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「boiled sweet」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/83件中)

名詞fruit dropsplural of fruit drop (“boiled sweet”)...
読み方 かんろに形容詞相当語句Sweet-boiled...
読み方 かんろに形容詞相当語句Sweet-boiled...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2014/11/02 17:22 UTC 版)名詞boiled sweetsplural form of boiled sweet...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2014/04/15 15:12 UTC 版)名詞boiled sweet (複数形 boiled sweets)(英国用法) A hard sweet, made ...
名詞acidulated drop (複数形 acidulated drops)Synonym of acid drop (“kind of boiled sweet”)...
名詞pear drop (複数形 pear drops)A pear-shaped boiled sweet with fruit flavouring....
読み方:かんしょむしきりぼし、カンショムシキリボシSweet potato chips (boiled)...
読み方:かんしょむしきりぼし、カンショムシキリボシSweet potato chips (boiled)...
読み方:かんしょむしきりぼし、カンショムシキリボシSweet potato chips (boiled)...
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