




該当件数 : 113

The student body is 90.77%
The student population is approximately 11,000.
The average student enrollment is around 1,650.
Current student enrollment is estimated at 11,900.
The student population is approximately 736.
The student strength is around 1,700.
The current student population is approximately 1200.
The student newspaper is called "Dwars".
Student housing is also a top priority.
The school's student capacity is 500 students.
Quinnipiac student section is on right.
The student population is approximately 700 students.
The student population is around 55.
Total student enrollment is 599 (2006-07).
Teacher to student ratio is 1:8
The current student population is approximately 1,000.
The Bone Student Center is a student center at Illinois State
The average student age is 24, and females make up 62 percent of
The Student Senate is the governing body of the student a
Today MUW's student body is approximately 15% male.
Almost 20% of the student body is involved in ROTC.
The student body is 73.90% female and 26.10% male.
Maya (Dawson) is a college student who is date raped.
The current student populace is around eight hundred fifty studen
The Midtown Student center is located on this campus.
Student participation is encouraged and presentations
One student subgroup is not making AYP in reading.
Student attendance is mandatory to maintain membershi
The current student enrollment is approximately 1,000 students.
The post graduate student community is currently about 140.
Another student exchange is being planned in 2011.
Another Division of Student Affairs is Student Life which includes Associ
The student body is approximately 43% male, 57% female.
Currently no student union is allowed in the university.
The student body is approximately 1000 students, and the
The student government is designed to enhance the collegi
Key to student success is the low student-to-teacher ratio;
In addition, the Global MBA student body is led by Global MBA Student Council, a
The Student Life is a student newspaper covering Pomona C
Cork Student News is a student news website, based in Cork
Riverwood's diverse student body is 47% white, 29% black, 20% Hispanic, a
Texas Student Media is an auxiliary enterprise of The Unive
Student Agency is one of the most popular transport c
The headteacher leads the college well and student achievement is rapidly improving.
The student body is 80% Black; 17% White; 1% Hispanic; an
Student training is conducted at the airport by sever
Opened in 2009, the Student Union is the first in the university's histor
The student body is 58% Black; 37% White; and 3% Hispanic
Monica, her twenty-year-old student daughter, is asked to find lodgers.
In general most student activism is conducted at a lower profile leve
As of 2007, Loveland Schools' current student enrollment is 4,800 in six schools.
The Northwestern student section is led in their cheers by NUMB, the N
The student body is primarily international, with large p
The student member is selected from a group of three stud
tillo, Ph.D. (2006-present), for whom the SFA Student Center is named
has an almost unnatural enthusiasm, while his student, Donald, is painfully shy.
The student makeup is: 13% Hispanic, 5% Asian, 1% African
Tawaraya is a college student who is planning to study abroad.
The student body is 66% white, 9% black, 22% Hispanic, 3%
Student population is approximately 40 students in th
Pre-K-12 student enrollment is stable at 700 allowing small cl
The student population is 45% White; 46% Hispanic; 4% Asi
Uppsala Student Union is a member of the Swedish National Uni
A Senior Student Team is selected each year from students of t
The student population is primarily white (58 percent) an
As of August 2010, the student population is 97% Caucasian, 2% African Ameri
In addition, a nonvoting student regent is appointed annually to the Board.
The student council is also responsible for designing cla
ownstown" were published by the Indiana Daily Student: This is Winning?
The student newspaper is the Currier Times, which is "pub
Student enrollment is around 1000 students, with 153
According to 2004-5 figures the student body is predominantly Hispanic (51%) and "Whi
The tuition is free and a comfortable student life is ensured.
Roughly 63% of the student body is eligible for free or reduced-price lu
The student body is 74% White; 24% Black; and 2% Hispanic
Winchester Student Union is the Students' Union for the Universi
was invented by Jonathan Liow, an Australian student who is studying Industrial Design.
Xavier (Hill Harper) - a UCLA Film School student who is making a documentary.
A student who is head over heels in love with Satou.
The student body is 52% Black; 39% White; 5% Hispanic; an
Its student body is 100% immigrant and range in ages from
He was a student and is a frequent lecturer at Gateshead yeshi
Bluegrass Student Union is the Louisville, Kentucky barbershop
The student population is made up of 20 different nationa
Simon Rattle was not a student, he is an honourary fellow.
Approximately one-third of the K-12 student population is identified as eligible to recei
About 30% of the student body is affiliated with the Haredi or nationa
The faculty to student ratio is 1:4 and the average class size is 12
Average student enrollment is 2300 students, with 38 students
Bassett High School's student body is 73% White; 21% Black; and 5% Hispanic
The Bronco Student Center is a student activity center for meeti
81% of the student population is catergorized as being economica
The Milam student government is the Leadership Circle which is
The student population is about 2,500, and the college st
The present student population is approximately 65% Hmong, with t
The student, who is blindfolded, then throws a flower upo
The Student Council is broken up into four Class Councils
Tenzou, the protagonist is a student who is accidentally shot by an apprentice ang
The Student Village is on the West bank of the Olchfa str
ipae discusses an American junior high school student who is without any language support from his
Vijay Kumar (Chiranjeevi) is a college student who is daring and dashing and has a weakness
The racial makeup of the student body is 86% White, 9% Black or African Americ
The Navigator, Brazosport College's student newspaper is released on a monthly basis, and
The student branch is Conservative Students, likewise an
The student body is known for enthusiastic and spirited s
e Hoosier Athletic Conference and the current student enrollment is 602.
The student body is predominantly (approximately 70%) bla
Student Council is a group of enthusiastic students w
of only three buildings on a small campus; no student housing is provided.
erves students from the Bronzeville area, its student enrollment is 99% African American.
Additionally, over 60% of the student body is involved in either wind ensemble, jaz
anny Hooley (Jonathan Lynn), an Irish medical student who is a friend of Waring, Collier, Upton and

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