「refers」の共起表現(2語左で並び替え)11ページ目 - Weblio英語共起表現検索






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Aestivation or estivation, refers to the positional arrangement of the parts of
The oral tradition refers to the Paraguayan participation of hundreds of
poses the robots, whom the order disparagingly refers to as "clickers."
a cleavage, (α-cleavage) in organic chemistry, refers to the act of breaking the carbon-carbon bond,
In an organization, it refers to placing related roles or groups in a single
and gathering men to apprehend Orgetorix, but refers to them by the Latin terms civitas ("state" or
s that appear to be from an Ojibwe origin (but refers to "Jiibayaabooz/Mateguas" as if these are one
Cabrito is a word of Spanish origin, and refers specifically to young, milk-fed goat.
The name, of Old Welsh origin, probably refers to the Pen Dinas hill fort, anciently known as
The village name is Anglo Saxon in origin, and refers literally to boundary stone or marker stone.
Title of the original publication refers to it as a "Gradient Boosting Machine" (GBM).
The original name refers to a lost icon from a chapel which was found a
double answer song, as Eminem's original song refers to "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins.
The New Orleans diaspora refers to the population evacuated or forced to flee
e Bidwell Bar Bridge, in Oroville, California, refers to two suspension bridges which cross differen
uloskeletal medicine and orthopedics, "physis" refers to the region of a long bone between the epiph
Transit (BART) Police shooting of Oscar Grant refers to the fatal shooting of Oscar Grant by BART O
cosmology, baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) refers to an overdensity or clustering of baryonic ma
South Ossetia-Venezuela relations refers to bilateral foreign relations between the Rep
The Ostrashov Incident refers to the murder during World War II of Polish of
OTcl usually refers to an object oriented extension of Tcl created
d сач or сачѐ (sach/sache), on the other hand, refers to a flat clay plate, which is heated to a hig
Nanobiotechnology, on the other hand, refers to the ways that nanotechnology is used to cre
cal name is "manroot", which otherwise usually refers to the gourd genus Marah.
Reform attempts in the Ottoman Empire refers to the modernization efforts of the medieval a
Oulton Broad refers to both the lake and the suburb of Lowestoft i
The Cliffhanger comic book series Out There refers to a comic book series entitled Damn Nation, w
The outcome expectancy refers to a person's estimation that a given behavior
"Manga" as a term used outside Japan refers specifically to comics originally published in
Overeating generally refers to the long-term consumption of excess food in
's manager Greedy Greg, and in their own words refers to their desire to "fix music" - "We're fixing
ortant biological reaction of nitric oxide; it refers to the conversion of thiol groups, including c
The pabaon system refers to the money given to a retiring chief of staf
Beaune link, it already went to the page that refers solely to it as an area of wine production; pl
ut an end to the papal schism, but the page it refers to says it was ended decades earlier.
epithet is Latin for "dividing into pairs" and refers to the double arrangement of flowers which thi
however, the term "Mysore Palace" specifically refers to one within the old fort.
The Palaiologan army refers to the military forces of the Byzantine Empire
The name Palladian comes from Pallas and refers to wisdom and learning.
The Justus ut palma group refers to a family of melodically related Graduals in
While pantheism normally refers to one universal god, the Pandeism described b
Bilz y Pap also refers to the extraterrestrial red and yellow charact
of the band members photos on paper currency, refers to contemporary slang equating "bread" to mone
In the first paragraph it refers to conservatives as "fascists", a term meaning
The term parasympatholytic typically refers to the effect of a drug, although some poisons
Parent rock refers to the original rock from which something else
Parietal scale refers to the scales of a snake which are on the head
The National Park Service refers to it as a "fur depot."
Payne Park today refers to the 29-acre (120,000 m2) public park - the
County park known as North Hudson Park, which refers to the collective name of the municipalities i
In automotive parlance, windage refers to parasitic drag on the crankshaft caused by
the chargino is a hypothetical particle which refers to the mass eigenstates of a charged superpart
In particular, Kurofune refers to Mississippi, Plymouth, Saratoga, and Susque
In particular, it refers to transmissions Operation Chrome Dome B-52 cr
ding the sexual activity of one's partner, but refers instead to joy at the relationship with anothe
The passage Harrison refers to, however, corresponds to what English trans
day prayer book) comments on this passage: "It refers to vows assumed by an individual for himself a
Passive drinking, like passive smoking, refers to the damage done to others as a result of dr
Pavement dwellers refers to Mumbai dwellings built on the footpaths/pav
Payload agnosticism refers to the document type (e.g.
