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「She won't come」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/281件中)

As I thought, she probably won't come here....
It seems she won't come to school today....
She still won't wake up.;She still won't open her eyes to the reality.;She still won't come to her s...
動詞come to handTo become available, often unexpectedly, or randomly.She fought off the intruder with ...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/29 15:40 UTC 版)Gertrud von Le Fort (October 11, 1876, Minden - November 1, 1...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/07/25 00:11 UTC 版)Loretta Young (January 6, 1913 – August 12, 2000) was an Amer...
語源spank +‎ -able形容詞spankable (comparative more spankable, superlative most spankable)Suitable for sp...
動詞come correct (三人称単数 現在形 comes correct, 現在分詞 coming correct, 過去形 came correct, 過去分詞 come correct)(A...
発音IPA(key): /kləʊst/形容詞clostPronunciation spelling of close.1904, Rex Beach, Pardners‎[1]:...
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