




該当件数 : 262

Edward Zorinsky, U.S. Senator
Jennings Randolph: US Senator
Mark Pryor, U.S. Senator
U.S. Senator Simon Guggenheim
U.S. Senator Benjamin Hawkins
U.S. Senator Fred Harris
Kent Conrad, U.S. Senator
Vance Hartke, U.S. Senator
Edward Brooke, U.S. Senator
Knute Nelson - US Senator
Barry Goldwater - U.S. Senator
Andrew Butler, U.S. Senator
William V. Roth, incumbent U.S. Senator and former U.S. Congressman
Jim Broyhill (R), incumbent U.S. Senator and U.S. Congressman
John McCain, incumbent U.S. Senator
Mike Enzi, incumbent U.S. Senator
U.S. Senator from South Carolina
Jim Jeffords, incumbent U.S. Senator
Evan Bayh, incumbent U.S. Senator
Herb Kohl, incumbent U.S. Senator
Richard Shelby, incumbent U.S. Senator
John Glenn, incumbent U.S. Senator
Tom Harkin, incumbent U.S. Senator
Tim Johnson, incumbent U.S. Senator
Phil Gramm, incumbent U.S. Senator
Kit Bond, incumbent U.S. Senator
Mike DeWine, incumbent U.S. Senator
Russ Feingold, incumbent U.S. Senator
Pat Roberts, incumbent U.S. Senator
Spencer Abraham, incumbent U.S. Senator
Dan Coats, incumbent U.S. Senator
Mike Crapo, incumbent U.S. Senator
Fred Thompson, incumbent U.S. Senator
- Former US Senator Bill Bradley
Steve Symms, incumbent U.S. Senator
Spark Matsunaga, incumbent U.S. Senator
Al D'Amato, incumbent U.S. Senator
Orrin Hatch, incumbent U.S. Senator
Walter Huddleston, incumbent U.S. Senator
Bill Frist, incumbent U.S. Senator
Mike Monroney, Incumbent U.S. Senator
Chris Coons, incumbent U.S. Senator
Judd Gregg, incumbent U.S. Senator
Paul Sarbanes, former US Senator
Max Baucus, incumbent U.S. Senator
Bob Kasten, incumbent U.S. Senator
Christopher Dodd, incumbent U.S. Senator
Rick Santorum, incumbent U.S. Senator
John Kerry - incumbent U.S. Senator
Lincoln Chafee, incumbent U.S. Senator
Jeff Bingaman, incumbent U.S. Senator
Bob Packwood, incumbent U.S. Senator
John Cornyn, incumbent U.S. Senator
Max Cleland, incumbent U.S. Senator
Sam Nunn, former US Senator
U.S. Senator David L. Boren
Barbara Mikulski, incumbent U.S. Senator
Mary Landrieu, incumbent U.S. Senator
John Kerry, incumbent U.S. Senator
Sam Nunn, incumbent U.S. Senator
Joe Manchin, current US Senator
Bryon Dorgan, incumbent U.S. Senator
Chuck Grassley, incumbent U.S. Senator
Lindsey Graham, incumbent U.S. Senator
Robert Byrd, incumbent U.S. Senator
Joe Biden, incumbent U.S. Senator
Pete Domenici, incumbent U.S. Senator
Bob Bennett, incumbent U.S. Senator
Howard Metzenbaum, incumbent U.S. Senator
Warren Rudman, incumbent U.S. Senator
Frank Lautenberg, former U.S. Senator
US Senator Richard Burr (R)
Kent Conrad, incumbent U.S. Senator
Jim Inhofe, incumbent U.S. Senator
Patty Murray, incumbent U.S. Senator
Tim Hutchinson, incumbent U.S. Senator
LeBaron Bradford Colt, U.S. Senator
Carl Levin, incumbent U.S. Senator
Mitch McConnell, incumbent U.S. Senator
John Boozman, incumbent U.S. Senator
Thad Cochran, incumbent U.S. Senator
Daniel Akaka, incumbent U.S. Senator
Nancy Kassebaum, incumbent U.S. Senator
Roger Wicker, incumbent U.S. Senator
Daniel Inouye, incumbent U.S. Senator
Frank Church, incumbent U.S. Senator
Richard Lugar, incumbent U.S. Senator
Patrick Leahy, incumbent U.S. Senator
Chuck Schumer, incumbent U.S. Senator
Paula Hawkins, incumbent U.S. Senator
Roger Jepsen, incumbent U.S. Senator
Gordon Smith, incumbent U.S. Senator
John Barrasso, incumbent U.S. Senator
Arlen Specter, incumbent U.S. Senator
Frank Lautenberg, incumbent U.S. Senator
Byron Dorgan, incumbent U.S. Senator
Gary Hart, incumbent U.S. Senator
Tom Harkin - Incumbent U.S. Senator
John Culver, incumbent U.S. Senator
James Abdnor, incumbent U.S. Senator
John Thune, incumbent U.S. Senator
Henry Bellmon, incumbent U.S. Senator
Jack Reed, Incumbent U.S. Senator
Jocelyn Burdick - former U.S. Senator
George McGovern, incumbent U.S. Senator
Richard Burr, incumbent U.S. Senator
Larry Craig, incumbent U.S. Senator
Ted Stevens, incumbent U.S. Senator
Alan Cranston, incumbent U.S. Senator
Joe Lieberman, incumbent U.S. Senator
Don Nickles, incumbent U.S. Senator
Joseph Montoya, incumbent U.S. Senator
Olympia Snowe, incumbent U.S. Senator
Lawton Chiles, U.S. Senator since 1971
Mike Enzi (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
Jim Sasser, incumbent U.S. Senator since 1977
Wayne Morse (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
Dan Quayle, incumbent U.S. Senator since 1980
