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「academic year」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/682件中)

an academic [a school] year...
読み方 がくねん名詞The academic year; the school year; the scholastic year...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/08/28 01:34 UTC 版)名詞academic yearsplural of academic year...
別の表記schoolyear名詞school year (複数形 school years)(education) The academic year of a school....
訳語 academic year解説 1年のうち、正式に学校が開校している期間のこと。
名詞AY (複数形 AYs)Initialism of academic year.アナグラムYA, ya...
名詞term time (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 term times)The part of the academic year in which classes...
読み方:さくねんど文法情報(名詞、副詞)対訳 previous year (fiscal, academic, etc.)...
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