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「catalyst chemistry」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/82件中)

名詞phase-transfer catalyst (複数形 phase-transfer catalysts)(chemistry) A catalyst that migrates a react...
語源sono- +‎ catalyst名詞sonocatalyst (複数形 sonocatalysts)(chemistry) A catalyst that is aided by u...
語源The first published preparation was reported by V. Voorhees and Roger Adams.名詞Adams's catalyst (un...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/11/23 22:37 UTC 版) 語源nano- +‎ catalyst 名詞nanocatalyst (複数形 nanocatalysts)...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/11/22 18:15 UTC 版)語源pre- +‎ catalyst名詞precatalyst ‎(複数形 precatalysts)(chemistr...
語源Named after Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta.名詞Ziegler-Natta catalyst (複数形 Ziegler-Natta catalysts)(c...
名詞Beckmann solution (複数形 unknown または uncertain)(chemistry) A mixture of acetic acid, hydrochloric ac...
語源Developed by the company Wacker Chemie, owned by the Wacker family.固有名詞Wacker process(chemistry) T...
語源auto- +‎ poisoning名詞autopoisoning (複数形 autopoisonings)(chemistry) The inhibition of a catalyst by ...
語源enantio- +‎ induction名詞enantioinduction (複数形 enantioinductions)(chemistry) The enantiocontrol of a...
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