英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「act out」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/4027件中)

act out a detective story...
play [act out, enact] a fighting scene...
名詞freak-out (複数形 freak-outs)The act of freaking out....
an act of treachery; a breach of faith; 《口語》 a sell‐out...
【名詞】1裏返しにする行為(the act of turning inside out)...
訳語 Go wrong;Go out of tune;Act up...
動詞acts outthird-person singular simple present indicative form of act outアナグラムoutcast...
名詞flame-out (複数形 flame-outs)The act of flaming out or burning out; extinguishing.The act of quitting...
名詞extravenation (複数形 extravenations)The act of letting blood out of the veins関連する語extravenate...
語源out- +‎ competition名詞outcompetition (uncountable)The act of outcompeting, or outdoing a riva...
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