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「data storage unit」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/42件中)

data storage,data storage unit,data storage equipment...
data storage unit (DSU),data storage equipment (DSE),DSE (data storage equipment),DSU (data storage ...
名詞allocation unit (複数形 allocation units)(computing) Synonym of cluster (“data storage unit”)...
対訳 ページ解説In virtual memory systems, a unit of data storage that is brought into random access memory ...
対訳 データ ブロック解説In text, ntext, and image data, a data block is the unit of data transferred at one tim...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/05/05 06:07 UTC 版)Voyage Data Recorder, or VDR, is a data recording system desi...
対訳 ワード解説The native unit of storage on a particular machine. A word is the largest amount of data tha...
読み方 シュキオクソウチmain internal memory; main storage; main storage unit; primary memory; primary storage; ...
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