ)、練酒、濁り酒などの製法。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nao DEGUCHI' also from 'Omoto' said that Kuninotoko Tachinokami whom she saw in a spiritual dream was a sparkling spirit in a white Ikan Sokutai (noble formal dress) wearing a sword which was radiating platinum light. ("Light in the beginning of spring of the volume 4 of Great Mother" written by Yasuaki DEGUCHI)
    また、同じ「大本」の「出口なお」も霊夢で見た国常立尊の姿は純白の衣冠束帯で剣も白金の光芒を射放つ、眩いばかりの神だったという。(出口和明『大地の母4巻 立春の光』) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The unprecedented victory of a small country of yellow people over a large country of white people has galvanized the spirit of people seeking independence across the colonies throughout Asia and Africa.'
    「有色人種の小国が白人の大国に勝ったという前例のない事実が、アジアやアフリカの植民地になっていた地域の独立の気概に弾みをつけたり人種差別下にあった人々を勇気付けた」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The shrine maidens clad in suikan (everyday garments worn by commoners in ancient Japan), hibakama (scarlet Japanese pants for men) and shirotabi (white Japanese socks), and grasping various torimono (hand-held divine items) such as suzu (bells), oogi (folding fans), sasa (dwarf bamboos), sakaki (branches of a kind of divine wood) and nusa (symbols of divinity made of cloth or paper and hung on a stick) that are regarded as yorishiro (objects representative of a divine spirit), perform mikomai dances in harmony with a hayashi (an orchestra of Japanese instruments) that includes drums, flutes, dobyoshi (two circular cymbals made of copper or iron) and other instruments.
    水干・緋袴・白足袋の装いに身を包んだ巫女が太鼓や笛、銅拍子などの囃子にあわせて鈴・扇・笹・榊・幣など依り代となる採物を手にした巫女が舞い踊る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • MINAMOTO no sanmi nyudo Yorimasa (MINAMOTO no Yorimasa) was selected as a leader to attack the evil spirit and got rid of the monster called nue (a monster with a monkey head, raccoon dog's body, tiger's paws and feet and a snakes' tale, which was originally imagined by an eerie voice of a White Thrush. It is also said that the figure was not clear).'
    悪霊の討伐として抜擢された源三位入道頼政(源頼政)は、元凶である鵺(ヌエと読み。頭はサル、胴体はタヌキ、手足はトラ、尾はヘビ。元はトラツグミの不気味な鳴き声のみから想像したもので形は曖昧だったともいう)という妖怪・もののけを弓矢で退治した」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to 'Onisaburo DEGUCHI' from 'Omoto' to which Tenmei also belonged when he was young, the appearance was a glittering old spirit with thoughtful twinkling eyes and white hair, belting 'the sacred Yatsuka sword' on. ("the Cauldron of Hell of the volume 3 of Great Mother" written by Yasuaki DEGUCHI)
    天明自身も若い頃に所属していた「大本」の「出口王仁三郎」によると、その姿は光明に輝き、深いまなじりに光をたたえた、「八握の神剣」を腰に帯した白髪の老神だったという。(出口和明『大地の母3巻 地獄の釜』)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To provide a method for easily and effectively utilizing Shouchu (white distilled spirit) lees, when a biodegradable plastic is mixed with Shouchu lees and a film is formed, by using a dried and finely powdered product of Shouchu lees without subjecting Shouchu lees to thermoplasticizing treatment by hydrolysis or the like.
    焼酎滓を生分解性プラスチックに混合してフィルムを得るにあたり、焼酎滓を加水分解等による熱可塑性化処理を行なうことなく、そのまま乾燥微粉化したものを使用することにより、焼酎滓の簡易、有効的な活用方法を提供する。 - 特許庁
