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「have an operation」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/507件中)

To have an appendix operation....
He will have an operation.;He will have a surgery....
have [go through, undergo] an operation...
have [ undergo] plastic surgery [an orthopedic operation]...
We will have an informal gathering and invite Mr. Yamamoto as a guest, who is a lecture of a seminar...
読み方:しゅじゅつをうける文法情報(表現、動詞一段活用)対訳 to undergo surgery; to have an operation...
orthopedic surgery; 〈美容整形〉 plastic surgery整形手術を受けるhave [【形式ばった表現】 undergo] plastic surgery [an ortho...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/01 06:53 UTC 版)Operation Colombo was an operation undertaken by the DINA (th...
【医学】 rejection; 〈比喩的〉 《have》 an allergy 《to studying》用例移植手術後まもなく拒絶反応が始まった. Rejection set in soon aft...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/16 01:52 UTC 版)Operation Eagle Claw (or Operation Evening Light or Operation...
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