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「cream soda」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/56件中)

《drink》 an ice cream soda...
名詞cream soda (usually uncountable, 複数形 cream sodas)Soda water flavoured with vanilla etc.参考ice-cream...
名詞ice-cream sodasplural of ice-cream soda...
名詞ice-cream soda (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 ice-cream sodas)Alternative form of ice cream soda...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2013/10/24 04:12 UTC 版)名詞cream sodasPlural form of cream soda...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/03/03 21:06 UTC 版)A&W Cream Soda is a cream soda carbonated soft drink introduc...
語源From Coca Cola+float. From being a drink composed of something floating in cola.名詞coke float (複数形 ...
1〈食品〉creamクリーム状のcreamycreamlike生クリームfresh cream.2〈化粧品〉《face, hand》 creamクリームをつけるcream 《one's face》ap...
名詞root beer float (複数形 root beer floats)A dessert consisting of root beer poured over vanilla ice cr...
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