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「facial features」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/119件中)

名詞facial feature (複数形 facial features)A distinguishing element of a face, such as an eye, nose, or l...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2008/09/12 21:50 UTC 版) 名詞facial featuresPlural form of facial feature....
a physiognomist; a person who tells somebody's fortune from his facial features....
語源facio- +‎ -metrics名詞faciometrics (uncountable)The measurement of facial features関連する語faciome...
語源morpho- +‎ psychology名詞morphopsychology (uncountable)The supposed correspondence between facial fe...
形容詞weasel-faced (comparative more weasel-faced, superlative most weasel-faced)Having lean, sharp fac...
読み方:にんそううらない文法情報(名詞)対訳 physiognomy; divination by facial features...
読み方:にんそううらない文法情報(名詞)対訳 physiognomy; divination by facial features...
読み方:かおのどうぐ文法情報(表現、名詞)対訳 facial features...
読み方:かおのどうぐ文法情報(表現、名詞)対訳 facial features...
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