




該当件数 : 28

value is already moving in caret..
It is a moving and remarkable triumph.
environment , active development is now moving to Google Code.
The D'Arsonval galvanometer is a moving coil ammeter.
An early memory is of moving to a new house in a council estate in Bilston
The Earth is simply moving around the sun faster every year."
Their flight pattern is slow, moving in and out of emergent vegetation.
The tool is kept moving to avoid producing a sharp edge at the region
The first tool is a moving average with a 120-day sliding phase-I-window.
Then, Dave Wyndorf is shown moving his hands around the Earth.
PODS, or Portable On Demand Storage is a moving and storage company.
, while a colorful animated background is seen moving behind her.
The Grey-headed Silverbill is gregarious, moving in small flocks and often mixing with African
In this case the magnetic mirror is a moving interstellar magnetized cloud.
e looking spectacular as Newman Crew is slowly moving up in the ranks.
The song is about moving on from a past relationship, which was the ove
NGC 6745A), the smaller one (NCG 6745B) is now moving away.
the Torrent Robin's preferred habitat is fast moving streams and rivers with protruding boulders.
start over, and he tells her he is considering moving to China.
The cloud is apparently moving towards the disk of the Milky Way at 73 ± 26 k
Because of this, WTVY is contemplating moving to a vacant Appliance Direct store on Ross Cla
ully grown to be an annual event and it is now moving to other cities around the world.
The anterior edge of a gill slit is motile, moving outward to allow water to exit, but closing to
ters, written and directed by Jane Darke, is a moving account of her husband's death and the grievin
ked that the trial was "ongoing, but is rather moving slowly."
hat destruction is wrought to others, is their moving cause.
pe of galvanometer mechanism still used is the moving coil D'Arsonval/Weston mechanism, which is use
building superintendent tells her there is no moving allowed on Sundays.

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