The term peak food refers to a time when food yields will be unable to s
Pearson also refers to 'Little-Go' in Cambridge in 1842 in his bio
he term peculiar motion (or peculiar velocity) refers to the motion of an object (usually a star) th
Peculiar motion or peculiar velocity refers to the true velocity of an object, relative to
Peer-to-peer renting refers to the process of an individual renting an own
ts nickname is "The Voice of the People" which refers to its populist official mission: to serve mid
People's Plan refers to the efforts made to involve the masses in t
The Peoria-to-Chicago Highway refers to an effort in the U.S. state of Illinois mad
The term perbromate also refers to a compound that contains the BrO−
Perhaps it refers to glass imitations of jewellery gemstones.
Pericline also refers to a doubly plunging anticline or syncline.
In contrast, hyperkalemic periodic paralysis refers to gain-of-function mutations in sodium channe
arm to derive from the Uralic word perm, which refers to "travelling merchants" and represents the O
Permanent cavity refers to the hole left by the passage of a projectil
The internally displaced person generally refers to one who is forced to migrate for reasons ot
ar piety (or popular religion, personal piety) refers to religious practices that arose and occur ou
Personalized search refers to search experiences that are tailored specif
With the situational perspective, Frame refers to the facts of reality or the objects of know
example of the Communist Party of Peru, which refers to its ideological line as "Marxism-Leninism-M
Pesticide drift refers to the unintentional diffusion of pesticides a
Luke 9:28-36) describe it, and 2 Peter 1:16-18 refers to it.
o called Grande Miquelon while Petite Miquelon refers to Langlade.
hould not be confused with petrocurrency which refers to the currencies of petroleum exporting natio
lso known as the Oil Age or the Petroleum Age, refers to the era in human history characterised by a
, also called vampire power, or phantom power, refers to the electricity consumed by many appliances
Pharaoh's Island refers to an island in the northern Gulf of Aqaba off
Pharyngeal constrictor refers to one of the muscles that serves to constrict
(also called the Pharyngoesophageal sphincter) refers to the superior portion of the esophagus.
Gas phase titration refers, generally, to any titration done in the gas p
The Prologus XLI of Historiae Philippicae also refers to the Scythian invasion of the Greek kingdom
me sensitivity to loud sounds Phonophobia also refers to an extreme form of misophonia. .
ES), also known as photoelectron spectroscopy, refers to energy measurement of electrons emitted fro
The phrase generally refers to Guinea (region) or the Sudan (region).
The character's name is a slang phrase which refers to someone who frequently adds bad news and ne
ying the race card is an idiomatic phrase that refers to the act of bringing the issue of race or ra
emism for sexual activity, but the phrase also refers to the funky style of bass guitar played by Ha
In physiology, electrotonus refers to the "passive" spread of charge inside a neu
In phytopathology, antagonism refers to the action of any organism that suppress or
iltration is a type of phytoremediation, which refers to the approach of using hydroponically cultiv
The Latin name roseus means rosy or pink, and refers to its flower petals.
Hyatt, whom Pinkerton inexplicably refers to as "Jinglepants," was hired by Apple Inc. t
ranslates into English as "Olive Oil Pit," and refers to the olive trees that grew in the village wh
Cuban-American rapper Pitbull often refers to himself as "Mr.
The term High Place also refers to the central portion of the Holy Table, wher
loosely translating as "a sense of place" that refers to the specific geographical and geological ch
The placename Llangynwyd refers to the hilltop village that has a church dedic
Bullhead squeeze (or just plain bullheading) refers to pumping kill-weight mud down the casing ben
The West Midlands Transport Plan 2000 refers to the corridor as "Corridor G".
Pluto is very much a 20th century planet and refers to the two world wars, and weapons of mass des
The name plastic crystal refers to the mechanical softness of such phases: the
Plated ware refers to articles chiefly intended for tableware con
ugh a name board on the disused platform still refers to Eglwysbach.
to as the Volkswagen Group T platform series, refers to several generations of motor vehicles from
Playstation mentality refers to the disassociation between combatants and t
Pluk. mant., refers to the third volume (London, 1700) of the firs
An acinus (adjective: acinar, plural acini) refers to any cluster of cells that resembles a many-
The name means "little pocket", and refers to pockets of land amongst the marsh wetlands
Rudyard Kipling's poem "Fuzzy-Wuzzy" refers to two battles in the Mahdist War, Tamai in 18
The poem's title refers to the fact that the soldiers have lost the ab
The title of the collection, the poet's first, refers not only to the water of birth but also to the
Poikilitic texture refers to crystals, typically phenocrysts, in an igne
(At this point, Clarkson refers to his car as a "Lancia Beta Coupe - superlegg
const * can be read as a mutable pointer that refers to a non-mutable integer, and int * const can
ming that they relate to government policy and refers her to the Minister.
tin for the same, similar to the pollex, which refers to the thumb, the corresponding digit of the h
Polychotomous key refers the number of alternatives which a decision po
e number 20 following the polyoxyethylene part refers to the total number of oxyethylene -(CH2CH2O)-
Weld pool commonly refers to the dime-sized workable portion of a weld w
Pop-up Yoga refers to a means of teaching the discipline of yoga
n lost to the barbarians and the pope's letter refers vaguely to the terminos (boundaries) of the Ap
The popular name refers to the event during the English Civil War when
The title of Porete's book refers to the simple soul which is united with God an
The Golden Age of Porn or porno chic refers to a period in the history of pornography, app
The 2007 Malaysian Porsche theft refers to the event on July 16, 2007 when a Porsche 9
Portability testing refers to the process of testing the ease with which
r to a particular religious position, Eagleman refers to himself as a Possibilian.
