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If a black cat crosses your path, something bad wil
Rudaj ordered one of his men to shoot a gas tank if a gunfight ensued.
If a player plays more than three songs, then it on
It sounded as if a hurricane had been let loose.
If a Moore graph exists with degree r and girth g,
If a further, more detailed, investigation is requi
If a cell does not express these receptors then the
If a higher dosage produces nothing, then this was
If a computer-controlled offensive team member rece
If a statement in ch.
A xor B is 1 if A and B have different values and 0 if A and B h
he above halakhic quandary is avoided completely if a firstborn fasts the entire day on Thursday.
If A δ B we say A is near B or A and B are proximal
In other regions the child is named "Vampir" if a boy and "Vampiresa" if a girl, or "Dhampir" if
If a monk is needed, the Bodhisattva becomes a monk
If a soul cannot cross the Vaitarna River then he c
If a decision is not made by the end of October, th
browsers may perform normalization to determine if a link has been visited or to determine if a pag
Therefore, if a player's life bar is pink when/if time runs ou
If a program doesn't revoke privileges, it risks th
The song goes "What's a woman if a man doesn't treat her right?"
If a state cannot take by unconstitutional means it
If a sentence is upheld as substantively reasonable
If a team has only three members it is not eligible
If a reader finds the term unclear, they can click
If a cell would separate a white area of the grid i
If a player lands on a battle space, a battle mini
If a cyclist lost a full lap to the peloton, howeve
This means that, if a defence exists, there is no mens rea.
EINTR - if a signal was caught during the execution of tmpf
If a body part is punctured, the thrower must drink
Similarly, if a producer sells a "regular" and "old vines" bot
It's unknown if a copy survives.
But if a man bites a dog, that is news."
If a player completes a stage under a certain time
This page would be greatly improved if a map of the battlefield was included
If a substance poses several dangers, then subsidia
If a pair does split in an aquarium it is often bes
If a springer damages the bird, it may be hard mout
The damage bar also increases if a civilian or hostage is shot.
"An' if a likkle fire ever get weh?" (If a little fire e
It is unknown if a copy of the film survives.
The presence of this enzyme defines if a cell is steroidogenic.
If a player walks under a rock, that rock shakes.
If a person was constantly late, Sandringham time w
Adding Reference Keys (BibTeX) Automatically: If a file (e.g.
A student graduates "with honors" if a final average of 179 is attained, "with high h
If a primary amine is present, the isocyanide is fo
Example: if a bid of "seven fours" is challenged, the bid is
Thus, if a member of Darius' party is attacked, then they
One guideline for biopsy is if a growth is present three months after surgery,
If a monster is tamed, they help the player in batt
Cesar Romero - If a Man Answers
If a Ranyhyn accepts a rider, it is loyal to that r
The vortex will be yellow if a ship will be entering the point and going into
It states that if A is the infinitesimal generator of a 1-paramete
If a listener "catches" a Jimism, they can call in
If a rider was allergic to peanuts, a standard Hers
But if a couple sees the blue train at 10 pm together,
However, if a relation is symmetric, then it is Euclidean if
Now what should you yell if a woman falls overboard?
if a > b
If a Song Could Get Me You is a single by Norwegian
If a driver is suspected to be DUI, the officer may
If a bishop, the Lord Chancellor received a writ of
If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall in
The motors employ a double-star type connection; if a traction inverter is inoperative (i.e.
If a passed bill is not vetoed, it becomes law.
If a correct letter is written, it appears in black
If a proclamation is made, we implement it.”
If A and B are disjoint sets, then
biconditional in plain English is of the form "b if a and a if b".
If a dimension is very sparse (i.e.
And if a serpent bit anyone, he would look at the bronz
I'm certain everybody would appreciate it if a better and more standardized map were added.
Factorial designs are therefore less attractive if a researcher wishes to consider more than two le
If a play was successful Henslowe would commission
All of this seem to her as if a dream, for when she awoke, she did so in her b
If a player fouls during a Power Play, their points
if a ∈ H then -x+a+x ∈ H for each x of G
If a source really is necessary, what would qualify
Who cares if a religion which he rejects is angry.
So if a soul is a perfect attunement, it could not hav
Used to determine if a problem created by software is intentional or
If a unit is killed, it will respawn at the owning
It was a daring deed, if a needless sacrifice.
If a quadrilateral is both tangential and cyclic, i
If a boss defeats Thomas, the boss laughs.
However, the cascade continues if a legal move is found within half-a-second of th
For example, if a file has 100 blocks and block 51 is missing, S
If a few people have to die to ensure her status, s
If a calculation was correct before casting out, ca
If a solution exists, it is clearly unique.
He says that if a girl is "nuh di modeling type wi nuh court dem
If a worker didn't stay till the end of the season,
If a dispute cannot be solved you could always rely
Today it's unknown if a copy exists.
