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「Indo‐European language」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/497件中)

【言語】 an Indo‐European language印欧語族the Indo‐European family of languages....
【言語】 an Indo‐European language印欧語族the Indo‐European family of languages....
【言語】 a parent language印欧祖語Proto‐Indo‐European....
【言語】 a parent language印欧祖語Proto‐Indo‐European....
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/04 12:30 UTC 版)Proto-Indo-European accent refers to the accentual system of ...
語源Helleno- +‎ Armenian固有名詞Helleno-Armenian(Indo-European studies) a proposed branch within the Indo-...
語源Indo- +‎ Hittite固有名詞Indo-Hittite(Indo-European studies) A hypothetical language family where the A...
語源Italo- +‎ Celtic固有名詞Italo-Celtic(Indo-European studies) A proposed branch within the Indo-Eu...
語源Thraco- +‎ Dacian固有名詞Thraco-Dacian(Indo-European studies) a proposed branch within the Indo-Europe...
固有名詞MilyanAn extinct Indo-European language in the Anatolian group.同意語Lycian B...
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