英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


語源un- +‎ fractious形容詞unfractious (comparative more unfractious, superlative most unfractious)N...
bilious; choleric; fractious; irascible; peevish; petulant; testy; touchy...
fractious; impossible; incorrigible; intractable; mad; obstreperous; rambunctious; rampant; refracto...
acid; atrabilious; bilious; crabbed; dour; fastidious; finicky; fractious; grouchy; morose; peevish;...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2007/10/03 22:50 UTC 版) 副詞fractiously (comparative more fractiously, superlative mo...
【形容詞】1運転において、予想以上に難しい(unpredictably difficult in operation)rockets were much too fractious to be tes...
読み方 ぎょしがたき形容詞相当語句Unmanageable (husband or wife); ungovernable (passions); uncontrollable (temper); i...
読み方 ぎょしがたき形容詞相当語句Unmanageable (husband or wife); ungovernable (passions); uncontrollable (temper); i...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/24 19:02 UTC 版)There was a great deal of public opinion and activism in the ...
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