英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


別の表記inmineō語源From in- +‎ *mineō, from Proto-Indo-European *men- (“to stand out”).発音(Classical)...
語源sub- +‎ sum名詞subsum (複数形 subsums)(mathematics) The sum of a subset of values.Latin語源From sub...
語源From ex- (“out of”) +‎ veniō (“come”).発音(Classical) IPA(key): /eːˈu̯e.ni.oː/, [eːˈu̯ɛnio...
語源From in- (“after”) +‎ stō (“to stand”). The meaning developed from “stand behind” to “pursue...
別の表記tentō語源Probably from the iterative or frequentative suffix -tō attached to a base derived someho...
語源 1From ad- +‎ cadō (“fall”).発音(Classical) IPA(key): /ˈak.ki.doː/, [ˈäkːɪd̪oː](Ecclesiast...
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