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「Function (mathematics)」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/661件中)

Function (mathematics)...
名詞NOT function (複数形 NOT functions)(logic, mathematics) A function that is equivalent to the NOT oper...
名詞total function (複数形 total functions)(mathematics) A function.See Alsopartial function...
名詞holomorphism (複数形 holomorphisms)(mathematics) A holomorphic function...
名詞onto function (複数形 onto functions)(mathematics) Synonym of surjection...
名詞surjective function (複数形 surjective functions)(mathematics) Synonym of surjection...
名詞mass function(astronomy, mathematics) A relationship that describes the mass distribution.上位語f...
名詞antihyperbolic function (複数形 antihyperbolic functions)(mathematics) An inverse hyperbolic function...
名詞arc-hyperbolic function (複数形 arc-hyperbolic functions)(mathematics) An inverse hyperbolic function...
名詞constant function (複数形 constant functions)(mathematics) A function whose value is the same for all...
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