英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


【名詞】1アイアイのみを含む(comprising solely the aye-aye)...
【名詞】1ツメバケイ類を含む(comprising the hoatzins)...
【名詞】1シギダチョウから成ること(comprising the tinamous)...
【名詞】1ツメバケイ類を含む(comprising the hoatzins)...
【名詞】1柔らかいサンゴを含む(comprising the soft corals)...
【名詞】1シギダチョウから成ること(comprising the tinamous)...
語源metallo- +‎ plastic形容詞metalloplastic (not comparable)Comprising both metal and plastic名詞meta...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/29 06:20 UTC 版)Ochrophyta is a group of mostly photosynthetic heterokonts. I...
固有名詞ChichamA small language family of northern Peru and eastern Ecuador, comprising the languages Sh...
固有名詞the Greek Orthodox ChurchA group of Eastern Orthodox churches comprising the churches of Constan...

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