The post-Napoleonic depression refers to a post-war economic depression experienced
Post-translational regulation refers to the control of the levels of active protein
the poverty trap refers to the position when in-work income-tested ben
The Ferrybridge power stations refers to a series of three coal-fired power stations
Darlington power station refers to a series of two coal-fired power stations s
The Croydon power stations refers to a pair of demolished coal-fired power stati
In practice, helion refers to the stable helium-3 nucleus, in opposition
The Illinois Silicon Prairie typically refers to the Chicago and Champaign/Urbana areas.
The pre- portion refers to a signal sequence (signal peptide) which di
The prefix 'Fleet' refers to a stream in the parish, and was added to di
example, in an OS grid reference the prefix TL refers to the myriad 500 km east and 200 km north of
The prefix 'Hanging' refers to a steep hillside hanging above lower ground
Its present name refers to Anders Reimer (1727-1816), a hatter and mag
hook from aboriginal days to the present time) refers to the village by the name Glencadia, not Stuy
The present name refers to a Michel Hoper or Hopare, Hoper being of Du
Presentity usually refers to a human.
o. 204, 10 July 1995, in which President Ramos refers to 4 July 1946 as "Philippine-American Friends
The 1989 Turkish presidential election refers the election to choose the country's eight pre
The presiding officer refers to the Wallace case to suggest that we should
t of Bleeding creates what their press release refers to as a “paramedical funhouse” wherein puppets
of blood pressure is systolic pressure, which refers to the highest arterial pressure during each h
Presumably it refers to fresh water.
languages it is "Karakalpak"; presumably this refers to their national costume.
the Macula site's use of "show" pretty clearly refers to an art show, not television.
Since the previous para refers to Sam Warner, this could mean that Sam contri
Prieto Bances refers to the weavers who formerly were in Aces.
Primarily it refers to M. leucadendra, M. linariifolia, M. viridfl
Primary viremia refers to the initial spread of virus in the blood fr
te that the effect sparsity principle actually refers to the idea that only a few effects in a facto
'Whereas probablity overestimation refers to exaggerating the "likelihood" of an event,
rification forms a mineralization process that refers to the complete decomposition of organic mater
"Software product" normally refers to some kind of technical document.
A Prescription Monitoring Program typically refers to a state-run program (in the United States)
As used in the space program, this refers not to the orbit of the Moon about the Earth,
In object oriented programming, viscosity refers to the ease at which a developer can add desig
The project website refers to this content as the "lost history" of San F
Project GABRIEL refers to an investigation by the United States Atomi
n a UK version of the Innocence Project, which refers to a number of non-profit legal clinics in the
In the prologue, Meyer refers to the "Baring-Gould papers" as having caused
Prong setting refers to the use of metal projections or tines, call
The pronoun where refers to Counter-Reformation as if it was an area, a
l the Kwakwaka'wakw peoples, but properly only refers to this one group.
The prophet Ezekiel refers to a mina ('maneh' in the King James Version)
The word propiolactone usually refers to this compound, although it may also refer t
Adenovirus E1B protein usually refers to one of two proteins transcribed from the E1
ultiple ways, the term proteogenomics commonly refers to studies that use proteomic information, oft
Proto-Indo-European accent refers to the accentual system of Proto-Indo-European
Although a 'health care provider' usually refers to a physician, the term includes any medical
The designation PSR B1257+12 refers to its coordinates in the B1950.0
The Psychedelic era refers to the time of social, musical and artistic ch
In psychology, transduction refers to the nervous system.
ive complexity is a research psychometric that refers to the degree to which thinking and reasoning
Psychosomatic, however, refers to the mind's effect on the body.
PUA Training refers to this as a ‘bootcamp'.
A pulsar kick refers to the observed phenomenon that the neutron st
tor, also referred as Optical Pulse Generator, refers to a device that generates optical pulses (in
The title Ugly Things is a pun that refers to the band The Pretty Things.
c usage, the name "Jackson Purchase" typically refers only to the portion of the historical region i
The flowers are purple-the name refers to the red color of the leaves in autumn.
believed that the name Pycnanthemum flexuosum refers to this plant, but this does not appear to be
es was proved in Tetrahymena pyriformis, which refers to a phylogenetically well conserved structure
The Qasmi also refers to a person who has completed his Islamic educ
In Daffy Duck's Quackbusters, Daffy refers to the butler who is refusing to let him see t
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