If a Friend
If a new plant is not desired, the keiki can be rem
s that Bush and Hussein were treating the war as if a game, as if not treating it with much importan
If a matter of inquiry arose, the local Beth din wa
In VBScript, if a variant is assigned Nothing, this function sti
If a heavy tank is by struck another mortar round,
Credits also determine if a student is allowed to pass on to the next grad
Furthermore, if A is a closed set,
If a player collects enough energy the ship will be
If a function is 1-to-1, then no collision exists.
If a member of the team is wounded, another member
If a molecule with a low ionization potential (e.g.
If a propositional variable occurs with only one po
I'd be happy to add the century breaks, if a reliable source can be added too.
There are problems with the site if a stadium is to be built there.
if A>B, switch lines and set flag !
ELSE IF a-b < b THEN GCD(b,a-b)
If aboveground parts are burned away the plant resp
So far as that his project is possible, if absurd.
I have no idea if AC intends to redo the Jetz fleet as well.--Rose
If accepted, new elections would bring the inclusiv
country become part of the new French Community if accepted, or result in independence if rejected.
This may be relevant if access speed is low and the project is large eno
explosive is less sensitive and will not explode if accidentally dropped or mishandled.
If accomplished she's hired, but if she doesn't, sh
If accurate, this gives RR Lyrae an absolute magnit
If activated, it will grant DBA to PUBLIC.
Gain [dB] if active, loss if [dB] if passive
This reduces to the previous version if AD is the bisector of BAC.
I'm not sure if adding a category on a redirect page is okay or
guilty or indicate an intention to plead guilty if admitted into the program.
November 19, added OF Corey Brown, IF Adrian Cardenas, IF Sean Doolittle, P Trystan Ma
Second, whose paranoia? if it was Boris' paranoia, we need to find out how
The road full of sludge if after rain.
If after a few days it is still broken please remov
If ai,j is an n by n matrix with
This article is about the If album, If.
If Alfred dies, he starts as an egg located at the
He argues that if all serious historians agree about a fact, then
If all the player's robots are destroyed, the game
Gems are rewarded to the player if all of the crates in a level are broken open or
If all four sides of a kite are the same length (th
If all the lights were to be strung together, it wo
If all possible rules are tried, the program termin
If all three are together, they can also stack them
For example, if all schools were abolished, what would you do to
The battle is won if all enemies are defeated, or if the enemy comman
gic cube is a magic cube that remains magic even if all its numbers are replaced by their k-th power
A RS is autocatalytic, if all the catalysts for all its reactions are in M
If all alcohol beverages are prohibited, a bootlegg
If all chances are used, the game is over.
If All These People Can Understand Money - 2:52
The game ends if all lives are lost.
If all eight of them are gathered, it is possible t
If all five hearts are lost, the scene has to be at
If all lives are lost, the game ends.
If All the World's a Stage (reprise)
Believe Me, if All Those Endearing Young Charms
"(Believe Me, if All) Those Endearing Young Charms" by Thomas Moo
Dominance: Can be dominant if allowed to be
If allowed, the prefix ?
If Alpha Meets Omega 2.43
The above may be published in Wikipedia only if already published by a reliable source.
Uniform polyhedra may be regular ( if also face and edge transitive), quasi-regular (i
Doctor of Medicine if also a Master of Arts
If American Jews had taken a more forceful approach
If an ecosystem is disturbed, it goes backwards in
also include pre-determined payout packages for if an executive leaves the company.
If an organ's mitochondria fail, then so does that
If an enemy touches Pac-Man, a life is lost.
if an employee, whether out of work during year
However, either man could easily lose the yellow if an attacer would end before the peloton.
The pass can be extended if an applicant's previous purchase is on record.
If an outlaw was due an inheritance, the King would
If an image enhances the article, there is no harm
If an α-halo ketone is used, the product is an α,β-
If an idea can live, it lives because history adjud
If an RP on its own domain receives a message it de
If an exclamation point appears in a string constan
If an explosive is too sensitive, it may go off acc
That is the case if and only if C is pointed and its spherical secti
A subset I of a lattice (P, ≤) is a Frink ideal if and only if it is a lower set that is closed und
Another is "a if and only if b".
A topological space is first countable if and only if .
are collinear if and only if the determinant
This strengthened conjecture would be true if and only if both Guy's conjecture and the Albert
Equality occurs if and only if the triangle is equilateral.
A poset D is a dcpo if and only if each chain in D has a supremum.
tract rewriting a reduction is called convergent if and only if it is both confluent and terminating
proximal or δ-neighborhood of A, written A « B, if and only if A δ X−B is false.
{Iα, Iβ} ∈ E if and only if Iα ∩ Iβ ≠ ∅.
A regular language is star-free if and only if it is accepted by an automaton with
ally compact Hausdorff space is zero-dimensional if and only if it is totally disconnected.
A planar graph is outerplanar if and only if its weak dual is a forest, and a pla
states that a topological space X is metrizable if and only if it is regular and T0 and has a σ-dis
a finite set J ⊆ I belongs to N if and only if the intersection of the Ui whose sub
An outcome is in equilibrium if and only if it is the product of mutually utilit
He represented Kristiania IF and Oslo IL.
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