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「clothes moth」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/33件中)

名詞webbing clothes moth (複数形 webbing clothes moths)Synonym of common clothes moth...
名詞webbing clothes mothsplural of webbing clothes moth...
読み方 とぎょ名詞The clothes-moth...
読み方 とぎょ名詞The clothes-moth...
読み方 しみ名詞The clothes-moth用例衣魚の食った着物moth-eaten clothes...
読み方 しみ名詞The clothes-moth用例衣魚の食った着物moth-eaten clothes...
名詞clothing moth (複数形 clothing moths)Any moth that feeds on natural fiber, especially the following f...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/10/17 18:22 UTC 版)名詞clothes mothsplural of clothes moth...
common clothes moth名詞common clothes moth (複数形 common clothes moths)Tineola bisselliella, a winged in...
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