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「Sunflower seeds」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/46件中)

名詞sunflower seedsplural of sunflower seed...
名詞sunflower oil (複数形 sunflower oils)A vegetable oil, pressed from sunflower seeds, and used in cooki...
名詞sunflower bread (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 sunflower breads)(cooking) A type of bread made fro...
【名詞】1ヒマワリの種からとった油(oil from sunflower seeds)...
読み方:へりおぷしすしゅし、へリオプシスシュシOrange sunflower seeds...
読み方:へりおぷしすしゅし、へリオプシスシュシOrange sunflower seeds...
読み方:へりおぷしすしゅし、へリオプシスシュシOrange sunflower seeds...
【動詞】1(地面の)中に、または、上に種を置く(place seeds in or on (the ground))sow the ground with sunflower seeds 地面にヒマワ...
名詞suet cake (複数形 suet cakes)A nutritional supplement for wild birds, commonly made of sunflower seed...
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