英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「graduate study」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/249件中)

Joint Center for Graduate Study...
Joint Center for Graduate Study...
JCGS (Joint Center for Graduate Study),Joint Center for Graduate Study (JCGS)...
読み方 せんこう名詞Special study:(=する) to make a special study of, make a specialty of, make a study of (a su...
読み方 せんこう名詞Special study:(=する) to make a special study of, make a specialty of, make a study of (a su...
語源non- +‎ graduation名詞nongraduation (uncountable)(education) Failure to graduate from a course...
I am thinking about continuing this study even if I graduate from this school....
【名詞】1医学の学位を取得するための学問を提供する大学院(a graduate school offering study leading to a medical degree)...
【名詞】1医学の学位を取得するための学問を提供する大学院(a graduate school offering study leading to a medical degree)...
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