英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


Types of Rights Comprising a Copyright...
【名詞】1ブタクサ類からなる(comprising the ragweeds)...
名詞circle suit(mahjong) The suit comprising of the 9 circle tiles....
形容詞decimestrial (not comparable)Comprising ten months.the decimestrial year of the Ancient Romans...
語源instanton +‎ -ic形容詞instantonic (not comparable)Of, pertaining to, or comprising instantons...
名詞zugshunstite (uncountable)(鉱物学) A mineral comprising mostly cerium and oxygen....
【名詞】1柔らかいサンゴを含む(comprising the soft corals)...
【名詞】1プロングホーンだけを含む(comprising only the pronghorns)...
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