研究社 新英和中辞典 | 野球
- 野球
- AL
- B.
- D.H.
- ER
- H.
- NL
- Texas leaguer
- a.
- assist
- at bat
- away
- backhand
- bag
- balk
- ball
- base
- base hit
- base on balls
- base runner
- base running
- baseline
- baseman
- bases‐loaded
- bat
- bat boy
- bat in
- batter
- battery
- beanball
- beat out
- belt
- bender
- big league
- blast
- block signal
- blooper
- bobble
- boot
- bottom
- box
- box score
- brush back
- bullpen
- bunt
- bush league
- c.
- cage
- called game
- catch
- catcher
- center
- center field
- center fielder
- change‐up
- chopper
- circuit
- clean
- cleanup
- clout
- control
- count
- curve
- curveball
- deep
- designated hitter
- diamond
- double
- doubleheader
- down
- drag
- drag bunt
- drive
- dugout
- earned run
- earned run average
- error
- extra‐base hit
- f
- fair
- fair ball
- fan
- farm out
- farm team
- fastball
- field
- fielder
- fielding
- fireball
- fireman
- first
- first base
- first baseman
- fly
- force
- force out
- force play
- force‐out
- fork ball
- foul
- foul ball
- foul out
- foul tip
- frame
- franchise
- fumble
- fungo
- game
- get to first base
- give out
- give up
- go the distance
- go the route
- go to bat for
- grand slam
- ground
- groundout
- half
- hang
- hardball
- helmet
- hit
- hit and run
- hit‐and‐run
- home
- home plate
- home run
- homer
- hook
- hurler
- in
- infield
- infield fly
- inning
- juggle
- knock out
- lead off
- lead‐off
- leaguer
- left
- left field
- left fielder
- line
- line drive
- line out
- load
- loaded
- loft
- long
- magic number
- major leaguer
- mitt
- mound
- nail
- no‐hitter
- off base
- on base
- on deck
- out
- outfield
- overarm
- overhand
- overthrow
- pass
- passed ball
- peg
- perfect game
- pick off
- pickoff
- pickup
- pinch hitter
- pinch runner
- pinch‐hit
- pitch
- pitcher
- pitching
- plate
- play ball
- pop
- pop fly
- pop up
- pull
- put out
- put‐out
- relief
- relieve
- retire
- right
- right field
- right fielder
- rookie
- rubber
- run
- run down
- run out
- rundown
- runner
- running
- sack
- sacrifice
- sacrifice bunt
- sacrifice fly
- safe
- safety
- save
- sb
- scratch hit
- screwball
- second
- second base
- second baseman
- shortstop
- shutout
- sidearm
- single
- sinker
- slide
- slider
- slugging average
- spitball
- squeeze
- squeeze play
- ss
- steal
- stopper
- strike
- strike out
- strike zone
- strikeout
- switch‐hitter
- tag
- tag up
- take
- third
- third base
- third baseman
- three‐bagger
- three‐base hit
- throw out
- timely
- tip
- top
- trade
- triple
- triple play
- twirl
- twirler
- two‐base hit
- up
- walk
- warning track
- wind up
- wind‐up