David I. Walsh, US Senator from 1919-1925.
Paul Wellstone* (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
Kay Bailey Hutchison, incumbent U.S. Senator
Frank Lautenberg, incumbent U.S. Senator since 1982
Tim Johnson (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
David Karnes - incumbent U.S. Senator since 1987.
Incumbent Republican U.S. Senator Daniel J.
Ted Kennedy (D)- Incumbent U.S. Senator
Pat Roberts (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
John Warner (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
John Chafee, U.S. Senator since 1976
David Durenberger, incumbent U.S. Senator since 1978
Russ Feingold, Junior U.S. Senator from Wisconsin
Mike Crapo (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
Alexander Stephens Clay, former U.S. Senator
Robert Morgan (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
Ted Stevens, incumbent U.S. Senator since 1970
Bob Graham (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
Howell Heflin, incumbent U.S. Senator since 1979
John C. Stennis, U.S. Senator since 1947
Chuck Grassley (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
Thomas Witherell Palmer, U.S. Senator from Michigan
Slade Gorton as Himself - former U.S. Senator
William V. Roth (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
David Pryor, incumbent U.S. Senator since 1979.
Jean Carnahan (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
Lincoln Chafee (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
Jeff Bingaman (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
John F. Kennedy, US Senator since 1953.
Jeff Sessions (R)- Incumbent U.S. Senator
Ron Wyden, incumbent U.S. Senator since 1996
Mark Pryor, U.S. Senator from Arkansas
Dick Durbin (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
Republican: Pete Wilson, U.S. Senator from California
Daniel Patrick Moynihan, incumbent U.S. Senator
Barbara Mikulski (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
David Vitter - U.S. Senator from Louisiana - '79
U.S. Senator Elihu Root was Permanent Chairman.
Gaylord Nelson, incumbent U.S. Senator since 1963.
U.S. Senator Kent Conrad won the election.
J. James Exon, incumbent U.S. Senator
Elizabeth Dole (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
Lisa Murkowski (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
Jim Inhofe (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
Pete Domenici (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
Max Baucus (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
Dan Coats (R), former U.S. Senator
Howard Cannon, incumbent U.S. Senator since 1959
Jim DeMint (Republican), incumbent U.S. Senator
U.S. Senator from Illinois, 1978 (Democratic primary
Daniel D. Pratt, U.S. Senator from Indiana
Freeman Walker - US Senator for Georgia.
Kit Bond, incumbent U.S. Senator since 1987
Conrad Burns (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
Ben Nelson (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
Alan J. Dixon, incumbent U.S. Senator
James De Wolf, U.S. Senator, slave trader
William Bradford, Lt. Governor, U.S. Senator
Wendell Ford (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
Republican U.S. Senator Charles Curtis won election
Joe Biden (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
Mitch McConnell (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
His nephew was U.S. Senator Frederick Steiwer.
Slade Gorton, incumbent U.S. Senator (1981-1987, 1989-)
Jerry Moran, U.S. Senator from Kansas
Jeff Sessions (R)-incumbent U.S. Senator
Fritz Hollings (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
Lowell Weicker - U.S. Senator (former Republican)
Cushman Kellogg Davis, U.S. Senator from Minnesota
John Glenn - incumbent U.S. Senator; former astronaut.
John Melcher - incumbent U.S. Senator (1977-1989).
Patrick Leahy (D), incumbent U.S. Senator
Jay Rockefeller - U.S. Senator from West Virginia
Paula Hawkins (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
Thad Cochran, incumbent U.S. Senator since 1978.
Tom Harkin (D) - Incumbent U.S. Senator
James Abdnor (R), incumbent U.S. Senator
Jack Reed (D), Incumbent U.S. Senator
Robert Vaughn as U.S. Senator Gary Parker
Dennis DeConcini, U.S. Senator since 1977
George McGovern (L), incumbent U.S. Senator
Blanche Lincoln (D), Incumbent U.S. Senator

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