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「Happy Turn」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/144件中)

happy turn of expression...
訳語 It isn't necessary the case that a person is happy if they turn their hobby into their occupation...
【形容詞】1要点に対してよく表現された(well expressed and to the point)a happy turn of phrase うまい言い回し2幸運によって特徴づけられている(m...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/07/10 03:26 UTC 版)The Happy Time is a musical with music by John Kander, lyrics...
読み方 いいまわし名詞1(=言い廻した言葉)a turn of expression用例これはうまい言いまわしだThis is a happy turn of expression―a happy e...
読み方 いいまわし名詞1(=言い廻した言葉)a turn of expression用例これはうまい言いまわしだThis is a happy turn of expression―a happy e...
動詞turn the frown upside down (三人称単数 現在形 turns the frown upside down, 現在分詞 turning the frown upside d...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2011/10/24 17:22 UTC 版) 動詞to float someone's boat(idiomatic) To interest or appeal ...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2011/10/24 17:22 UTC 版) 動詞to float someone's boat(idiomatic) To interest or appeal ...
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