



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > ſailingの意味・解説 > ſailingに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 44

She was sailing from Bilboa to Veracruz with a cargo of wine,
The 3,296-ton steamer was sailing in ballast from Marseilles for Karachi.
She was not carrying any cargo, and was sailing in ballast.
Faja de Oro was sailing unescorted from Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania bac
It was sailing to Greenland as part of a naval convoy.
Greenhouse's second passion was sailing on one of his several boats.
By 1926, she was sailing out of New York and called at ports such as L
By early 1926, however, West Ekonk was sailing from Galveston, Texas, to Liverpool, sometime
English (Minorcan) tartane Rosario, which was sailing from Leghorn to Minorca, in ballast.
suggested that the ship had steerage and was sailing for shelter when it sank.
On her final voyage she was sailing through Galway Bay carrying a cargo of whiske
ed less than a month, by August Cleopatra was sailing under Captain Sir Robert Laurie.
he Polly, William Thompson, Master, which was sailing to Surinam in ballast.
The Abana was sailing from Liverpool to Savello, Florida when she w
A drive from Trollope was sailing into the Arsenal net when it struck the refer
Volo was sailing by dead reckoning, and on 5 March 1886 Captai
in the West-Pakistan, Indian Naval armada was sailing out of Bombay Harbour, and passed incredibly
bout 150 miles off Cape Finisterre, U-760 was sailing on the surface alongside U-262 when they were
On 17 January 1954, Wave Victor was sailing down the Bristol Channel when a fire broke ou
Unknown to Linois, he was sailing directly into the middle of a complex series
was discounted at the enquiry, the vessel was sailing at night in poor visibility in deteriorating
Forty-five minutes later, the convoy was sailing southwest when Commander Saichi Oba released
SS Nicaragua was a ship that was sailing in the Gulf of Mexico when it ran aground on
the Seychelles islands in their yacht and was sailing toward Tanzania, when they were captured by a
hat he survived the ship sinking, Rushton was sailing to Dominica with human cargo when a highly co
e of the Spanish "zartan" Ambrosia, which was sailing from Cadiz for Veracruz with a cargo of 26.5
ptured Mastico on 23 December 1803 as she was sailing from Tripoli to Constantinople under Turkish
V York, attacked the Nomination while she was sailing approxiamately 435 north of the Seychelles Is
guns and fourteen 12-pounder carronades, was sailing off Ceuta on her passage from England to Gibr
y of FDR's death, hearing the news as she was sailing in the channel at Pearl on her arrival.
ked the convoy in which the Tsushima Maru was sailing and sank her close by the island of Akusekiji
vice; refitted as a whaler, and, by 1850, was sailing from New Bedford, Massachusetts, on extended
The Norwegian ship Sirene was sailing from Fleetwood to Florida in the United State
The Sirene was sailing from Fleetwood to Florida in the United State
The Metula was sailing from Ras Tanura in Saudi Arabia with a load o
Putney Hill was sailing unescorted in the Atlantic about 450 miles ea
passenger and vehicle ferry service that was sailing across the Fraser River from June 7, 1957 to
t about 5:45 pm on November 6, the convoy was sailing in overcast weather, thirty-five miles away f
His passion was sailing and in 1931 he became Commodore of the Royal
company with a large group of destroyers was sailing through a heavy fog from San Francisco to San
He was sailing from Gibraltar to there aboard the frigate HM
ointed midshipman in the Navy in 1800, he was sailing master of the frigate United States under Com
egian-owned chemical tanker Samho Jewelry was sailing through the Arabian Sea from the United Arab
e West Indies in early 1806 and in August was sailing in company with Captain Charles Brisbane's HM

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