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「tennis ball」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/264件中)

Tennis ball throwing apparatus...
tennisテニスをするplay tennisローンテニスlawn tennisテニスの試合a tennis matchテニスの選手a tennis player.テニスコートa tennis cou...
He threw a normal tennis ball as hard as he could....
語源Calque of Japanese ソフトテニス (sofuto tenisu), from English soft +‎ tennis.名詞soft tennis (uncoun...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2008/06/19 15:00 UTC 版) 名詞tennis ballsPlural form of tennis ball....
文法情報(名詞)対訳 soft tennis (variant of tennis played with a soft rubber ball)...
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