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「damn well」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/107件中)

別の表記damned well副詞damn well (not comparable)Emphatically; certainly.You know damn well that you shoul...
アクセントdámned wéll《俗語》 =DAMN well 【成句】....
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2017/04/16 15:53 UTC 版)副詞darn well (not comparable)mild form of damn well...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2011/02/03 00:28 UTC 版) 副詞goddamned well (not comparable)Alternative form of damn w...
別の表記(person from northern US who moves south): damyankee, damnyankee名詞damn Yankee (複数形 damn Yankees)...
spit out用例「勝手にしろ」と父は吐き捨てるように言った. “Do as you damn well please," his father spat out at him....
spit out用例「勝手にしろ」と父は吐き捨てるように言った. “Do as you damn well please," his father spat out at him....
副詞bloody well (not comparable)Damn well.1976, Brian Callison, Trapp’s War,[1] Saturday Review Press,...
音節damn発音記号dǽm変化~s{~z}; ~ed{~d}; ~・ingののしる;けなす(nは発音しない)動詞他...
別の表記(euphemistic) give a darncare a damn動詞give a damn (三人称単数 現在形 gives a damn, 現在分詞 giving a damn, 過...
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